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stressed out feeling of not wanting to go

Guest donnie

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Guest donnie

packing our boxes to send this week and this horrible feeling of not wanting to do this is setting in that never had before now. Just selling things and not being able to bring things with us is hard. Hope next week is better for me!

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Guest SunshineSmile
packing our boxes to send this week and this horrible feeling of not wanting to do this is setting in that never had before now. Just selling things and not being able to bring things with us is hard. Hope next week is better for me!


All perfectly natural... please remember the things you are selling are exactly that .... just "things" .... you can always buy more "things"


You cant buy the adventure or the wonderful life experiences you are about to have..

Chin up, its just part of letting go of your old life and moving forward to your new one that is waiting for you!


Best of luck, its all good :hug:

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Guest ClaireT

Hi Donnie,


I know exactly how you feel, I was at that stage last month but it gets better and relief kicked in once all my stuff was packed up and away. We are now in Perth and have been for ten days and everything that I was stressed about is in the past. Hope next week is better for you


Claire x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Its only natural, it is a massive thing you are doing, we are the same and we haven't committed to a date yet and i am desperate to go, but ............. i have doubts and negative thoughts, its human nature, best of luck.

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Donnie,


Others have said it all, just giving you a wee hug:hug:.


Which state are you going to?


Susie x

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Its only natural. The weird feeling for us was the two days we had when our stuff had been picked up for shipping, just before we left, and we lived on the floor in a completely empty house....except for two backpacks.


Honestly, as soon as we got to Australia though, all that went away, you will soon swtch to Adventure mode, which is great fun.

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Guest donnie

Hi we are going to brisbane, thanks all for the positive assurance. Today is even better but thanks again! Boxes are packed ready to go..:jiggy:

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Hi Donnie


Just sending you a big hug. It really is an emotional rollercoaster and what you are feeling is absolutely normal. You are taking a big leap into the unknown and that is quite a daunting feeling at times.


I hope the more positive feeling you have today keeps on going for you.






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Guest buttercupv

I'm a complete horder, I am trying to get rid of things now and I haven't even completed my visa yet. I'm sure it will feel hard.


Try to think of all the things you gain and not the things you've lost xxxxxxxx

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lets see, all those thinds you moaned about in the uk dont seem anywhere near as bad?

suddenly the weather brighens?

news turns out to be all good overnight?

someone close reveals they wish you werent going?

your life wasnt so bad after all in the uk?

the money spentcould have been used for a relaxed life here?




all perfectly natural feelings just before you leave, but once in oz, all gets better.


live life


:cool:stay cool

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Guest VickyMel
packing our boxes to send this week and this horrible feeling of not wanting to do this is setting in that never had before now. Just selling things and not being able to bring things with us is hard. Hope next week is better for me!



Another :hug:


I've been up and down a few times - I have even run out to the bin a couple of times and bought things back in the house!


I threw away my seed collection the other day - that really hurt - except for my beautiful & massive baobab seeds they went to a friend.


Stupidly sold the coffee table yesterday - too early - and now we are resting our things on a polystyrene cool box. Luckily we have always been intending to move so nothing big is that essential.

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