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Just accepted a job offer from a company in Sydney! Need some advice please!

Guest wesleynicks

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Guest wesleynicks

Hi there everyone!


I have just accepted a job offer from a company located in Sydney and cant wait to get over!:jiggy:


I have a few questions and would relish any help/input you can provide :-


-What is the general process that you need to go through for the 457 visa and what you need to provide etc?


-I am relocating without any assistance so would like to what you would recommend and how other people have typically gone about finding somewhere to live before or after arriving in Australia? Do you think I should find somewhere to rent before arriving or stay in a hotel etc and then find somewhere?


-Where would you recommend living - area, etc.


-Do you have to do tax returns or is it similar to the UK where the tax is taken out of your salary?


Any help or advice would be appreciated! Thank you!!:smile:

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Westleynicks,


A warm welcome to Poms In Oz.


Feel free to post your question also under the NSW thread and also the Migration Thread.


Enjoy the forum.


Susie x

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It has been a couple of years since we completed the paperwork for the 457, but from memory we had to provide certified copies of all of our passports, marriage certificate, birth certificates, CV's, evidence of qualifications, character references (I think), passport photos, our children had to have medicals because they were going to both be at school/in childcare. Oh and I just needed to have chest x-rays. Your prospective employer needs to nominate the position, and then you apply for the visa.


We stayed in a hotel for the first night, then we had arranged a rental for the first six months from the UK. We did that because we have two small children and didn't want to be unsure about where we were going to live. Had it been just oh and I, we would have stayed in a holiday let or a serviced apartment for a few weeks until things were sorted out. Have a look at www.stayz.com.au, www.realestate.com.au, www.domain.com.au.


Area to live in depends hugely on exactly where you will be workng, budget and what sort of area you want. Sydney is a very big place! Have a look at www.cityrail.com.au for train services.


Tax gets taken from your pay, then at the end of the financial year (end June) you have to fill in a tax return and either claim back the overpay or pay the underpay. Hubby usually gets $600-$1000 back, usually takes about two weeks to get the money. You need to apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) when you first get here, which is how the tax man traces you! Your employer will need this to pay you. We applied online, but I am not sure if you can still do this. Take a look at www.ato.gov.au.


Hope this helps a bit.

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Guest zildogh



do you know if i would still need to go through the TRA process if i got a 457 employer sponsored visa? Newbie question....



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