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how to add our baby to sub class 136 p.p cheaply ?

Guest speedbird

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Guest speedbird



Do we really have to pay DIMA Aud 1,100.00 to get a sub class 136 P.R visa for our baby daughter ? we are living in UK now and relocating in october. This seems extorsion at best :mad:and they want 3 months to process it and medicals etc.


we are thinking of just bringing her with us on a tourist visa and then as we are staying indefinitiley it is not really our problem. anyone know how to reduce this horrible cost ?

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As far as I know, it's actually more expensive than $1100 and I very much doubt if there's any way around paying for the appropriate visa.


i would have thought that you need to apply for a subclass 101 Child visa @ $1735 if you're offshore or an 802 Child visa @ $ 2575 if you apply onshore.


Don't imagine that "it is not really our problem" if you bring her on a Tourist visa and then allow her to stay (i.e. overstay) without bothering to do the right thing and get the correct permanent visa for her. You are asking for very serious problems for the child in the future if you adopt that attitude.

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Guest Guest31881

I cannot see any way around it, if you just come with her on a tourist visa then you will have to explain to emigration why you have PR visa but child is on tourist, if they let you in the country and you try to keep the child here as an overstay, then you risk your visas being cancelled and you all having to leave Australia

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Do we really have to pay DIMA Aud 1,100.00 to get a sub class 136 P.R visa for our baby daughter ? we are living in UK now and relocating in october. This seems extorsion at best :mad:and they want 3 months to process it and medicals etc.


we are thinking of just bringing her with us on a tourist visa and then as we are staying indefinitiley it is not really our problem. anyone know how to reduce this horrible cost ?



I think you'll find it is your problem that your daughter would be an illegal immigrant and you have aided her to become so. When discovered you'd all be thrown out of the country, PR or not with a probable ban thrown in for good measure!


Oh and without a visa status she would not be entitled to an education or medicare and you could not claim child care benefits!


There is no way to reduce the cost. If you'd have had your daughter in Australia she would have been a citizen as you have PR. But you didnt and shes not so you have to pay for a child visa which costs $1,735 off shore and $2575 on shore + medicals & police checks.

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Do we really have to pay DIMA Aud 1,100.00 to get a sub class 136 P.R visa for our baby daughter ? we are living in UK now and relocating in october. This seems extorsion at best :mad:and they want 3 months to process it and medicals etc.


we are thinking of just bringing her with us on a tourist visa and then as we are staying indefinitiley it is not really our problem. anyone know how to reduce this horrible cost ?


The 136 visa has been replaced with the 175/6 visas and your daughter isn't going to get one of those unless she is a skilled migrant.


We all have our own individual visas, so the concept of "adding someone" to a visa is fundamentally flawed. It is possible to add someone to a visa application before it has been granted but adding someone to a visa ... never.


You need to get a child visa for your daughter and my goodness it is your problem. She would be an illegal immigrant and are you planning to never leave the country again? Would you want to be an illegal immigrant? I assume no, so why is this good enough for your daughter. If you can afford to relocate to Australia then you can afford a visa for the youngest member of the family.

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