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When did you tell your UK employer?


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Just wondered when people here told their UK employer of their emigration plans?


Where I work, people are asked to leave immediately as soon as they've handed in their notice which is great in a way as you get paid for a month without having to turn up!


However, I know some other people who have emigrated to New Zealand who told their employer in order to get references etc. around 4 months before they wanted to leave. This also allowed the employer to find a replacement and get them trained up in ample time.


I'm also hoping my employer would be able to help with shipping our stuff as we already import and export tonnes of stuff all over the world. If they wont help that wont be a problem but I can always dream ! :laugh:

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My OH told the office managers nothing,he has spoken to them of his desire to move to oz after our holiday there last year. I think they have known he will leave eventually as he has been offered no training lately! Most employers require 4 weeks notice.

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I was up front that I wanted to emigrate but that it was likely to be some time happening – at least a year and might not happen at all. This meant they had got used to the idea (and probably thought it was just a pipe dream) when things actually started to move. It worked for me as it meant people at work were on my side, seeing my dream come true. Obviously, different employers might have different perspectives.

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Unfortunately, as a nurse, I had to ask my manager for a statement about my competencies in work to be included in my nursing skills assessment, so they have known for 18 months. For some people that works out ok, for me, I've not been sent on any training courses, even mandatory annual ones, and any requests for such were met with, "sure you're leaving anyway". Lots of other requests have been met with similar responses. Thank goodness I only have 5 shifts left.


I'd personally leave it as long as possible to tell them, or make it very vague like you are exploring options but nothing is set in stone.

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I told my employer I was emigrating as I handed in my notice. My employer had been very good to me and I was sad to be leaving them and they were sorry to be losing me. I helped them find a replacement. But ultimately, my employer has to make business decisions that are based on who they believe are committed to be around. Once they know you are *thinking* of going, their focus changes.

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I was fortunate in that I applied for the visa after I had already left my employer, so references weren't awkward and then I did contracting until it was time to leave. So that worked out fine as well.


My husband provided the standard notice period.

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Guest perth42

I've been up front with mine told them 5yrs ago bit still here... My boss knows we've lodged and are waiting for this time good news soon... My circumstances are different, I am getting made redundant July 2010 thanks to con dems!! But if we are still here my contract will be extended to tie up office and finalise yr end returns. My OH mentioned it to the hr boss @ his place as needed a statement for skills assessment. That was well over a yr ago and no doubt forgotten about it or think he's all talk. No one else in his work place knows.


You know your boss better than I do but if you explain it's a very long, slow and drawn out process I'm sure you may experience the same sort of things we have. Good luck with what you plan to do.

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Guest Stevebel
Just wondered when people here told their UK employer of their emigration plans?


I work in Germany, and I'm a freelance contractor so technically I'm self employed, but my wife and I both work here on very long-term contracts.


I told the big boss here in January 2010, when I first started seriously looking at setting the wheels in motion. He happily wrote me a glowing reference and signed off on a project report for my ACS skills evaluation.


I told him at the time that the actual move wouldn't be until (European) summer 2011, and asked him to keep it to himself.


So far as I know, he's done that, but then he's a great guy so I wouldn't expect anything less.


The whole process is also completely up in the air for me of course - the changes in February, and again in June/July and now more for July next year have left me frazzled and I'll be looking for a 457 instead.


I've just been given another 6 month contract here. I usually get 12 months, and that reflects the fact that if I'm lucky enough to secure a job offer in Australia when I start looking in the new year then I'll probably still leave in the summer.


If it doesn't work out, I'll stay here.


BUT I'm exceptionally lucky in that regard :yes:

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Unfortunately, as a nurse, I had to ask my manager for a statement about my competencies in work to be included in my nursing skills assessment, so they have known for 18 months. For some people that works out ok, for me, I've not been sent on any training courses, even mandatory annual ones, and any requests for such were met with, "sure you're leaving anyway". Lots of other requests have been met with similar responses. Thank goodness I only have 5 shifts left.


I'd personally leave it as long as possible to tell them, or make it very vague like you are exploring options but nothing is set in stone.


We were fortunate as my OH who is a nurse had taken a temporary contract for 6 months so we planned Oz for when that finished. I have been up front with my employer...I also work in health care and they were great. I told them as soon as the visa came through therefore giving them plenty of notice to find a replacement. I guess you have to be the best judge depending on what your relationship with your manager is like.


Sorry you weren't as lucky Angela.....where abouts in Brisbane are you going to? I have my last working day tomorrow and its going to be a bit sad :cry: but the opportunity of a new life in Oz is too tempting!!!:wink:

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Sorry you weren't as lucky Angela.....where abouts in Brisbane are you going to?


We're planning on renting south of the river, initially we are looking at areas around Coorparoo due to there being a good public transport network in that area, though we have not settled on anywhere definite and will probably look at further out suburbs 6 months to a year down the line. How about yourselves?

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We decided to move over on March 2011. We booked our flights as soon as they came out in April 2010.


The next day I went to work and told them my plans. They have been very appreciative of the 11 months 'unofficial' verbal notice. It has allowed then them good time to start an appretice who will be my eventual replacement.


I am handing in my writtien notice in when I start back after Christmas.

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Hi Folks, I told my managers as soon as we made our minds up that we were going to go for it. It was at a time that our department / service ( addictions nurse), was undergoing re-design. I felt it was better to be upfront and honest. Despite this I found myself in a promoted position, several weeks later, and think the managers appreciated my honesty. I was delighted that they still went ahead and promoted me, made me feel valued.

Good luck however you go about it.

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Guest BrightonBoys

Evening, I have made secret at work that one day I would be moving down under! When we started back in September I told my team that I was starting the process and the day the Embassy took my money I told my boss that I would in the very near future be handing in my notice.


Nothing was really then said until I handed my notice in ( I have to give 3 months notice and have to leave at a term break!!)

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We're planning on renting south of the river, initially we are looking at areas around Coorparoo due to there being a good public transport network in that area, though we have not settled on anywhere definite and will probably look at further out suburbs 6 months to a year down the line. How about yourselves?


My OH who is also called Angela and has a job in Robina...looks like our temporary accommodation will be around Burleigh Heads...think we will then look around Robina/Varsity Lakes.


Have you already got a job to goto? I haven't a job at present but OH will be earning a wage almost straight away. When do you fly out? We go on the 23rd January and it's really starting to sink in how much stuff I still need to do!!! Trying not to panic :wacko:

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Guest WA Jezza

Hi all, i told mine as soon as i decided to follow my dream and apply, i went straight to see my MD and told him of my plans, he has been 100% supportive and offered me as much help as i need and told me that i will have a job as long as my application takes, guess i am very lucky but have always been up front and often think it is the best way.


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