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Returning to Oz with 136 visa HELP!

Smith Tribe

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Hi all, Can anyone help please! We have a 136 permanent visa issued early Nov 2007, we left for Oz Dec 2007, stayed in Oz until April 2010 then returned back to UK. We are returning to Oz in Jan 2011, but l was wondering can we just continue where we left off and use the 2years and 4 months already in Oz and then count from there up to four years and then apply for citizenship. Apparently if we return before we have been in UK for a year we don't loose the time we have already done but just add on how long we have been away for until it makes 4 years. Also does anyone know if you have to do your four years and apply for citizenship before your 136 visa runs out, thats is Nov 2012, confused.com please help

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You might be able to use the previous time, but you need to do some very accurate counting up of days outside Australia, including holidays during the last stint and any more you might take this time. If in total it all adds up to over a year then you will need to start the clock again. There is a citizenship calculator on the Australian citizenship website to help you work this out. I think there could be a rule about number of days outside Australia in the last 12 months as well as overall but not sure.


If you don't get citizenship before the visa expires you get a residents return visa.

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Thanks ) i rang the visa company who we used to get visa, they said you have to do four years for citizenship but we only need to renew visa if leaving Australia to go overseas if our visa had expired. They asked me to look at website you suggested and they said provided you have not been out of country for more than 12months and you need to be in Oz a full year before applying (so in total four years). That means we will be eligible for citizenship in Oct 2012 providing we don't go overseas and go over that 12 month time or go within the fourth year. I think ive got it! Very technical( Oh well! thanks again

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