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Guest Working to fish
Comme je l'ai dit, j'aime la culture française :-)






how rude <and here i am giveing advice to tosser like you free of charge

. not Worthy.




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Guest The Ropey HOFF

For a better future for my kids.

Better job opportunities.

Better fantastic huge affordable housing.

Live near the sea.

The weather.

The beaches.

A pool.

A jacuzzi.

Outdoor lifestyle.

Barbecues when we want.

To see the wildlife.

To visit the fantastic sights and places.

Get away from the horrible long winters.

Sit out relaxing on big comfy recliners, most of the year, having a drink.

To live in a low crime area, not a major issue, but still a reason.


And last but not least, to have the chance to move up 23 places in the worlds best places to live, to number 2, sounds like................ NIRVANA.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
how rude <and here i am giveing advice to tosser like you free of charge

. not Worthy.





I was jesting fish, the only French i know, is Sarkozy is a TW*T. :laugh:

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Guest Working to fish
I was jesting fish, the only French i know, is Sarkozy is a TW*T. :laugh:



Um ,english is hard for me ,but what french is this :idea:

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Guest BrightonBoys

And finally, because I'm bored with the same old thing, and I want an adventure.:smile:



For us it is several reasons....


Michael wants to move back home, we nearly lost his father last year, and it made him release just hiow much he wants to be home. (my parents are much younger!)


It was time to do something before we got stuck in a rut going nowhere.


The weather, when I am there I have less health issues (ie virtually no asthma and very little arthritis pain)


And wot crispy said as well!!

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what's your reasons tonyman?


Aldo , i have so many reason.........i came here 25 yrs ago as a young punk......for 12 months and decided then that Australia and what it has to offer was for me ...........yrs later with a wife 3 girls and many houses and lots of hard work and always getting kicked in the teeth of the government when i asked for something and all the crime going on ....my wife then said yes ,its time to get out.......came here had twins(made in Oz) and never looked back .....the lifestyle is fantastic....everything about it........yes i miss family and man city but we are very fortunate that our parents can afford to come whenever they want and city are always on the box(and corrie) and we will soon be citizens....how bout you Aldo whats your story......

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

It rained all the time where Aldo was, so he decided to go to Spain................ it stopped raining when he left. lol

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Aldo , i have so many reason.........i came here 25 yrs ago as a young punk......for 12 months and decided then that Australia and what it has to offer was for me ...........yrs later with a wife 3 girls and many houses and lots of hard work and always getting kicked in the teeth of the government when i asked for something and all the crime going on ....my wife then said yes ,its time to get out.......came here had twins(made in Oz) and never looked back .....the lifestyle is fantastic....everything about it........yes i miss family and man city but we are very fortunate that our parents can afford to come whenever they want and city are always on the box(and corrie) and we will soon be citizens....how bout you Aldo whats your story......


why i am here or why i went to aus@?

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It rained all the time where Aldo was, so he decided to go to Spain................ it stopped raining when he left. lol


I know!! I thought i couldn't get any wetter..... then i read this!!! # October was Brisbane's wettest month in 38 years | Courier Mail 2 Nov 2010 ... Brisbane has recorded its wettest October in 38 years, while Mt Bellenden Ker, 60km south of Cairns, set an Australian record, ... October was Brisbane's wettest month in 38 years | Courier Mail ► # Queensland records wettest summer in six years | Courier Mail BRISBANE has recorded its wettest summer in six years, ... This summer's ... Queensland records wettest summer in six years | Courier Mail Show more results from couriermail.com.au (insert shocked smiley here)

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Well, all of the above reasons and a few of my own. Latest one to add to the list is that I have discovered that I am at risk of developing Osteoporosis, and the doctor said to me "you need to move to a warmer climate to increase your vitamin D intake" I think therefore Australia seems to fit the bill!!!


I am seriously bored of waiting now tho, but Hubby is a planner and organiser so we wait until he is happy with his organising! Patience.....Its a virtue you know!




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why you in spain and on here probs .......whats the story .......these lguys probs know but in fairly new so bit green...................


I was working for Davis Langdon - Global construction consultants - Cost Management and they decided to move our department to Birmingham and didn't fancy it so took a bung and left. My sister was living in Marbella and heavily pregnant when the dome thing kicked off and her fella was nicked and locked up in Madrid so we went to give her a bit of support and security (paps climbing over the walls ). anyway apart from all the greif we quite liked the life style so thought we'd give it a go. about 7 yeears in i got itchy feet and remembered what a great time i had backpacking in Australia and thought we'd give it a try. Tried it - didn't like it so returned here with a completley different outlook on life.

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Guest Bokkiegirl

Well we are in South African and I am sure everyone knows what the story is here...


For those that don't: Crime firstly. I am sick and tired of not having a life here. For my kids to not be able to play outside in the street, we can't go to parks, we can't do most things at night as it's unsafe. We live in our own prisons (burglar bars and security gates, high walls with electric fencing, armed security with alarms etc.


A few bad things have happened to our family, worst being that robbers came into my then 3yr old's creche, pulled out their guns, came to me with a gun pointed at my head and demanded my car. This in front of my daughter as well as a whole creche of small kids.


We are longing for a life where we are "free" to walk outside to a park, sit on the beach and not be robbed or killed or raped, be able to do anything without constantly being on guard..


Also with the way things are going in RSA there is very little future for whites. This is not just about race etc - there just literally is no work if your skin colour is of a lighter shade. In my husbands' company they were informed of no more white promotions (big international company), white kids struggle to get accepted to university's (even with excellent marks).


Can go on forever about this kind of thing, but these are our main reasons :)

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Well we are in South African and I am sure everyone knows what the story is here...


For those that don't: Crime firstly. I am sick and tired of not having a life here. For my kids to not be able to play outside in the street, we can't go to parks, we can't do most things at night as it's unsafe. We live in our own prisons (burglar bars and security gates, high walls with electric fencing, armed security with alarms etc.


A few bad things have happened to our family, worst being that robbers came into my then 3yr old's creche, pulled out their guns, came to me with a gun pointed at my head and demanded my car. This in front of my daughter as well as a whole creche of small kids.


We are longing for a life where we are "free" to walk outside to a park, sit on the beach and not be robbed or killed or raped, be able to do anything without constantly being on guard..


Also with the way things are going in RSA there is very little future for whites. This is not just about race etc - there just literally is no work if your skin colour is of a lighter shade. In my husbands' company they were informed of no more white promotions (big international company), white kids struggle to get accepted to university's (even with excellent marks).


Can go on forever about this kind of thing, but these are our main reasons :)


i can fully understand why you want the best life .....i would love to hear more of your amazing stories .........my last boss in the uk was south african a bought one of my houses ........very shrewd he was...........good luck ..........:wink:

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Guest Bokkiegirl
i can fully understand why you want the best life .....i would love to hear more of your amazing stories .........my last boss in the uk was south african a bought one of my houses ........very shrewd he was...........good luck ..........:wink:


Hehehe - I don't think I am shrewd :D


You can open any paper and see what life really is like here in RSA! It's shocking to say the least that one is forced to life like this!

Prices are sky-rocketing, to such a degree that we will soon be paying the same amount monthly for electricity as our bonds. This being said we still have regular power cuts for no reason..


My dad was nearly hi-jacked a week ago - he drove through an area that was okish, mid-day. When he stopped at the robot a black man approached him, knocked on his window and shouted "Give me your F*ing phone you white b*tch!!"

He then lifted his shirt to show off his gun and when my dad looked at his other window, there stood another man with a gun showing as well. My dad very calmly and subtly changed his car into reverse, sped backwards and then tried to drive over these blokes.


Thank God he wasn't shot as this is the norm these days. Here in our town they now walk up to your car and shoot you through the head. Mostly not even taking your car, usually not even your cell.


My mom has had a smash and grab 3 times (someone approached her, smashes her window and grabs everything in the car that is visible). The trauma related to this kind of incident is hectic man!

My mom was also hi-jacked a few years ago and was luckily unharmed.


My sister was hi-jacked right outside my parents house and she did not even drive an expensive car..


My 7yr old daughter is always asking "mommy what will you do if robbers gets into our house?", or "mommy I will lie flat in the car when you run into the shop to get the bread so that the robbers won't see me".


It's not normal for such a small child to be worried about the criminals! And this after we have been going to therapy with her after the robbery at her creche for years now.. :(

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Well, all of the above reasons and a few of my own. Latest one to add to the list is that I have discovered that I am at risk of developing Osteoporosis, and the doctor said to me "you need to move to a warmer climate to increase your vitamin D intake" I think therefore Australia seems to fit the bill!!!


I am seriously bored of waiting now tho, but Hubby is a planner and organiser so we wait until he is happy with his organising! Patience.....Its a virtue you know!





I hope that works for you. Did you know that rickets is significantly on the increase in Australia because people are covering their kids up when they go outside? Add to that the carcinogenic potential of sunscreens and melanoma if you dont have sunscreen or covering. I have a friend in ACT who has just been told the same after breaking her wrist - she has always been an outdoor girl but well covered and slathered in spf 30 and now hesitates to go out bare just for the Vit D. It's a difficult one!

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Guest NeilanGemz

I'm wanting to get to Aus for the following reasons:


1. Weather.

2. I like the way the government work with regards to immigration, if you won't benefit Australia, you aren't wanted (if only they had adopted that policy in Britain)

3. To be close to my Australian relatives

4. A better lifestyle for me, my wife & our little boy.


I suppose thats why a lot of people are drawn to Oz.


Overall I've had enough of living in a country that reward loosers & scroungers and penalise those who are willing to work for a better life for them and their family. And well, lets face it cold and rain 12 months of the year is enough of a reason on its own!!!

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Living on a little island in the Mediterranean, one either hates it or loves it....


I hate it for:


1. too freken small

2. not really many job opportunities

3. crowded and traffic jams everywhere

4. polluted

5. summer is choco blocks with tourists and beaches are always full

6. no nature really, just a rock with a few rocky and a few sandy crowded beaches

7. expensive!

8. wages are crap

9. a bike ride from one end to the other of the island takes you 45 minutes....and that's with traffic!

10. old and dirty

11. boring!


On the other hand, there is a good health care and education, its safe, weather is good. That's all


So, moving to OZ, will fill in 10 of those points above :biggrin:


Oh, there is something else.....I always felt home at OZ, my soul and spirit belong there, its just how I feel when I'm there. :wink:




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We have lived in Australia for one year. It's 13 years ago. We still dream of the colors and the blue ocean! We miss the very good weather, the friendly people, the easy lifestyle sometimes even the crying beautiful birds!

We hope of a better life for our childrens. More stressfree. Better opportunities for us all! To have more time together... and a lot more!



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I hope that works for you. Did you know that rickets is significantly on the increase in Australia because people are covering their kids up when they go outside? Add to that the carcinogenic potential of sunscreens and melanoma if you dont have sunscreen or covering. I have a friend in ACT who has just been told the same after breaking her wrist - she has always been an outdoor girl but well covered and slathered in spf 30 and now hesitates to go out bare just for the Vit D. It's a difficult one!


I know, people are paranoid, I've never been that paranoid when it comes to the sun, just sensible!! the sun is important to our health, providing its not the midday sun which will burn you to a crisp! Wandering around without sunscreen early/mid morning is perfectly fine, and again late afternoon. I had heard that osteoporosis is also on the increase in Aus for exactly that reason!! Madness!


Maybe common sense is dead!! :yes: Okay maybe not dead, but its certainly not very well these days!!!

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