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Looking to move to Queensland


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Hello all,


Well after almost 2 years in Perth, we are thinking about a change, and are looking to move to Brisbane at the end of next year once the twins finish year 12.


We are going to do a quick visit to Brisbane next year for a long weekend, just to get a feel for it (something we never did before we came to Perth).


I am just wondering how the job situation is in Brissy??, personally I don't think we will have an issue finding employment.. OH is a project manager for air con, and I can turn my hand to almost anything from State Gov to not for profit to office work... hell I have had 5 jobs here in Perth in almost 2 years and have just applied for my 6th one.


Would love to hear from some of you who are living in Brissy, and also what areas are nice (want something fairly decent but not too hard on our pocket book.. prices up to $500K).


Looking forward to hearing your replies.





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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi karen


what a great positive post from you.


We hear many a time from people who have gone to one place and didn't like it, not saying this is you, but they make out that its like that everywhere and haven't tried another place.


Good for you for trying somewhere else and as i have said many times before to people - you have managed to emigrate 12,000 away, surely moving to another state to see if you like it is the least they can do.


Everyones personal circumstances are different and some can't get over missing family and friends, but Australia is huge country compared to the uk and theres alot of fantastic places to live.


What are the plans for your kids who have just finished yr12?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

By the way.


I loved Perth, but it was more for families with younger kids and Brisbane seemed even better, in fact i bloody loved it.


All the best, jim

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Guest siamsusie

I am pleased you are making some constructive changes to suit your family Karen. I am sure you will find something gorgeous, just to say best wishes on your exciting move.


Susie x

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By the way.


I loved Perth, but it was more for families with younger kids and Brisbane seemed even better, in fact i bloody loved it.


All the best, jim



Thanks Jim,


Yes that is one of the reasons for the move, the girls are getting older and a little bored with Perth.


Also it will mean 5 hours less travel time for us to Canada when we go for a holiday.


The girls are going to take a gap year between finishing year 12 and starting uni or tafe. They want to go back to Canada for an extended holiday (2 months). So they will find jobs in Brissy. They both work part time now in Perth. they are good girls, not party animals, and hard workers.


I am actually starting to get quite excited about the move even though it is over a year away.


I am already researching Brisbane, very much like I did when I researched Perth, so it gives me something to do at work, as I am very bored with my job lol


Thanks again, and will keep you posted on our upcoming move.





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Good choice. Queensland is, after all, "the smart state" hehe and there's plenty going on around here at the moment I'm sure you'll find something. I'm only 18 and got two job offers in 2 weeks so what does that tell you? :cool:

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Good luck Karen...did wonder what you would do TBH..after reading your thread a couple of weeks ago. Your daughters best friend was going over there and they were very unsettled and they were I believe even considering a move back to Canada.

I hope this move will enable you all to stay together as a family.


Lots of luck and luv to you all.


Sue xxxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Karen!


I remember you moving out to Oz, a few months before us as we were contemplating Perth and had a look around The Vines. We are going to do the same! We've been in Melbourne for 17 months now and whilst we are not unhappy here, feel like we can still improve a couple of things, like husband's commute to work. We too are going to go to Brisbane. We went last week on holiday to the Gold Coast and spent a day looking around the suburbs of Brisbane. We were very impressed with the amount of suburbs with tree lined streets etc close to the City. Very excited about it...just need to finish off the house we built 3 months ago, sell it and find hubby another job...piece of cake!!! We are aiming at moving early next year. Good luck with it all.


Rach x

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Hi Karen

It would probably be worth giving more clues to what you enjoy, proximity to the coast etc and commuting expectations. Lots of members who live Bayside. Brisbane is a lovely city so hope you get lots of useful posts.



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