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POLICE CAUTION - and permanent residency


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Hello all, I have a query relating to a police caution I recieved in 2003. The offence related to me streaking in a public place late at night - I was with friends and no one else was about but a patrolling police car caught me red handed. I recieved a police caution and was given a warning. I was never arrested for the offence.


I am currently having a dilemma. I am currently in Australia on a 457 visa and never declared this on my visa application. I have just applied for a 176 visa application as recieved state sponsorship - all of my details have gone off. When I recieved my UK police check it stated that I had no-live trace which means there are records on you. So when I applied for my current visa being processed 176 I stated no but put a covering letter in detailing the events. Is this likely to count against me and my current visa as I declared this as no convictions as a police caution is not a criminal record and seems unfair that I should be criminalised for something so minor. Will I have to provide further details - i saw this post from another member:


The Joy of Emigration: The character requirement


Would really appreciate any advice as am very worried at present. Many thanks

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Is this likely to count against me and my current visa as I declared this as no convictions as a police caution is not a criminal record and seems unfair that I should be criminalised for something so minor.


I'm no expert but I think the worst that will happen is that your CO gets a good chuckle out of your terrible timing :biggrin:

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Thanks Matjones - yeah it was a stupid adolescent prank. I am a podiatrist so hold a failry good job - just made a silyy misake - so you dont think iw ill have to provide further details?

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Thanks Matjones - yeah it was a stupid adolescent prank. I am a podiatrist so hold a failry good job - just made a silyy misake - so you dont think iw ill have to provide further details?


I really don't know enough about that stuff to give you a definitive answer, maybe one of the agents on the forum will be able to offer more sound advice. It's not on your record, and you didn't go to jail for it, so that's a good start.

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Guest Ladygray

OH AJS how I wish I had had the courage to do something so absolutly wild and silly in my youth!!!! I am sure you will have no problems, but what a fantastic story to be able to tell your grandchildren in years to come!!!!!! Not sure you would remember but there was a song that came out in the 70's called 'The Streaker'... the first thing that came to mind when I read your post was that song.... I still have the 'single' record of it somewhere lol... anyway I am sure you will be fine.

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Have you done your Police check? Mine says "THERE IS NO PENDING COURT OUTCOMES AGAINST THE NAME xxxx".


Since this is just a caution your police check should be clean as you were never charged or ended up court for it. I dont think it asks in form 80 either about whether you were ever cautioned or not.


I got cautioned once as well for losing my ticket on the train. Had clear record when I did my police check.


If PCC is clean, then you dont have to worry about anything else.

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Have you done your Police check? Mine says "THERE IS NO PENDING COURT OUTCOMES AGAINST THE NAME xxxx".


Since this is just a caution your police check should be clean as you were never charged or ended up court for it. I dont think it asks in form 80 either about whether you were ever cautioned or not.


I got cautioned once as well for losing my ticket on the train. Had clear record when I did my police check.


If PCC is clean, then you dont have to worry about anything else.


What type of police check did you do? The ACPO PCC states either 'No Trace' 'No Live Trace' or 'Live Trace' depending on if you have no record, a spent record or recent unspent convictions.


The OP says his shows 'No Live Trace' meaning a spent record.

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