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What school year will I be in?


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Hi, Im Elizabeth and I'm moving to Australia as soon as my house sells in the UK. I will be moving to Baldivis, Perth.

I'm 14 years old (nearly 15) and I was just wondering what school year I would be in?

I've tried looking it up on the internet but loads of different things came up and I got really confused about it.

My birthday is 30th May 1995


Also, I would like to know what school yearmy brother would be in.

He's 8 and his birthday is on 7th september 2001


Thankyou <3

P.s. anyone who wants to talk about Australia private mail me or send me you msn :)



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If you go to the new school at the start of the school year which is February in Australia, not September you will be 15, so you should go in to Secondary School - Year 10


Your brother should go in to Primary School - Year 4


You could be at the same school though, depends which school you go to


Here is a link to the school year for WA


Department of Education - School Term Dates

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If you go to the new school at the start of the school year which is February in Australia, not September you will be 15, so you should go in to Secondary School - Year 10


Your brother should go in to Primary School - Year 4


You could be at the same school though, depends which school you go to


Here is a link to the school year for WA


Department of Education - School Term Dates


thankyouuu :)

What would happen if I moved in the middle of the year?

say, I moved in July, would I go into year 9 and my brother year 3?

Goshh, the Australian school year system is confusing :)

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This should help;




  • Year 1: 6-7 year olds
  • Year 2: 7-8 year olds
  • Year 3: 8-9 year olds
  • Year 4: 9-10 year olds
  • Year 5: 10-11 year olds
  • Year 6: 11-12 year olds
  • Year 7: 12-13 year olds (QLD, SA, WA)




  • Year 7: 12-13 year olds
  • Year 8: 13-14 year olds
  • Year 9: 14-15 year olds
  • Year 10: 15-16 year olds
  • Year 11: 16-17 year olds
  • Year 12: 17-19 year olds


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Guest Syd1996
Hi, Im Elizabeth and I'm moving to Australia as soon as my house sells in the UK. I will be moving to Baldivis, Perth.

I'm 14 years old (nearly 15) and I was just wondering what school year I would be in?

I've tried looking it up on the internet but loads of different things came up and I got really confused about it.

My birthday is 30th May 1995


Also, I would like to know what school yearmy brother would be in.

He's 8 and his birthday is on 7th september 2001


Thankyou <3

P.s. anyone who wants to talk about Australia private mail me or send me you msn :)





Hi Elizabeth,


We share the same birthday except I am lots older than you, I won't tell you how much! But anyways, our daughter is about a year older than you and we are moving to Sydney in June when she has done her GCSE's. So, she is currently in UK Year 11, and will go into OZ year 10, get to know the OZ curriculum a bit, make lots of friends and then come next February she will start in Year 11 and do kinda the equivalent of A levels before going to Uni. It will be a bit tough for her as she'll have to sit exams in December in OZ but she's up for it. You're lucky, you'll miss having to do your GCSE's.


All the best :wink:

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Thankyou syd1996.

so just wondering, was your daughter born in 1994? which means she would be one school year above me?

I know, we were thinking of waiting until I'd done my GCSE's but we decided that even if I did them I would still have to the WACE exams that they do in Western Australia so i can get into university.


wow, we share the same birthday :)


all the best to you too :)

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Guest Syd1996

Hi Elizabeth,


Yes, she was born in '94! And she is a Gemini too, like you and me. Can you imagine what it gets like sometimes ;-)


Good luck with your move and school, I'm sure you'll get on fine!X

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Louii

Hi Elizabeth,

Iam Ellouise and i have the same question as you !! I am born the same yr as you in 1995 on feb so i little older. I am in yr 10 in the uk and so are you. My mum has looked on the internet about how in oz they do certificates which is out gcse's. We are hopefully going to go at the end of this yr !! (what about you ??) And in oz my yr group is in yr 9 as they started there yr 9 in feb 2010 not sept. So my mum said that it will be unfair for me to start at the end because i wouldnt of settled in and i would of missed half of the g.c.s.e (certificates) So this would mean that i would have to go back a yr so instead of next feb 2011 starting yr 10 i would start yr 9. Yes very confusing !!


So what are you going to do like what yr ??


It would be very nice to talk as we are the same age and can give support when we hopefully move as i am finding it hard as i dont know weather i will settle !! How are you feeling ??


Where abouts are you going to move to ?? I am going to move to Sydney !!


Thanxs Ellouise xxxx

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Hi Elizabeth,

Iam Ellouise and i have the same question as you !! I am born the same yr as you in 1995 on feb so i little older. I am in yr 10 in the uk and so are you. My mum has looked on the internet about how in oz they do certificates which is out gcse's. We are hopefully going to go at the end of this yr !! (what about you ??) And in oz my yr group is in yr 9 as they started there yr 9 in feb 2010 not sept. So my mum said that it will be unfair for me to start at the end because i wouldnt of settled in and i would of missed half of the g.c.s.e (certificates) So this would mean that i would have to go back a yr so instead of next feb 2011 starting yr 10 i would start yr 9. Yes very confusing !!


So what are you going to do like what yr ??


It would be very nice to talk as we are the same age and can give support when we hopefully move as i am finding it hard as i dont know weather i will settle !! How are you feeling ??


Where abouts are you going to move to ?? I am going to move to Sydney !!


Thanxs Ellouise xxxx



Hi Ellouise,

I'd love to talk to you, it's great being able to talk to people who are in the same position as me!

Hopefully, we will be there by the end of the year too which means I'll proabably start year 10 or 11 (depending on how the school works) in February 2011. Everything seems so confusing at the moment with schools because they way they do some things is very different from over here!

wow, going to Sydney must be awesome, I'm going to Perth which I'm quite happy about but Sydney looks amazing! I hope I get to visit there sometime!


I'm finding everything ok at the minute apart from the fact I don't know when we will be going yet which is keeping me anxious as I don't know what to tell my friends in the UK! I'm also quite nervous about making new friends in Oz! How are you?


Do you have MSN or Facebook?

private mail me if you want :)

from Elizabeth xx

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Guest Louii

Hi elizabeth, yes it is good to talk to some one my own age and to help eachother through this. And yeah i dont know when i am going to go because we have to sell our house is that the same with you ?? And i have only told my closest friends about the oz move and will tell them if i am def going !! Have you got your visia's yet saying that you are def going ?? And yes the school years are so cunfusing !! I am not sure what it is like in perth it might be different to sydney !! And yes hopefully sydney wil be great to live and i am sure that will be the same for perth !! So are you going to go back a yr or are you going to start the secong yr of g.c.s.e's or what ever there version is out in oz ??


And yes i do have face book and look for ellouise wilson xx

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Hi elizabeth, yes it is good to talk to some one my own age and to help eachother through this. And yeah i dont know when i am going to go because we have to sell our house is that the same with you ?? And i have only told my closest friends about the oz move and will tell them if i am def going !! Have you got your visia's yet saying that you are def going ?? And yes the school years are so cunfusing !! I am not sure what it is like in perth it might be different to sydney !! And yes hopefully sydney wil be great to live and i am sure that will be the same for perth !! So are you going to go back a yr or are you going to start the secong yr of g.c.s.e's or what ever there version is out in oz ??


And yes i do have face book and look for ellouise wilson xx



I'll search for you on facebook now.

Yeah, we have to sell our house too, it's taking ages though! I just want to go now! Pretty much everyone in my year knows I'm going an I didn't even tell anyone! These things have a way of working themselves around! aha! Yeah we got our visas last year and we had to go a validate them by going on a holiday so now we have 5 years to get there but I'm pretty sure we'll be there by the end of the year! I'm not going back a year because I was told that I wouldn't miss out on anything as in Perth you don't start anything important until year 11 so I think I'll be fine!

Do you want to move to Oz?

from Elizabeth x

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Guest Louii

Hi Elizabeth, Ok yeah what is your second name because i could try and find you aswell then we might get there ahahaaaaa !! And yes i know selling the house has been very hard !! But i am sure that the right person will come soon !! And yh your luky that you have got your visia last year and you def know that you are going. We hope that we are going to go we are on the last bit of the viaia know and there isnt a reason why we shouldnt because they are now asking for a bond so money to get the visia so they wouldnt take the last bit of the money if we wont get it so hopefully we might be out in oz the end of this year !! So i will have to let you know if we get it and i sure we will !! And yh the education in perth seems so much better then sydney because it dosent seem so confusing !! So do you do exams like our g.c.s.e's in perth you are doing your g.c.s.e's now arnt you ?? And yes i do want to go nearly all my family live out there so it will be nice then we can see more of them !! :) What about you have you got siblings that you will be going with ?? xxxx

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Hi Elizabeth, Ok yeah what is your second name because i could try and find you aswell then we might get there ahahaaaaa !! And yes i know selling the house has been very hard !! But i am sure that the right person will come soon !! And yh your luky that you have got your visia last year and you def know that you are going. We hope that we are going to go we are on the last bit of the viaia know and there isnt a reason why we shouldnt because they are now asking for a bond so money to get the visia so they wouldnt take the last bit of the money if we wont get it so hopefully we might be out in oz the end of this year !! So i will have to let you know if we get it and i sure we will !! And yh the education in perth seems so much better then sydney because it dosent seem so confusing !! So do you do exams like our g.c.s.e's in perth you are doing your g.c.s.e's now arnt you ?? And yes i do want to go nearly all my family live out there so it will be nice then we can see more of them !! :) What about you have you got siblings that you will be going with ?? xxxx


I've added you on facebook. I think you've accepted, if I've added the right person, aha!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you will get your visa! It didn't take us long to get our, we got it only a few months after we applied. Yeah, I'm like half way through my GCSE's now because I've finished year 10 but they won't mean anything in Perth, I have to get my WACE which is like your GCSE's and A-levels but in one set of exams. So I'll do that when I'm 17 and then go to university when I'm 18! Are you in the same position?

Thats really nice that you'll be with family! We don't have any family over there but one of my mums friends will live pretty close so that will be cool! Yeah, i have one brother who is 8 but thats it, so for a while it will be just me, my brother, my mum and my dad! aha, but hopefully, I'll make lots of new friends! do you have any brothers or sisters? xxx

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Guest Louii

Hi !! And yes its me HAHAAAAA !! :) And yes this education thing is so confusing !! Yeah in perth its alot different to sydney because at the moment we are both in yr 10 half way through our g.c.s.e's anf finshed yr 10 out in aus in sydney they start the yr in feb not sept like us !! So at the moment my and your yr group in sydney are in yr 9 but if i go at the end of this yr then i would of missed most of it cause they started there certificates / g.c.s.e's feb that has just gone so our yr group will start yr 10 next yr in feb which in sydney is there last yr of certificates/ g.c.s.e's like us cause we do 2 yr's !! So i will go back a year which i am not to happy about !! Then i will do the full 2 yr's of the certificates / g.c.s.e's but you dont need to because you said that the years are only inportant when you are older but its alot different in sydney i dont know why !! so you will get your quilfications when your a little older and i will get mine in the 2 yr's thats why i have to go back a yr !!

So what month this yr are you hoping to go to oz ?? And are you worried about making friends ?? Because i am !! And yes i do have a brother aswell he is older and is 18 !!

And have you been looking for houses out there ?? its really fun looking for them !! And do you do dancing cause it looked like that on facebook because i do aswell !! Because i wont to be a professional dance when i am older !! Do you know what you wont to be ?? xxxx

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Hi !! And yes its me HAHAAAAA !! :) And yes this education thing is so confusing !! Yeah in perth its alot different to sydney because at the moment we are both in yr 10 half way through our g.c.s.e's anf finshed yr 10 out in aus in sydney they start the yr in feb not sept like us !! So at the moment my and your yr group in sydney are in yr 9 but if i go at the end of this yr then i would of missed most of it cause they started there certificates / g.c.s.e's feb that has just gone so our yr group will start yr 10 next yr in feb which in sydney is there last yr of certificates/ g.c.s.e's like us cause we do 2 yr's !! So i will go back a year which i am not to happy about !! Then i will do the full 2 yr's of the certificates / g.c.s.e's but you dont need to because you said that the years are only inportant when you are older but its alot different in sydney i dont know why !! so you will get your quilfications when your a little older and i will get mine in the 2 yr's thats why i have to go back a yr !!

So what month this yr are you hoping to go to oz ?? And are you worried about making friends ?? Because i am !! And yes i do have a brother aswell he is older and is 18 !!

And have you been looking for houses out there ?? its really fun looking for them !! And do you do dancing cause it looked like that on facebook because i do aswell !! Because i wont to be a professional dance when i am older !! Do you know what you wont to be ?? xxxx


omg, it sounds really confusing with all the school stuff in Sydney, and I thought Perth was confusing! so yeah, I don't need to stay back a year because I don't miss anything important & yeah I won't get any qualifications until I'm 17.

Yeah, I'm pretty worried about making friends, when I went for a holiday last year, I went to look around a couple of school and everyone seemed really friendly but I guess it will be kinda different when I'm actually living there! Is your brother coming to Oz with you?

Yeah, I do dancing :) I love it! I don't know what I want to be when I'm older, I have no idea actually! aha :') xxx

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Guest Louii

Hi, and yes my brother is coming with me aswell, he is going to start uni !! thats so cool that you do dancing what type of dancing do you do and so you want to do dancing when your older or not sure ??

And thats really cool that you looked round some schools thats a good idea !! And yes the education is very confusing !! I am sure we will both be ok with mates !! And well at least we both have one pommy aussie friend already hahaaaaaaaaa !!!! So do you know what month you are going roughly ?? xx

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Both of you will do really well in oz, I am sure. You both seem mature and excited about the move.


My son is just 13, we moved last New Year so he started high school here. He loves it here and is making friends.


Just a note of warning; please don't post your surnames on here. I suggest you remove it soontobepom.


I hope you both get some concrete plans soon. The uncertainty is the worst bit.

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Hi Elizabeth,

Iam Ellouise and i have the same question as you !! I am born the same yr as you in 1995 on feb so i little older. I am in yr 10 in the uk and so are you. My mum has looked on the internet about how in oz they do certificates which is out gcse's. We are hopefully going to go at the end of this yr !! (what about you ??) And in oz my yr group is in yr 9 as they started there yr 9 in feb 2010 not sept. So my mum said that it will be unfair for me to start at the end because i wouldnt of settled in and i would of missed half of the g.c.s.e (certificates) So this would mean that i would have to go back a yr so instead of next feb 2011 starting yr 10 i would start yr 9. Yes very confusing !!


So what are you going to do like what yr ??


It would be very nice to talk as we are the same age and can give support when we hopefully move as i am finding it hard as i dont know weather i will settle !! How are you feeling ??


Where abouts are you going to move to ?? I am going to move to Sydney !!


Thanxs Ellouise xxxx


I think your mum may have been a bit misled - there arent any equivalents of GCSE here and as you have already turned 15 in February this year then you would actually be in year 10 here this year and should go into year 10 for the rest of the year and you wont have missed anything important. Next year is the all important year for you in NSW when you will begin your HSC (year 11).

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Guest Louii

Ok thanks for the advise !! Its all a bit confising so what certificates will i get for my qualifications ??

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Hi, and yes my brother is coming with me aswell, he is going to start uni !! thats so cool that you do dancing what type of dancing do you do and so you want to do dancing when your older or not sure ??

And thats really cool that you looked round some schools thats a good idea !! And yes the education is very confusing !! I am sure we will both be ok with mates !! And well at least we both have one pommy aussie friend already hahaaaaaaaaa !!!! So do you know what month you are going roughly ?? xx



thats nice & I don't really know the type of dance but it's like musicals and stuff like that, jazz I think :) What type of dancing do you do?

Yeah, :)

I'm really not too sure, as soon as the house sells, or i think in a cuople of months is that doesn't happen then we might be putting it up for rent but I don't think my mum really wants to do that!

Do you wanna carry this conversation on via facebook inbox?

it's probably easier to reply than on here :') xxx

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