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Change of address for Halifax Bank Account


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Has anyone got experience with changing their address to their Oz one for a Halifax Bank Account?

I asked them before I left and they said there would be no problem. However considering the problems I have had with money transfers with halifax online once in OZ (despite the fact that I had let them know that I would be in OZ prior to leaving) I just want to make sure before opening a can of worms.

I own my house back in the UK (but I am renting it out) and I should still be getting a UK wage transfered to my account every month. It should be straight forward but I have been proven otherwise recently and it has cost me a lot in phone calls.


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The Halifax and TSB told us you couldnt keep the account if you were leaving the country,, so we withdrew everything,closed the accounts and put all the funds into our Alliance & Leicester account.

Double check everything with them as its hard to deal with problems once your here.


Cal x

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You can keep the account open as long as you have a UK address, register your accounts for paper free so your tenants don't get your statements but you can view online but you can't change it to a OZ address. If you are still receiving a UK wage then are you still a UK resident for tax purposes if so this is fine to keep the account going if not you will be better to transfer to Halifax Offshore Banking - Web Saver Accounts, Expat Advice offshore account they do this... should made the transfer/currency exchange process easier.

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Thanks, yeah I was thinking about doing that, just keep it as it is, im already getting online statements, it's only for debit card renewals I was concerned about. Also I thought if I was giving them my oz address, it would prevent my online banking from being blocked everytime I try to set up transfers etc. - Happened to me as I was about to run out of money and the Halifax person was basically like 'though luck, can't help you' after I failed to answer 1 of the 3 quite difficult security questions, and she locked my telephone banking (??)...after several phone calls I managed to talk to someone with a bit more than 2 brain cells who helped me setting everything right.


Think i'll leave it like that for now, and change it to a friend/family's address at some point.


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