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I gave in....


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I never thought i would say this but I have just paid $6.50 for some BISTO in Bayside, Frankston:wacko:

I tried doing everything with 'Gravox' and it is just disgusting!!!! After living in the north of England for over 20 years making 'Tater Ash' and such like, the Gravox just doesn't do it.

It is like cornflour in a tin.... (just my opinion):embarrassed:

Anyone else resorted to drastic expensive measures to get something to taste normal?

Please say it is not just me!!!!!!

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Guest guest30038
I never thought i would say this but I have just paid $6.50 for some BISTO in Bayside, Frankston:wacko:

I tried doing everything with 'Gravox' and it is just disgusting!!!! After living in the north of England for over 20 years making 'Tater Ash' and such like, the Gravox just doesn't do it.

It is like cornflour in a tin.... (just my opinion):embarrassed:

Anyone else resorted to drastic expensive measures to get something to taste normal?

Please say it is not just me!!!!!!


I use Coles own brand at only 95c a pack and add a spoonful of Bonox or an oxo cube to it if you have no home grown stock. Mix it with a little cold water in a saucepan at a good strength (covering the bottom of the pan with the powder about a centimetre deep).........enough to make it paste and then you won't get any lumps as you add boiling water to half way up the pan..........bring to the boil, add more water to thin if needed, and you have a gravy that invites favourable comments every time I make it.


The only downside to it is that if you make more than you need to cover you for a couple of days, it solidifies in the pan. Reheating and stirring with a whisk, brings it back to liquid. Try it and see.......it costs little.



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Guest guest30038

To add to the above. I now cook my joints in a "table top" bowl convection oven bought from aldi for only 59 bucks. (They range fromm 80 bucks to over 300 anywhere else). When the weather is particularly hot, these are ideal for sitting outside on a table or the barbie shelf, so they don't add more heat and grease to the house and they cook in half the time with less power than a conventional oven.


The stock from the roast is poured into a dish, with a little cold water and left to set in the fridge where the fat rises to the top. The fat will later lift off as a solid piece that can be stored in the freezer and used for roasting spuds etc. The remainder is pure, fat free stock for the gravy.



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Guest wanderer

I gave in....


Can do Kev is the way!

Just like the pioneers would have done it with a pot in the coals.


I still often wrap up a side of meat and spuds or a meatloaf and let it cook in the pit while I'm down the beach.

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Guest proud2beaussie

My mum would have a scarlet fit if I even thought of buying anything like Gravox or Bisto,there's only one way to make good gravy,and that's to follow Kev's suggestion and use the pan juices,and a glass of wine,reduce,correct the seasoning and add a couple of tablespoons of cream,hey presto,beautiful gravy.

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Hi Kev, I buy the coles brand myself and add an oxo cube also and it is very nice I have to say

alot better than gravox, like you said it is so cheap but has lots of flavour

My sister uses Greens and I have to say that is lovely too.

I must try the homemade gravy one day LOL never been game enough to try

one day !!!!!



Happy Christmas All


Laney xxx:hug:

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I never thought i would say this but I have just paid $6.50 for some BISTO in Bayside, Frankston

I tried doing everything with 'Gravox' and it is just disgusting!!!! After living in the north of England for over 20 years making 'Tater Ash' and such like, the Gravox just doesn't do it.

It is like cornflour in a tin.... (just my opinion)

Anyone else resorted to drastic expensive measures to get something to taste normal?

Please say it is not just me!!!!!!


Bisto?? Where?? Please!!:hug:


If you tell me, I will then go and buy some, and then you will not be the only one taking such drastic measures!!!

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My mum would have a scarlet fit if I even thought of buying anything like Gravox or Bisto,there's only one way to make good gravy,and that's to follow Kev's suggestion and use the pan juices,and a glass of wine,reduce,correct the seasoning and add a couple of tablespoons of cream,hey presto,beautiful gravy.


That sounds like proper gravy to me too :smile: Somewhere along the way - and probably thanks to my vegetarian sister, I fell head over heels for Bisto's vegetable gravy and I miss it! I don't know if I miss it enough to pay $6.50 for it (yet) but this thread reminded me that I really ought to learn how to make my own vege gravy :) Does anyone have a recipe they could recommend?

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Guest proud2beaussie

I haven't tried this one Happy Lass but the recipes I have tried from this site have been good.

Basic Vegetarian Gravy Recipe - Easy Vegetarian Gravy Recipe - Easy Vegan Gravy Recipe - Vegetarian Gravy


  • 2 tbsp margarine
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)


Heat the margarine over medium heat in a large skillet and sautee the onion for 2 minutes. Add the flour and garlic salt and sautee for 5 more minutes. Add the vegetable broth and cornstarch, stirring to mix the cornstarch well. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, stirring frequently to make sure no clumps are formed.

Add the nutritional yeast and soy sauce and reduce heat. Cook for one more minute, stirring. Enjoy your vegetarian gravy!

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They have some at our local butcher here in Secret Harbour £7...was going to give in for christmas and treat family for dinner, but OH has informed me he prefers the aussie stuff...never has liked Bisto!!! Mind you they also have tins of English Roses and Quality Street for £35/£30...considering treating my 3 kids!!!!!


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