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What was or is your biggest fear about moving to oz ?


What was your biggest fear or is your biggest fear about moving to oz  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your biggest fear or is your biggest fear about moving to oz

    • Not getting a job
    • Not liking Australia
    • Not making friends
    • Missing loved ones overseas too much
    • Spiders,snakes and all the other creepies
    • Any other reasons

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Hi Gizmo,


Mine was other reasons......I worry that if it all goes pear shaped and we have to come home or we cannot get PR after the temp visa has ran out that we will end up with a worse quality of life that we have now. We couldnt afford to buy our home now if we needed to. Lets hope that it doesnt come to that.


Em x

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Guest gajackdeb1@bigpond.com

Been here a year now it still hurts not havin your family ......but i will say it is getting easier it just a whole new way of life

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Guest uluru

:yes:TOTALLY agree with you Em!!!!.....Scared too, I'll cross that bridge when it happens. I'm at the TRA stage...early days!!


El x

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Guest Ian&Lou

Another excellent thread.


I ticked other reaons (although could have ticked them all).


I'm also worried about my son not liking it, having to return home and trying to afford buying a house in the uk again. About us not fitting in to Oz life full time, I could go on and on. However all these concerns are far outweighed by the concerns I have about staying in the Uk!



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Guest dunnarunna

im with you on that one lou,

im having bit of a down week started to home a few of my many animals, makes it more real, lord knows what the hell it will be like saying goodbyes to family, also been scaring myself sh*tless by reading horror stories on spiders (ticked that one),so the doubts have been kicking in big time, but even after all this i still beleive its gonna be worth it in the long run.

sometimes think the things that are happining in this country are alot scarier than a bloody great hairy spider (well i must keep telling myself that)

and im happy where i live its so quiet & peaceful, but for how long? it was sleepy suffolk but we all know what happened in ipswich which is not too far from me (anything but sleepy!!!)


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Guest clayton gang



I agree with most of you. It would be my loved ones:sad:


That would maybe make us think about leaving the UK now it's getting near to finding out the decision.



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Guest tracy hunt

My biggest fear is that it just won't feel like home. You know those sort of holidays that you look forward to coming home from, I would hate to feel like that about Australia. Also, if the children get upset and say they want to go back to England. I'd find that really hard. I suppose that probably will happen at some point, but hopefully they'll feel the warm sun on their shoulders, jump in the pool and wait for their BBQ tea with their new Aussie friends and forget about dreary old England!

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Guest Abi&Dan

Seriously worried about not being able to make new friends :swoon: - hoping the Aussies are as gregarious and open as their stereotype. I'm super shy and need other people to be extra pushy to make up for that!!

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Guest Rachel&Stu

Hi all:cute:


Something obviously very wrong with me, as my one and only fear is of not getting the visa. Blissfully ignorant that there may be things I don't like......


It's dead nice in Rachey-world!!:wacko:





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Guest steve110

usual things i spose,getting a job house etc,and having to have to come back......


as for friends and family...... hardly see family,friends most of mine are spread over the uk anyway,so rarely see them either.



bet your bottom dollar that when we do get to aus,they all come out of the woodwork wanting a cheap holiday..........

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Guest kelly

i voted for missing family and friends, although some of hubbys friends going to oz too and all going to brizzy so he will be ok, at least i will their wives to be my friends but not sure how im going to cope leaving family(paents and sister) behind, but have to get the kids out of here


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Well before we came I wasn't worried about anything!

Now I am here?

I miss my mum and my son who has gone back to UK.

I miss our best friends..........but have made lots of new ones!!

I miss Walkers crisp, Bisto and Soccer AM.

Apart from that life is good and I am not really worried about anything......perhaps I am weird or niave, either way I will make the most of this feeling of contentment!


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Guest koala12

My biggest problem here is that I miss my parents and daughter who stayed behind so much that it physically hurts sometimes and when I'm having a really good day and enjoying myself I sometimes feel guilty or upset they're not here to share the experience with me. Also being petrified of spiders I'm constantly worried about coming face to face with something large and hairy! Only other thing is that I haven't made any friends here yet so it's a bit lonely sometimes and I don't know where to go or what to do to put that right, I'm also a bit shy so the thought of walking into a roomful of strangers is rather daunting! Apart from all that, life here in Sydney is great and I wouldn't want to go back to the UK!!!!

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Guest koala12

Aaah Lesley thanks so much - this site is fantastic and I wish I had found it months ago! Everyone is so kind and helpful and it's such good fun - just wish there were more people here in Sydney as you all seem to be living it up in Qld!!!!



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Guest dean&shell

friends are very important but with kids and hopefuly a friendly rugby club it should be ok all the best to focks with worrys i :) hope it will be better than here:)

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I have put not getting a job (for me that is). My wife is a staff nurse so there should be no problem there.

I also hate the idea of it failing and having to come back the the UK as we would struggle to buy a house to the modist standard we have now. We been in it 16 years and its gone up in value a bit.

My wifes biggest fear except it failing is having to leave her elderly father behind. Him coming is not an option. But like I say, if he lives to 100, we'll be pensioners and will regret never going for it. Got to think of yourself and your kids. Other members of the family have had their chance, done their thing, now its our turn.


The Tuckers

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Guest The Snowdons

Hi there,

I am a new member, thinking of moving to OZ, homing in on Perth but not sure where you are based. Would love some advice. We are in the throws of not knowing whether to go for it or not. We have two children and life here seems to be getting worse and more chaotic. Looking for a slower pace of life and more of an outdoor life but obviously leaving friends and family is playing on our minds. Any advice from you or others out there would be greatly appreciated.



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Guest Tish&Tom

:spinny: I would miss my sis and friends for sure. Lucky Tom and I are taking our little girls so they have a better time growing up..Truly look forward to meeting new people...also very scarred ....:arghh:

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