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Aussies don´t care what they say !!!!


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Last week i saw a advert for cheese on tv that i hadnt seen before here in Oz..... it was for a cheese called "COON" i was quite shocked at first as the only "coon" i have ever know was refering to black/coloured people ummmmm not sure how this would go down with some folks so i apologise in advance if i have offended anybody but i am just trying to point out some of the aussie ways

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We went to our local market on sunday and saw aprons and tea towels for sale with golly wogs and picaniny on them!!

Golly wogs I am sure were banned years ago in the UK.


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Last week i saw a advert for cheese on tv that i hadnt seen before here in Oz..... it was for a cheese called "COON" i was quite shocked at first as the only "coon" i have ever know was refering to black/coloured people ummmmm not sure how this would go down with some folks so i apologise in advance if i have offended anybody

but i am just trying to point out some of the aussie ways



It's not a case of Aussies not caring what they say. Coon cheese is an old established firm in Australia. However they do have a habit of calling a spade a spade which I think is a very good thing. Best to leave all PC garbage in UK and you won't be offended.:)

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Guest Impatient

Agreed, the PC thing has gone mad. When people get upset, it is normally because of how something was taken rather than how it was intended. People should stop being so precious and take things the way they were meant.


It is the insane attempts to rewrite history to make it PC that make me mad!

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Guest Vicar of Dibley

I'd like to hold my hand up here and say "yes, I am a golly wog owner".


He's called Robinson (yep, after the jam) for obvious reasons Well its obvious to someone of my generation anyway...:huh:

He is very loved.


I agree about all the PC:policeman: stuff. Drives me and the OH round the bend. Its one of the many things that makes us shout and scream at the TV when its on the news.

I was once told that I couldn't call a black bin bag a black bin bag. I had to call it a grey bag??????????


As for apologising for non PC things that have happened in the past I have my own list of things I'd like to see...


The Italians apologising for letting the Romans invade PLUS building a wall to keep the population divided . I would also like evidence that planning permission was obtained for said wall!!!


The Danes for allowing obscene amounts of Vikking rape , pillage and plunder to take place...unsupervised and without ensuring safe sex was high on the list of priorities.


The French for having the gall...(get it...) to invade en masse in 1066 particularly as there was a very nasty incident with an arrow in someones eye. Which is just plain irresponsible and could have been avoided with the proper NVQ training.




Henry VIII for being somewhat GUNG-HO with the head slicing thing and giving this country a bad name for Domestic violence.....


I'm sure you can all think of more, but at least that would be a start...:yes:

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Guest franny22

hi all, just couldnt resist a dig at the PC thingy. I laughed at reference to the "grey" bin bags, but I just thought I'd let you know that my kids were taught a different nursery rhyme at nursery. They were no longer allowed to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep, they had to sing Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep. OMG I thought hallucinations were only on the the 60's and had to be drug induced. God help the kids. LMAOOOO


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Guest tinbasher
He is very loved.


I had to call it a grey bag??????????




I've been called that a few times, but I think that is due to a lack of hair dye and the fact that I am getting on a bit now. I think I should rush out to the nearest court and get a law to stop it as it is offensive to greying old people who are a little bit batty :goofy:


Mrs TinB

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Guest Scarletfever

My daughter is a huge 'Home & Away' fan for her sins. Okay, thats not all that bad....................until she told me that she thought Ric(?) was a 'spunk'??? Not too keen on that bit......:wacko:

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Guest jennywright

Hi all, as a black person, i'd like to give my thought on thi PC nonsense.


It is Baa baa black sheep not rainbow!

It is a black board not a chalk board!

It is a black bin bag not grey (unless of course it is grey:unsure: !?!)

Gollywogs are cool, I had one, made by my nan, upon my request, although my dog ate it! :cry: . I read recently about a man who was arrested for selling little gollies in his shop. Arrested!? Go catch some proper criminal for god's sake :arghh: .


So what if cheese is called coon? that's quite amusing to me.


A little anecdote......A few years ago when I was nursing, I was looking after aliitle old lady, helping her to get washed and dressed. She looked at me and said..." haven't you got lovely teeth, you always have nice teeth your sort do". I could easily have taken offence at this. But no malice was intended, the woman was complementing me in her way. If I took offence at every little opportunity I'd be a very miserable person, and I'm not so there. i am proud of my colour and don't have a chip on my shoulder about it. My husband is white and he got some stick from his mates at first but I gave them some stick back, friendly like, and there's no problem.


I think you will find that these ridiculous PC ideas are thought up by a bunch of non-black, middle class do-gooders who should find something better to do and who know very little about the people they are trying to "protect", and who actually prove to be far more irritating than the strategies that they devise.


How regoddamndiculous :arghh:

Long live the Gollywogs (and black bags and blackboards!!)


Jen x

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Guest Vicar of Dibley

What a fab post Jen. Good for you.

Perhaps we could start the POI " bring back Golly's " campaign!


One of my favourite books as a child was "Little Black Sambo" . All about a little boy who has to give his clothes to a tiger to stop being eaten. Eventually the Tiger turns in to butter and is then eaten in Pancakes...Fab Stuff! This of course was banned in schools. Managed to find a copy on eBay and spend many happy moments reading it to my children who think its just as fab as I did all those years ago. Not a rascist bone in their bodies and I aint going to be the one that plants the first seed of it in their minds!


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Guest tinbasher

Good for you Jen. Good post.


You should hear what some of the people say about the Aboriginal people over here, now that is bad, and they don't care who knows it or where they say it. :shocked:


Mrs TinB

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Guest jenny79




I'm white but I do admit that I adore 'coloured' people. You have the best of the best, nobel prize winners, athletes, singers, actors, fabulous bodies..... etc... the first woman to be a pilot was Bessie Coleman who had to fly to France and learn French, coz at that time in the US a coloured person wasn't allowed to be an aviator...


there are white people who are successful too. but white ones to tend to think there's no one better than them... do you remember the ugly duckling fairy tale? well it was black and it turned into a graceful swan.


i really enjoyed reading your post.



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Guest jennywright

Hi guys,

I want to make it clear that this is not a black v white issue. After all there is good and bad in all walks of life. The problem is that there is always a minority of extremists that give a whole section of their population a bad reputation. I suppose what I'm saying is that black/coloured people ("coloured" is supposed to be offensive!) are probably not offended by things that white people may assume they are. Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely thick skinned, I can get upset about some things but I can probably count on 1 hand the number of times this has been directly related to my skin colour. I'd be more upset if people were treading on egg shells around me, worrying that they might sya "the wrong thing".

I have been brought up in and still live in a predominantly white community, maybe this has something to do with my attitude. i know there are black/asian people who will use racism as an excuse for not getting a job for example which is very wrong.


Vic, I used to get called Sambo when I was ikkle. I quite liked it.:biglaugh:

............finally, yes, there are alot of successful black men/women, but also white, Asian, Spanish etc. etc. We are all the same on the inside, skin colour is irrelevent (corny i know, sorry).

Jen x

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Guest spock

Hi jennywright,


What a great post. I think the wish to avoid offending people is a good thing, but things should be kept in perspective. And in this country it's got very silly.


Often a PC decision offends everyone.



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Guest jennywright

Hi Spock, you are spot on. noone wants to offend anyone but surely this is manageable by using good old fashioned common sense eh?? This country is right off the mark.:wacko:

Jen x

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Guest jennywright

I little question for Mrs Tbasher, or anyone else who can answer it. is it just the Aboriginies that suffer abuse or anyone with a different coloured skin?

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I think you will find that these ridiculous PC ideas are thought up by a bunch of non-black, middle class do-gooders who should find something better to do and who know very little about the people they are trying to "protect", and who actually prove to be far more irritating than the strategies that they devise.



Great post Jen.

And you are soooooo right in what you say:notworthy:


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Hiya i havnt heard racism of any kind whilst here,i think people are very open minded and willing to treat you as you treat them,the majority of teasing i have heard is aimed at poms and not offensive ,more funny,The latest one to be thrown at me is ''Whats the difference between a boeing 747 and a pom ?? The boeing stops wingeing when it lands in Oz!! ,,well i thought it was quite funny,,

Cal x

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Guest tinbasher
I little question for Mrs Tbasher, or anyone else who can answer it. is it just the Aboriginies that suffer abuse or anyone with a different coloured skin?



I wish I could just say that it was Aboriginal people I heard being abused but sadly I worked at one school and anyone who wasn't a white Ozzie got abused, me included. But I am glad to say that these people were very much the minority. Sometimes it is not what they say but how the say it that makes it worse, if you know what I mean (if you do then it is a miracle as no one ever gets what I mean!).


Mrs TinB

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The majority of stuff we've had is just teasing, people asking if we were in Coronation Street, poms stuff etc., they do say what they mean and if you're sensitive then you could take offence.



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Guest jennywright

hi guys,

I look at is like this.................. when I was at school, most kids got teased at some time or other (we all know kids can be v nasty :mask: ). The teasing was usually related to the characteristic that stood out. Therefore you were a target if - you wore glasses, had red hair, your teeth stuck out, had your hair cut, had spots, were fat, were thin, had freckles, had a different accent to everyone else, had dark skin etc, etc...things aren't much different when you're an adult (we all know adults can be v nasty :laugh: ).

I've got broad enough shoulders and can take things as they are meant and give back as good as I get and I think all poms need to have that attitude whatever their background. Life's too short to take the huff all the time eh?


Jen x :wub:

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