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It's official, British summer is a washout


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Met Office cools on summer sizzler


Forecasters have warned of the pitfalls of predicting the weather a long way in advance after the British summer has so far failed to live up to expectations.

The warning came as the Met Office was set to

issue a revised forecast following its claim in April that the UK was "odds-on for a barbecue summer".

Since a hot spell at the end of June and beginning of July, rainy conditions have been dominant and are set to continue.






Tom Tobler, forecaster at the MeteoGroup, the weather division of the Press Association, said it was difficult to forecast more than around two weeks ahead.

"The further you go into that period the more uncertain it is," he said. "We are usually confident about the general weather system for a number of days.

"As far as seasonal forecasting is concerned, it's only a very vague, general forecast."

The Met Office's summer predictions were based on percentage chances of it being warmer than average, although it did state Britain was unlikely to escape some downpours.

Ewen McCallum, chief meteorologist at the Met Office, said in April: "After two disappointingly wet summers, the signs are much more promising this year. We can expect times when temperatures will be above 30C, something we hardly saw at all last year."

But Mr McCallum warned that while there was a two in three chance the forecast would be right, there was a one in three chance it would be wrong.

He urged caution over seasonal forecasts and said the forecast was based on probabilities which showed there was a 50% chance of the temperatures in June, July and August being above average, a 30% chance they would be average and a 20% chance they would be below average.

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blimey, at that rate England will get more average rainfall than Perth!!


Bright and sunny mate , but frosty early mornin WTF is that all about no fun in houses with caravan windows and 60 kms on a motorbike lol


M ally

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Guest guest17301

When I cleaned the windows on our rental I thought they were made of plastic, I swear they bend with pressure...

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The window frames ( for want ofa more apt word ) of the new house are leaned against the ports carzy (loo) on the path in front of the plot , the big one for sliding doors is floppy as a 2 gallon willy , unreal, one thing i`ve noticed they leave all the gear in unlocked cupboards ,building materials etc , in the uk it would have vanished lol. Put my size 7 here methinks , the windows will have been nicked but why would any body bother, mate avin one built took his plans to double glazin pvc company , asked him quote , dont ask lol



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It's all a big con to get people to holiday in UK. We should all know better going by the last two summers which were ****e.


And how can we listen to these forecasters with regards to global warning when they can't even correctly predict the weather in a couple of months time!



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