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Simon Barnes - Why England & Oz hate each other


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Guest John Sydney

The one country we want to beat is the UK - Its great when we do just like we will beat them this Ashes


Don't know why think its a Family thing little brother (Australia ) is bigger smarter and better than the older brother or sister (UK) But what's really funny which I seen many times in bars and clubs Poms and Aussies will at each other left right and centre. Until the trouble starts then its Poms and Aussie together until its over and they can get back to the main sport of baiting each again weird

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Guest proud2beaussie

Probably because Australians are very proud of their sporting success (Which IMO we have a right to be) but sometimes the pride turns into arrogance and a "nah,nah,nah we beat ya" attitude which

rightly annoys the hell out of some people who would probably otherwise be happy to admit that they were beaten by a better team on the day.

I also think it may have something to do with the tradition associated with the ashes,Australia has always considered England "The Old Enemy" and England likewise with Australia but I think in most fields Australians and English get on well together,you will always have the occassional idiot aussie who mouths off about Poms and you will always find the odd whinging pom who loves to find something to complain about but I have always had a good time with my Brit mates (My GF is British after all and I am British by birth) but I still love to see Australia beat the poms in cricket,but when England is playing another team like the Windies I love to see them win,and I was very proud of the success of the Brits at the Olympics last year.

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I think it's because both countries think the other is arrogant so they don't want each other to win.


I know as an Aussie we have always thought that whenever English win the English press goes crazy over the top with how great they are, best in the world etc., Aussies are rubbish etc. So we don't like to let English win so we can stop the open top buses and medals from the Queen :smile:


Conversely I'm guessing the English think that Australians have a born to win attitude, aggressive on field demeanor, and gloating press. So England like to win to puncture Australia's balloon.


So I reckon we're both obsessively stupid about each other because we both think each other have almost exactly the same faults. It's only when I lived in England that I discovered how skin deep England's sporting bravado is....they would take the mick, I would give it back and then suddenly they would crumple in heap and admit they were crap.....it was no fun at all!!!!! :)


As for Simon Barnes he has always been an Australian hating **** :smile:

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Guest guest17520

It may be just me but before I came to Australia I never knew about this big rivalry we had with them. Maybe it's cos I don't like rugby or cricket and prefer soccer but I never saw Australia as this big competition between us.

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