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Information needed regarding inital entry date


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We may have a bit of a problem regarding validating our Visa.


We planned to do a reccie and validate the visa at the end of June, but Sharon has had an accident resulting in a suspected broken back and as a consequence may not be able to travel.


Our grant letter states our initial entry date as 19th of August 2009, but if she's not fit enough by that date, does anyone know if there are any special circumstances which would allow us an extension to that date?





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Id tread carefully as this could change your visa status, ( CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES)take advice from an agent before contacting diac....

Regards dizz..

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Id tread carefully as this could change your visa status, ( CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES)take advice from an agent before contacting diac....

Regards dizz..



That's why I'm asking on here first.


It's not life threatening, it's just that it'll need time to heal... time I don't think we've got.

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Guest JoanneHattersley

Try asking Gill (Gollywobbler) or Alan Collett on here. Alan is an agent. Im sure that they will be able to offer some help.

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Guest proud2beaussie

DIAC have a policy for this in relation to a Prospective Marriage Visa but I'm not sure about what happens with a 176 visa.I would contact DIAC either by phone or email to your case officer.

In case it's any help this is what the IMMI website says about the Prospective Marriage Visa and this sort of circumstance.

Initial entry date to Australia


The department will advise you of the date you are required to enter Australia (your initial entry date) at the time of visa grant. Your initial entry date is usually the same as the expiry date for the validity of either your health or character checks, whichever is the earlier.

If you do not enter Australia by the intial entry date, your Prospective Marriage visa may be cancelled.

If before your Prospective Marriage visa is granted, you advise the department that you will not have sufficient time to reasonably finalise your affairs and make the necessary travel arrangements, the department may consider changing your initial entry date to a later date.

Note: In these circumstances, you may need to undergo new health and/ or character checks before you can be granted your Prospective Marriage visa.


I'm sure that DIAC will have come across this sort of thing before.

Good luck

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Case officers do have the latitude to extend the required date of initial entry, so make an enquiry, explaining the reasons for your request.


This is also a potentially material change of circumstance in medical terms, so even if you were not seeking an extention of the required initial entry date you should make mention of your wife's accident: I am an advocate for complete disclosure because that reduces the risk of such issues becoming problematic should they become known to DIAC at a later date.


Hope your wife recovers fully soon.

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Case officers do have the latitude to extend the required date of initial entry, so make an enquiry, explaining the reasons for your request.


This is also a potentially material change of circumstance in medical terms, so even if you were not seeking an extention of the required initial entry date you should make mention of your wife's accident: I am an advocate for complete disclosure because that reduces the risk of such issues becoming problematic should they become known to DIAC at a later date.


Hope your wife recovers fully soon.


Thank you Allan, I'll contact our case officer as soon as the results of the MRI scan come through.



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Guest Sydneybound

Can I jump on the bandwagon here - I am having a nightmare trying to co-ordinate the application of a visa with gaining agreement form the ex to take my daughter with me. She is 15 in a few weeks, we are looking at 175 or 176 visa, so know we are in for potentially a 15 to 18 month wait to have visas looked at, by which time she will be over 16. If he was to agree to me applying on the proviso I don't actually take her to live there an agreed date, could we enter Australia with our family visa (me, my partner and my daughter), get the visa's 'stamped' then go back to UK until allowed by ex partner to move there. I guess what I am asking is once you have your visa, how long do you have to actually make the move to Oz and do you have to do anything to secure that visa?

Any advice appreciated as my partner has always wanted to move back to Oz (he lived there for couple of years, ten years ago), I have always wanted to move there, even more so since spending a month there last year and it seems our future is being determined by a father that has had very lttle to do with his daughter for the last ten years (financial or time-wise) and this is on the verge of splitting up my family - so I am trying to reach a suitable comprimise. I am going through court but daughter has said she doesn't want to go until she is a bit older and it would seem this, at her age, could be sufficient to halt our plans. I am sure once we have got her out there for a holiday next year she will love it, but can't wait any longer to put our visa's in as my partner is going crazy at the wait. Help?!

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Sorry you are in such a dilema...firstly there are a few issues in your post that you will need to resolve before you get the ball rolling.. And the main one is your daughter has bad feeelings about the move, so this should be the first thing you address, she is at an age that if she were to get there and decide she absolutly hated it,, what would the repercussions of that be, ???should she decide she wanted to come home when she can legally,,??? Im sure her father is aware that in a years time she wil be old enough to decide for herself.. So any attempts to stand in your way now could back fire on him ( in terms of visitation once you are in oz) to my knowledge he has to concent to "you" taking her to australia by letter and you submit that letter when you apply for your visa.. It will be one of the required documents.. So not sure how you would get round this?? Sometimes visa processing takes less than the time scales you have mentioned so mabey better to calculate timescales for a sooner visa process rather than a later one.. There is a time limit on visa activation.. But you can come back to the uk as soon as you have activated your visa.. If she was more in favour of the move then my advice would be use legal channels with her father.. But you know thats not what she wants.. Its a tough one,, and im sure your partner impatience is not helping,, get as much good info about australia magazines etc then try and get to her that way.. She is for sure at the worst age when it comes to being negative about immigration or change of any kind in terms of a move as it goes.. Assure her that you will come home if she absolutly hates it... Try not to make it sound too permanent while you are making your plans...hope this helps good luck dizz...

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