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176 visa grants

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As some of you may know I have been in a dilemma for some time about our move to oz. We really want to go but we both have good jobs here, good friends etc etc etc. I have also been offered a job with the MET police which I am quite tempted to take. My wife is really up for it but something has been holding me back.Well we have come to a decision!!!! IF WE DONT GO WE WILL NEVER KNOW! So we are definitely going for it and if anyone sees me post another negative post on here there are officially allowed to kick my @rse!


I am about to go off sick from work for 6 months. I had a skiing accident in January and need an operation to my shoulder. I am therefore going to be putting in the application for my 12 month career break in the next few weeks before some other bu@@er gets in there first. My wife is a newly qualified nurse and will have done a year next January. In order to work out when I need the break to start, can anyone who has applied for a 176 (CSL) and has recently got their visa tell me when they applied for it please? It would be great to hear from any nurses in particular.


Also anyone got the addresses of the web sites where the time lines are please?


Thanks guys for all your help in the past. And just to warn you that during the adverts of the Jeremy Kyle show and Oprah (what else can you do when off sick?), I shall be on here a lot!



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Guest KP Nuts

Well I'm pleased you've finally made your mind up, and going......


Sorry can't help with your questions, most of the nurses that we know here in Adelaide are on a 457, temp one, (think that's the number).


Good luck John with the operation, and if your going to be on here a lot more I'll say G'day to you more, lol


Good luck to you both with your application


KP Nuts

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Guest KP Nuts
Thanks Kim for your answer but it has not helped me one bit! :twitcy: (its ok people we know each other)


Anyone else?


LOL, didn't think I was going to be knowledgeable and know the answer, did you? :tongue:


KP Nuts

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Hi, We put our app in last Oct, We are ss & hubbies job is on CSL but it hasn't got us anywhere quicker. We have at least got a Co now, not that anything has changed on our status pg for the last 5 wks +. However, there are a lot of people who only put their apps in Jan/ Feb & have theirs granted! You just never know. As Sue say's, go to the top of this pg &click on the migration issues & you'll see a sticky post at the top " 175,176 & 475 visa timeline" & have a look on there, Good luck to you, with your op & the forms.

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