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175 application with 2 dependant children over 18


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I'm new at this so please bear with me!

I am a nurse and am just starting the process of applying for a 175 visa for myself, husband and 2 children to emigrate to Oz. Both of the kids are over 18 and are at uni and 6th form at present.

My question is, does anybody know the documentation I will need to provide in support of them being my dependants.

I hope this makes sense and apologise for rambling!!

Help Please!!!!!!:smile:

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Hi, You're lucky they are both in full time education. I think they are allowed to be earning £60 or less (equivalent to unemployment benefit in Oz, so we were told!). You will also need to fill in the form 47A , 1 each .& you will need proof that they are at college/ uni etc. You will also, if I remember rightly, need to right a statutory declaration, saying why & how ect they are dependant on you. Hope this helps for now. I think they might have to proove that they live at home still, copies of bank statements, drivers licence etc. Can't think of anything else at the moment!!! Best of luck. X

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HI Cazz

That 's helpful thanks. They are definately dependant they cost me a fortune!! Where abouts in Perth are you heading, have you got jobs already? I have been offered a job at the Royal Perth, but my husband will have to find something. It's quite worrying when you read about all the doom and gloom and the lack of jobs.

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Hi, Not to sure at the moment, we think maybe Quinns Rock or Yanchep area but until hubby at least finds a job nothings definate. He's an aircraft maintenance engineer, he was a plumber, was a welder and was also trained in computer aided design so he has a few trades to go at if no aircraft mainenance jobs come up! I know the feeling as far as the kids & expence goes. My eldest is 21, we couldn't put her on the visa because she works full time( on a pitance I may add!) She still depends on us, but unfortunatley they don't see it like that. She's my main worry, as I don't know how she will manage by herself, but luckily BANK of NAN & GRANDAD will be close by!!! She doesn't want to come anyway, but I'm hoping she changes her mind once sh's been over & seen what it's like! It is worrying when you think about jobs etc over there, but I just can't wait now & don't really care, I'd rather be a pauper over there than here I'm affraid. Good luck with your application & job. If I can be of any more help please don't hesitate to ask. X

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