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arghhhh failed artc


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i am really really mad we passed the tra 1st class metal machinist .. got the blerdy visa sent the dog and shippers are coming tomorrow!



and we failed the artc .... how does that work, its the same blerdy office im gutted its a joke ...:arghh: so now we have to resubmit and pay more money and we fly in 2 weeks!! is this australias idea of a joke blah blah blah is it worth all this pressure?

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Guest leeob77

i went through TRA for skills assessment and got ARTC with them. (as electrican though)

have you contacted them to ask why you failed? although its nearly the same form etc they seem to want a bit more on the application. i provided example jobs that i did complete with photocopied wiring diagrams, engineering log pages etc.


did you pay for the first application? what they dont tell a lot of people is that if you were assessed by TRA for the visa then your first application for an ARTC is free.


i would send them an email asking why you failed as they probably just want a bit more supporting evidence.


fingers crossed.



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hi lee, yes we seem to have not given enough in their terms they want more of what oh does even though its signed and sealed by G E who he works for all the degrees and paperwork seems fine so we are going to ring them tonight trouble is, his first company he worked for and apprentiship with went belly up years ago.... just seems more hoops , its annoying that they let it all go this far though and we payed and were passed tra etc, been with the same company 20 years , they seem to have their wires a bit muddled about what he actually does as well.. just wanted to go and get on with it , now we have less than 2 weeks to go and sort it out , just more pressure and stress ! thanks for the reply.

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Guest 2pigs3piglets

hi sis, i know your under presure, and so little time left that you feel every think is comming all at once, but hang in there, and im here if you need me.

chin up gal!

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Can't believe that they have left it so late, before notifying you, doesn't seem right, hope you manage to get it sorted

Tania X



to be fair this was prob our own fault as we sent it off in january , thinking it was a sure thing , they said after the visa and it takes 20days.. nieve off us to think passing the tra and getting all the same info was enough , obviously not , in our case .... so warning for all send your artc off early as you can and double the paperwork , !:skeptical:

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Guest spottymercedes

Hi Sharon, Hope you manage to sort it out. Not quite sure what its all about but does not sound good. Thinking of you all. xxx Has Jack landed yet?

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i am really really mad we passed the tra 1st class metal machinist .. got the blerdy visa sent the dog and shippers are coming tomorrow!



and we failed the artc .... how does that work, its the same blerdy office im gutted its a joke ...:arghh: so now we have to resubmit and pay more money and we fly in 2 weeks!! is this australias idea of a joke blah blah blah is it worth all this pressure?

Sorry to hear that, but what exactly is ARTC???-Ive never heard of it before!

(But as soon as you say, I will know and feel stupid- AGAIN!:twitcy:)

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hi its the second part to the tra for certain trades ! need it to get a job , in our case we found out last night that we were passed for tra have visa and now told the job oh does is not wanted its to advanced they want engineering from 30 years ago so we are up the creek without a paddle... how the hell it was not picked up on the tra is beyond us!! why are they wanting that far behind ?

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i am really really mad we passed the tra 1st class metal machinist .. got the blerdy visa sent the dog and shippers are coming tomorrow!



and we failed the artc .... how does that work, its the same blerdy office im gutted its a joke ...:arghh: so now we have to resubmit and pay more money and we fly in 2 weeks!! is this australias idea of a joke blah blah blah is it worth all this pressure?


You don't need to care! Metal machinist isn't a regulated trade, you don't need a licence to do your job.


An employer isn't even required to check out your apprenticeship papers although they could well do so.


Provided your potential employer is convinced you can do the job its yours for the taking.

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