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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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I think the refusal letters posted on here mentioned a bridging visa. But that is apparently $10k and needs to be done in Australia? I could be wrong. That's what I am reading, but again very early days. From my interpretation of the letters then post grad courses will be considered but at this stage who knows. Fingers crossed its positive news and they start accepting individuals post grad training. Such a shame they done recognise experience, as a 'soon to be' newly qualified I can clearly state I wouldn't employ me over someone with vast amounts of experience. I know what position I would rather be in, and that would be experienced rather than a degree under my belt.

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I think the refusal letters posted on here mentioned a bridging visa. But that is apparently $10k and needs to be done in Australia? I could be wrong. That's what I am reading, but again very early days. From my interpretation of the letters then post grad courses will be considered but at this stage who knows. Fingers crossed its positive news and they start accepting individuals post grad training. Such a shame they done recognise experience, as a 'soon to be' newly qualified I can clearly state I wouldn't employ me over someone with vast amounts of experience. I know what position I would rather be in, and that would be experienced rather than a degree under my belt.


Let's hope our postgrad qualifications count, as I've been researching, and from what I can gather, WA no longer have any bridging courses located there! And that's the state that's sponsored me. Meaning leaving my family while I do the course, or relocating to a part of Oz that does it! The stress is unbelievable!!

Edited by geordiegirl68
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please don't throw it in. We arrived in Perth in April and only just found out that the dip he does not qualify. My wife cried for two days but We won't let them beat us. The local MP is furious and Channel 7 today tonight program may do a story on it. Imagine if the UK had given out PR to foreign nurses then when they all arrived they said they couldn't work and signed on. It would be front page news. My wife has 10 years as a RN but is now working as an NA for an agency for $27 an hour. It's enough to get us by and we also get $880 child benefit a month and $300 rent allowance. So we can just about manage until it's sorted. Get out here work as an N/A and stay positive. If any Nurses are in Perth and are running out of money or need a place to stay message us. We will help you rather than throw in the towel. We need to look out for each other and stick together until AHPRA wake up to what they are doing.


Thank you so much for your kind words of support

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Hi everyone,

I'm totally new to all this so sorry if I'm not doing this in the right context! Saw the mention of APHRA and it's so relieving to see it's not just me having trouble with them! I applied around April for my nursing registration, recieved an email about 2 weeks ago asking for completely random information with a threatening deadline of 1st July - I cried when I read it after struggling to even get a transcript through my university! It's a horrible feeling putting your future in the hands of people who don't really care on a personal level. How long has it been taking people to get their pin? Like I say, I applied in April, am hoping the required documents arrive by 1st July, am lucky enough to be degree trained, and now have a PR visa.

Thanks for reading,


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Hi everyone,

I'm totally new to all this so sorry if I'm not doing this in the right context! Saw the mention of APHRA and it's so relieving to see it's not just me having trouble with them! I applied around April for my nursing registration, recieved an email about 2 weeks ago asking for completely random information with a threatening deadline of 1st July - I cried when I read it after struggling to even get a transcript through my university! It's a horrible feeling putting your future in the hands of people who don't really care on a personal level. How long has it been taking people to get their pin? Like I say, I applied in April, am hoping the required documents arrive by 1st July, am lucky enough to be degree trained, and now have a PR visa.

Thanks for reading,



Hi Laura,

Welcome to the frustrated nurses forum, some people have been waiting as far back as Sept/Oct last year. But as you're degree trained, you have nothing to worry about, it's us diploma nurses who are worried, as the new selection criteria no longer seems to allow us to register as nurses! Keep us posted, as with your qualification you may get through quicker than many of us!

Best wishes.

Edited by geordiegirl68
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Hi, thanks for reply! It's actually RIDICULOUS. I completely disagree with the way they've changed it to degree only here. Personally my whole course had nothing to do with the job, I wasn't taught any anatomy or physiology like the 'old fashioned' nurses learnt. I had no idea APHRA had jumped on that bandwagon too. It WILL change, and it has to, because if they try and run health services on degree only nurses, they will very quickly see the standard of care drop. I wish you all the best, and hope they have a reality check ASAP. If I finally get there I will argue the case!!

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I dont suppose anyone has heard anything about the Mental Health diploma nurses? I have the advanced diploma which under the new AHPRA rubbish should put me at AQF 6 and eligable for the briding course which seems to only be aimed at General nursing. All the placements are on acute medical wards. Surely they can see the problem here? I suppose they could just flat out refuse all mental health and peadiatric nurses but that would seem crazy. Any ideas?

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...Hmm I understand what you are saying but I can't say I completely agree. To say simply because I am degree trained that my care will be of a lesser standard is a tad unfair. My degree was very intense, the A&P side of it was extremely indepth - a great deal more so than my mum received when she trained 35 years ago, she has on the other hand got 32 years experience on me in which she has learnt TONS! And which is why our training involves 50/50 theory to practical because you learn so much through practical experience! They need to take this into consideration! I literally trained on the wards shoulder to shoulder with diploma nurses, doing the exact same.

I've mentioned before that I do believe that we are the guinea pigs for the application process transition - I reckon they will rethink their decisions as they will definitely be missing out on a lot of fabulous nurses if they stick to this. I'm not even entirely sure what the difference is between degree and diploma courses? They both end up with registered nurse jobs, completing the same patient care/tasks on a daily basis - crazy.

The least they can do is address everyone or publish something with explanations and rationale for everyone to see.

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...Hmm I understand what you are saying but I can't say I completely agree. To say simply because I am degree trained that my care will be of a lesser standard is a tad unfair. My degree was very intense, the A&P side of it was extremely indepth - a great deal more so than my mum received when she trained 35 years ago, she has on the other hand got 32 years experience on me in which she has learnt TONS! And which is why our training involves 50/50 theory to practical because you learn so much through practical experience! They need to take this into consideration! I literally trained on the wards shoulder to shoulder with diploma nurses, doing the exact same.

I've mentioned before that I do believe that we are the guinea pigs for the application process transition - I reckon they will rethink their decisions as they will definitely be missing out on a lot of fabulous nurses if they stick to this. I'm not even entirely sure what the difference is between degree and diploma courses? They both end up with registered nurse jobs, completing the same patient care/tasks on a daily basis - crazy.

The least they can do is address everyone or publish something with explanations and rationale for everyone to see.


There isn't much difference between the two, I think it might just be one module/essay?!?! Like you say if you put them side be side they would see that. On the framework it clearly states that that level 6 diploma is a 2 year course and level 7 is a 3 year course which is why ANMAC say it is the equivalent to the degree!! If ahpra put the 2 courses side by side and looked at each bit closely I'm sure they could see it. What we need is a lawyer who can look at the degree & diploma courses and the level 7 framework & argue the case for us or something!!! That would take time though & we don't have that! Has aphra actually justified anywhere why the diploma is no longer good enough, even though it's a 3 year course & I mean given the actual specific detail if what is missing or different between the two? Because I would sure like to know!!

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This whole thing is an absolute shambles they should have started the new criteria with new applications and with ANMAC on board not delaying applications already lodged! seems like we have all been stuck in a catch 22 position. How can they let you apply and ask for further information from HE Dip qualified if they are just going to refuse. The communication has been disgraceful even AHPRA staff ( in my experience ) have been left to deal with all our questions concerns and tears without any answers. I was granted my visa on the strength of my nursing, I have been skilled assessed as qualified as a nurse. I have even taken an English exam and was granted a visa and told I had to be in Australia by 5th of Dec or my visa was void. I then get here just to be possibly told I cannot work in the very role that got me here!!! Now I am here with no job, no money it can't even afford to fly home! I know I am probably repeating the same story as everyone on here. I have just received another email off AHPRA asking for theory hours an assessment on criteria 8, when I asked AHPRA how many hours and which assessment they need to meet this criteria they told me that there is no set hours or assessments. Now I read on here that they are refusing Diplomas, why are they asking me then!!! Does anyone actually know anyone who has received reg under the new system that has the H E Diploma?? ......anybody?

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Hello everyone I am a representative of the group AHPRAVUK class action. We have been trying to engage AHPRA into discussions so that they suspend the application of the new framework on all applications received before 10.2.14 We had hoped for a quick reply from their CEO but nothing has been received as of yet, though there's still 5 days left out of 14 we gave them.

However we have been in contact with the health minister and some supreme court justices who have looked at our case and predict a 99% win. We want to broker a deal where our members will be assessed under the old system and receive their registration within 14-21days. We need your names so that they can be in our list as we will not offer this deal to non members also AHPRA will not want to see a flood gate of claims from all over the world. Your name must be on our list to enable us to represent you; if you're not then even when the agreement is made your name won't be in the document. If you wait for their decision or go at it alone you will lose as your resources will be no match both financially and legally to those at AHPRA 's disposal.

Our Sydney solicitors are a large firm in the CBD with 100s of lawyers and barristers at their disposal.

There's no need to consider a bridging programme or even going back home as by this time next month you would be registered. We cannot discuss a lot here due to some members actually working or aiding AHPRA and also the administration of this site has been trying to censor us. Please join us so that we can all reach that dream

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For some unknown reason all our earlier posts are being remove and we have enquired with the administrators of this site and we are still waiting for a reply!!!

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Oh no! Not been on here for a while, currently waiting on ANMAC. I've got a Dip HE Children's Nursing with 9yrs experience, have got 45 credits at degree level but have not topped up fully to the degree. Has anyone with a dip he only been refused registration as yet?! Is my oz dream over before it's begun?? :cry:

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Hi there,


I am a UK Diploma trained nurse ( a 3 year university course ) and I was assessed by ANMAC as having equivalent to a degree. But, I am still waiting for a decision from AHPRA since February this year.


Has anyone, who has a nursing Diploma, recently succesfully registered with AHPRA please? As I am starting to get very worried.



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Hello folks. I am new to this forum but just wanted you to know my update on the whole ANMAC / APHRA approach. I started over 2 years ago and got the positive skills assessment from ANMAC last Sept 13. I applied to APHRA as told to do that then which was Oct 13. I studied the diploma in M Health Nursing and provided them with all the evidence they asked for - ANMAC file sent on to them to save time. Was told being processed and thought all good. As has been pointed out on here and how viewed now, my file was processed last week - 6/7 months in total - and was refused based on the diploma. States level 6 and needs to be level 7. Have received the letter about doing the bridging course but this would still mean going to Oz if state sponsored visa comes through, finding a job in a different career that will also allow you to do the course which you would have to pay for also and even when done they might have changed the rules again. I learnt more from this forum than any emails that were never replied to from my case officer over 3 months. The case was heard at NSW and it states all being done there. Sorry this is not positive news that you might want to hear but if you are starting the process off, please stop and seek advice. ANMAC could still give you a positive outcome but if diploma trained you will fail at AHPRA and no-one will tell you this or point it out to you. Hope this helps anyone who might need this advice / information. In theory i missed out by 2/3 weeks for the date they backdated their changes to in Oct. Best of luck to all of you and use all the support you can from each other.

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Hello folks. I am new to this forum but just wanted you to know my update on the whole ANMAC / APHRA approach. I started over 2 years ago and got the positive skills assessment from ANMAC last Sept 13. I applied to APHRA as told to do that then which was Oct 13. I studied the diploma in M Health Nursing and provided them with all the evidence they asked for - ANMAC file sent on to them to save time. Was told being processed and thought all good. As has been pointed out on here and how viewed now, my file was processed last week - 6/7 months in total - and was refused based on the diploma. States level 6 and needs to be level 7. Have received the letter about doing the bridging course but this would still mean going to Oz if state sponsored visa comes through, finding a job in a different career that will also allow you to do the course which you would have to pay for also and even when done they might have changed the rules again. I learnt more from this forum than any emails that were never replied to from my case officer over 3 months. The case was heard at NSW and it states all being done there. Sorry this is not positive news that you might want to hear but if you are starting the process off, please stop and seek advice. ANMAC could still give you a positive outcome but if diploma trained you will fail at AHPRA and no-one will tell you this or point it out to you. Hope this helps anyone who might need this advice / information. In theory i missed out by 2/3 weeks for the date they backdated their changes to in Oct. Best of luck to all of you and use all the support you can from each other.


Oh no that is terrible for you and such a frustrating situation to be in. So gutted for you & everyone in same situation. I think we were all hoping this wouldn't be the case, just can't believe they have made this stupid decision . They are basing are diploma on the same level as an enrolled nurse and not recognising we are registered nurses! Do u mind if I ask if you have any post grad qualifications or just your diploma? Nat.

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Just looked up Australian nursing qualifications, their enrolled nurses study for 18 months and get a diploma, placing them on level 6. Their registered nurse degree course is 3 years, level 7. Our diploma is 3 years & we are registered nurses. Totally different to the Australian diploma they are comparing us too!! This is just so frustrating that they are not giving us the recognition we have worked so hard for! However if this issue does not get resolved can we register & get jobs as enrolled nurses?!?!

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Have any Diploma nurses recently succesfully been accepted by AHPRA?


I am waiting for a decision from AHPRA and I am a Diploma nurse with a small CPD module I just completed at University.


Does this mean that I will be refused by AHPRA?


Why would they string me along like this for so long? I did the ANMAC and then applied to AHPRA - and have constantly supplied evidence that AHPRA have requested over a period of months - and then to be refused at the end of that long process for something so simple as not having a degree just does not make sense. Why didnt they tell me that at the beginning of the application process - it would have saved us both a lot of agravation?

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Guest NuriootpaSA

I understand that MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority) is looking into AHPRA over ruling ANMAC, because ANMAC is providing assessments that count towards a visa, based on a UK Diploma obtaining a Degree assessment. When AHPRA then go on to refuse registration, they are, ineffect (as has been pointed out), ensurring Australia takes in migrants who are unemployable, under false pretences, yet they wont pay benefits. I'm assuming there is a Human Rights principle being flouted also.

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I have the diploma & the only other part was for passing the mentorship course. The more nurses that report if they get refused on here will help so if ever take legal action you can use it as all evidence on numbers. I hope the best for others still applying & fingers crossed for positive outcomes.

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I understand that MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority) is looking into AHPRA over ruling ANMAC, because ANMAC is providing assessments that count towards a visa, based on a UK Diploma obtaining a Degree assessment. When AHPRA then go on to refuse registration, they are, ineffect (as has been pointed out), ensurring Australia takes in migrants who are unemployable, under false pretences, yet they wont pay benefits. I'm assuming there is a Human Rights principle being flouted also.


Could this then lead to the immigration dept stopping the issuing of visa's to nurses? I lodged my visa a couple of weeks ago and so worried that they may put them on hold whole this whole issue gets looked into? Or does it mean that they are saying it was illegal for aphra to overrule ANMAC?!?!?

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