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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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I put in a long and thorough complaint to AHPRA yesterday via email. I doubt anything will come of it but apparently it has been sent to some other department who will get back to me in due course.


Iv nothing to lose but I don't like watching an organisation treat so many people like this and not even give an explanation as to what is happening. There was no warning and not even an update to applicants to advise. I'm sorry, but can you ever imagine the NMC being able to do this?

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I have to say AHPRA has unfairly treated those who submitted their forms before the new framework was introduced. Surely there must be some legal action we can take against them for retrospectively applying a rule that didn't exist when we first submitted our forms. They wouldn't do this and get away with it if this was affecting native Australians. This reminds me of how the Aborigines were all swept into the outback and the door closed, and leaving them to fend for themselves on 'Sit Down Money' frustration. AHPRA as far as I am aware has not processed a single IQNM application since February 2014, I could be wrong so please correct me if my info is wrong.

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Yes Titan I think you are right. They should have continued with the old framework until they sorted a definite new one. They had me fly down to Sydney to present myself in February ( which I understood as the last stage) only to find that they had changed the criteria 3 days before. I have the diploma and am worried sick that I won't be able to register. I gave up a great job up in the UK not realising this would happen and the stress and tears it has caused. I would advise anyone not to give any of their security up until they have a100% guarantee they are registered with AHPRA.

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Yes Titan I think you are right. They should have continued with the old framework until they sorted a definite new one. They had me fly down to Sydney to present myself in February ( which I understood as the last stage) only to find that they had changed the criteria 3 days before. I have the diploma and am worried sick that I won't be able to register. I gave up a great job up in the UK not realising this would happen and the stress and tears it has caused. I would advise anyone not to give any of their security up until they have a100% guarantee they are registered with AHPRA.

@Joby it is greatly distressing, at present I had to pull out of selling my flat after I realised it wasn't going to be a straight forward process with AHPRA. It is not so much a question of wanting to be registered asap, but rather having definite timescales allowing people to plan and possibly carry on with their lives rather than hanging in limbo, in a information less vacuum.

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Titan I know how it's made me feel over the past 6 months. They are not respecting the fact that we are people at the end of the day, with real lives. We all worked hard for our nursing qualifications and for then to totally mess us around for months is unacceptable. My friend got the local MP involved when they were waiting for her daughters registration. She'd been in Aus for a few months and was having a long wait. The MP seemed to do the trick. That is my next port of call...

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Lounrich I saw that on the website too! I haven't used Twitter upto now but I'm reconsidering. Something really needs to be done and maybe tweeting is the way forward! A petition to MP's or the embassy! Something has to be done!

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How dare those dam colonials treat us from the mother country so badly!

Have it on good authority from a bridging school lecturer that they are filling their courses just fine from nurses educated Philipines and India who in past 3months have been given LOE from AHPRA. She says the delay is dud to UK nurses not being general educated and this has put AHPRA in a predicament that they start rejecting UK nurses all hell will break loose but that is what yhe new national law dictates- comparable education to the same health professional in Australia.

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If your degree is general not specific to paeds, mental healtj, disability and you have a Bachelor degree I have been told that is ok. But if you are specialised that is not general educated and is not comparable to the Australian nursing degree where med/surg mental health cultural studies, pharmaceutical unit annd a few weeks of elective specialty is in the nursing degree.

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Ohhhh I didn't know they had twitter!!! I'm getting on to it straight away!!! Get your friends etc to retweet it and we'll try and get something going! Anyone know the Australian MP who would be interested in this sort of thing and I'll add them into it?...

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I've set up a twitter account now too! I have asked them if its correct about all the overseas applications going to NSW office regardless of which office you originally send them too as my first tweet! Like to hear it from the horses mouth rather than hearsay! Then I think we should all tweet something similar re: the current situation and see if we get a response. I noticed there is a group called Ahpra action on twitter who have petitioned against some criteria Ahpra had and WON!! Maybe its the way forward!!

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Ohhhh I didn't know they had twitter!!! I'm getting on to it straight away!!! Get your friends etc to retweet it and we'll try and get something going! Anyone know the Australian MP who would be interested in this sort of thing and I'll add them into it?...


Unless you have a job in some remote area that is desperate for health care staff, no politician is going to help overseas nurses as there are hundreds of new graduates out of work and many other nurses not being kept on after grad year. The union is addressing the government of the overuse of 457 sponsored skills visa used for many overseas nurses jobs and there is a now hostility towards immigration due to rising unemployment and cost of living due to to all the overuse of 85% goverment funding going to social security payments and immigrant services. They now want existing tax payers to work until they are 70, which is great for a physical demanding job as a nurse, so its not the best time for a polly to campaign for immigration.


I would love to be registered with the NMC and come back home to live, but the NMC without any warning, closed the door on nurses educated in Australia, perhaps AHPRA is doing ditto. Do you see any policians overthere that can help please :(

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If AHPRA do not intend to register any more overseas nurses then they should be upfront about it instead of keeping people hanging on for month after month without supplying any information.


The problem is not so much that AHPRA might not want to register UK trained nurses, that's down to powers higher up, the problem is with the lack of communication and the unprofessional way in which applicants (who have paid good money) are being treated by an organisation which appears to be answerable to no one.

Edited by lounrich
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