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All Coles stores donating all profits to Bushfire appeal on Friday


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Not been on for a week or so ( computer problems).

Anyway the reason for this post is to let you know that on Friday all profits Coles make (countrywide) they will be donating to the bushfire appeal for the poor people affected in Victoria. So please even if you dont shop in Coles, please go there on Friday....you will be helping so many people!!

We have been here nearly 2 years and in that time we have made friends (through friends) that have not only lost there homes, cars etc but have also lost family/friends etc. OH friend who he works with is not at work this week, he is defending his home, the rest of his family (wife and 4 children under 12) have evacuated!! Its awful....so please help as much as you can!!

Thanks so much to you all!!

Deb xx

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Guest chris_n_lucy

What a great getsure for them to make. I only wish I was in Australia to shop there. I hope they raise plenty of money.



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Guest lovediving
Not been on for a week or so ( computer problems).

Anyway the reason for this post is to let you know that on Friday all profits Coles make (countrywide) they will be donating to the bushfire appeal for the poor people affected in Victoria. So please even if you dont shop in Coles, please go there on Friday....you will be helping so many people!!

We have been here nearly 2 years and in that time we have made friends (through friends) that have not only lost there homes, cars etc but have also lost family/friends etc. OH friend who he works with is not at work this week, he is defending his home, the rest of his family (wife and 4 children under 12) have evacuated!! Its awful....so please help as much as you can!!

Thanks so much to you all!!

Deb xx


I think it is a wonderful thing to donate to bush fires but it is funny that Woolworths are donating to the Australian Farmers one whole day's profit next Friday as well. I also think that some of these companies are using the opportunity as publicity stunts too it is obvious. Not that I am saying they don't care but lets face it Woolworths were advertising on TV that they were donating a whole day to farmers on Friday and now Coles are donating a whole day Friday to Bush Fire victims. Who would you rather shop with now I wonder.....

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Bunnings have been doing a sausage sizzle all week for the fire victims. All the money raised (food etc donated by Bunnings) is going to the victims. On Friday 13th the money raised goes to the flood victims in North Queensland and Saturday back to fire victims. This, from what I've been informed works out to about $2500 per day per store on average. Wesfarmers who own Bunnings and the Coles group have also donated $1/2 million on top of the equipment and other fund raising that everyone who works there is doing.

Buy a sausage on Friday and Saturday, even if you don't like them, the money is going to the most worthy of causes.



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Guest proud2beaussie

***** MEDIA RELEASE ****


10 February 2009




In response to the Victorian Bushfire tragedy, the Bluey Day Foundation has set up a campaign to specifically raise money for the benefit of Emergency Service workers, many of whom are volunteers, who have lost personal property or who have been injured as a result of the fires.



Online donations to the Bluey Day 2009 Victorian Bushfire Appeal can be made at www.blueyday.net or by telephone on 1800 258 379.

Over the last 14 years the combined efforts of Emergency Service workers has helped us raise over $20 million for kids with cancer and other serious illnesses. Now, it's our turn to help them out in their time of need.



Cash donations over $2 are tax deductible and 100% of all monies raised will go directly to those workers in need. The Foundation will work in conjunction with the relevant authorities to ensure all money is distributed to the men and women who have lost so much trying to help the public.



The Bluey Day Foundation is a not-for-profit registered national charity that is run by a small team of volunteers.


Consumer Affairs Victoria has approved this campaign. http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/cbav/...2574EC0006AB46



Inquiries: 1800 258 379 or enquiry@blueyday.net

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Guest proud2beaussie
I think it is a wonderful thing to donate to bush fires but it is funny that Woolworths are donating to the Australian Farmers one whole day's profit next Friday as well. I also think that some of these companies are using the opportunity as publicity stunts too it is obvious. Not that I am saying they don't care but lets face it Woolworths were advertising on TV that they were donating a whole day to farmers on Friday and now Coles are donating a whole day Friday to Bush Fire victims. Who would you rather shop with now I wonder.....

Sorry lovediving,I think you are being way too cynical.

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I think it is a wonderful thing to donate to bush fires but it is funny that Woolworths are donating to the Australian Farmers one whole day's profit next Friday as well. I also think that some of these companies are using the opportunity as publicity stunts too it is obvious. Not that I am saying they don't care but lets face it Woolworths were advertising on TV that they were donating a whole day to farmers on Friday and now Coles are donating a whole day Friday to Bush Fire victims. Who would you rather shop with now I wonder.....


Woolies have a farmers day every year ,each states at different times ,they could not have foreseen last saturdays terrible events ,if the news is right they are now contributing , think youve been diving too long , longest symptoms of the bends ive ever known .



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I think it is a wonderful thing to donate to bush fires but it is funny that Woolworths are donating to the Australian Farmers one whole day's profit next Friday as well. I also think that some of these companies are using the opportunity as publicity stunts too it is obvious. Not that I am saying they don't care but lets face it Woolworths were advertising on TV that they were donating a whole day to farmers on Friday and now Coles are donating a whole day Friday to Bush Fire victims. Who would you rather shop with now I wonder.....


Woolworths has just donated $1m to the channel 9 telethon.

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Guest slipshot
I think it is a wonderful thing to donate to bush fires but it is funny that Woolworths are donating to the Australian Farmers one whole day's profit next Friday as well. I also think that some of these companies are using the opportunity as publicity stunts too it is obvious. Not that I am saying they don't care but lets face it Woolworths were advertising on TV that they were donating a whole day to farmers on Friday and now Coles are donating a whole day Friday to Bush Fire victims. Who would you rather shop with now I wonder.....


Sorry - have to agree with livediving. If you want to donate money, why no just donate money - why have a day when people have to come in and shop. Everyone in retial knows it is all about footfall, and what better way than to generate it than by this.


A simple payment would be sufficient - now I see adverts from insurance companies saying 'this is how to claim' - whi is this any different to anything else.


I don;t see it as cynical - just reality and a sad way of driving people into your stores when a simple financial gesture would be sufficient.

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Guest proud2beaussie
Sorry - have to agree with livediving. If you want to donate money, why no just donate money - why have a day when people have to come in and shop. Everyone in retial knows it is all about footfall, and what better way than to generate it than by this.


A simple payment would be sufficient - now I see adverts from insurance companies saying 'this is how to claim' - whi is this any different to anything else.


I don;t see it as cynical - just reality and a sad way of driving people into your stores when a simple financial gesture would be sufficient.

But they are not having a special day to shop,the stores would have been open anyway and they could have gone on just making their ususal Friday profit (which is their busiest day) but they have decided in a spirit of community mindeness to donate their profit to the victims of this terrible tragedy,I thank god we have organisations in this country who are willling to step in and offer a helping hand when it's needed and I believe it's wrong to do anything other than congratulate them for doing so.

As for insurance companies giving details about how to claim,well many of them have put in place special hotline numbers for people who have to make a claim due to having lost their houses,and they have set up teams of mobile assessors so that the people who need help the most get it as quickly as possible.

Big business sometimes cops flak for what they do,and sometimes rightly so,but in this instance they are doing the right thing,at the right time.

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Guest lovediving
But they are not having a special day to shop,the stores would have been open anyway and they could have gone on just making their ususal Friday profit (which is their busiest day) but they have decided in a spirit of community mindeness to donate their profit to the victims of this terrible tragedy,I thank god we have organisations in this country who are willling to step in and offer a helping hand when it's needed and I believe it's wrong to do anything other than congratulate them for doing so.

As for insurance companies giving details about how to claim,well many of them have put in place special hotline numbers for people who have to make a claim due to having lost their houses,and they have set up teams of mobile assessors so that the people who need help the most get it as quickly as possible.

Big business sometimes cops flak for what they do,and sometimes rightly so,but in this instance they are doing the right thing,at the right time.


I am not saying Coles are wrong far from it but lets face it they sure are getting some advertising from it, I bet woolworths, franklins will be empty on Friday and after Friday has come and gone where do you think people would prefer to shop.....


It is a fact of live we live in a capatalist world and big companies make use of it wherever possible.

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Guest JoanneHattersley

Who cares if they are getting advertising from it??? Does not bother me and Im sure that others arent bothered! The upshot is that they are getting off their butts, raising money + giving it to where it matters!

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Guest proud2beaussie
I bet woolworths, franklins will be empty on Friday and after Friday has come and gone where do you think people would prefer to shop

The fact that Coles are donating their profits today will have no effect on where people shop in the future,this sort of thing has been done before and it will make no difference,and simply because there will be people who will only ever shop at Woolworths regardless of the fact that Coles is donating profits today,for example,people who hold Woolworths shares or have a Woolworths credit card,or who only have a Woolworths store convenient to where they live,those people will shop at Woolworths today and donate to the appeal in some other way.

Other people will only ever shop at Coles,for the same reasons,there will be some,possibly a lot,of people who would normally shop at Coles on a different day but will shop today because of the appeal but I would think it would be a fairly percentage of their customers.

But whatever,I still believe that Coles (and Woolworths) are community minded businesses and are doing these things for the right reasons-because they are AUSTRALIAN.

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Guest JoanneHattersley


But whatever,I still believe that Coles (and Woolworths) are community minded businesses and are doing these things for the right reasons-because they are AUSTRALIAN.




Me 2! Well said Nigel



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Guest lovediving
Who cares if they are getting advertising from it??? Does not bother me and Im sure that others arent bothered! The upshot is that they are getting off their butts, raising money + giving it to where it matters!


One day's profits for all the billions they make a year, I reckon they will double the days profits that they lost within the next week after for all their advertising.


How about they just give one day's profits from last week or something if they are just doing it for a good cause.

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Guest JoanneHattersley

They are advertising it to ensure that the maximum people know and that the maximum amount is raised from it!


Australians are home grown! They support their own! Havent we seen this in abundance in the last week????


It doesnt matter if it is ine days profits, one weeks or a months profits. They are giving SOMETHING! That to me says volumes!


Have you donated Lovediving?

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Guest lovediving
They are advertising it to ensure that the maximum people know and that the maximum amount is raised from it!


Australians are home grown! They support their own! Havent we seen this in abundance in the last week????


It doesnt matter if it is ine days profits, one weeks or a months profits. They are giving SOMETHING! That to me says volumes!


Have you donated Lovediving?


Yes I have, not that it is any of your business, you ?

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Guest JoanneHattersley
Yes I have, not that it is any of your business, you ?


I was just asking Lovediving that was all. Yes, I shopped at Coles today!

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Guest lovediving
I was just asking Lovediving that was all. Yes, I shopped at Coles today!


I donated money the other day twice and I did shop at Coles this morning but not because I want to boost their advertising !


I agree that Australians are really pulling together but all this "Australian home grown" and Australia this and that is really starting to get on my nerves. I don't recall the UK going on about themselves so much for gods sake will people give it a rest. Like I said a lot of you are following the wizard of OZ yellow brick road, just be aware that that road can lead to a lot of other things too.

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Guest proud2beaussie


I live in an area directly affected by the fires,in fact there is a fire at the moment not ten minutes drive away,and what you are obviously unaware of is that local Coles stores in the area (There are two) have been donating truckloads of food to people affected by the fires,and also providing food to the volunteer fire fighters ,and all this has been done with very little publicity,the store managers got together and cleared it with head office and hired trucks to have the stuff delivered,and the local Woolworths heard about it and joined with Coles to organise distribution.

I think your posts on this subject are overly negative and if you had lost your house in the fires you may well have a different attitude.

This is my last post on this subject-I have made my point.

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Guest donovan

Anyway breaking news on sky as we speak that they have arrested a 39 year old man over the Churchill fires, which killed 21 people, will try and update when I find out more.


Sarah x

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Guest JoanneHattersley
Anyway breaking news on sky as we speak that they have arrested a 39 year old man over the Churchill fires, which killed 21 people, will try and update when I find out more.


Sarah x


Oh that IS good news!

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Guest proud2beaussie
Anyway breaking news on sky as we speak that they have arrested a 39 year old man over the Churchill fires, which killed 21 people, will try and update when I find out more.


Sarah x

Thanks Sarah,

For anyone who doesn't have sky there is also a report here :

Police arrest man over Vic bushfire

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