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Have you now changed your mind?

mr luvpants

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Guest mandisfam

Hi John, We have almost changed our mind. In fact during the weekend just gone, for 1 whole nights sleep will had decided not to go. By morning, during breakfast, we decided we just couldn't turn down the opportunity. Reason for nearly not going, financial reasons, but by morning we both feel to lucky to have such an opportunity, and we struggle here, so if we struggle in Oz it makes no difference to us, the gain I hope will be for my children, as I believe growing up in Oz is the best I can give them.


So we are full speed ahead now, to get ready for the move, hopefully by Spring/Summer 2010 we will be there.



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Guest kingnatasha

its a huge decision to make made harder by the credit crunch and all the worries that brings. My husband and I have moved to oz and back to the uk 3 times now and we are thinking about going back again.

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We have changed our minds a few times purely because of financial reasons, it is only because we are going to stay with family for the first while that we are still going ahead with it.


Just need to sell our house here now so we can go!



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Guest earlswood

If you plan to go...... you must go.... or you will be forever thinking “what if” if you do not go arguments will increase between you and your partner for years to come as one blames the other for not really making the positive decision to go…. I Honestly think if you are so committed to going to Australia and have committed to a visa you would be mental not to go and try it.

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If you plan to go...... you must go.... or you will be forever thinking “what if” if you do not go arguments will increase between you and your partner for years to come as one blames the other for not really making the positive decision to go…. I Honestly think if you are so committed to going to Australia and have committed to a visa you would be mental not to go and try it.


so true if it turns sour just come back

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Guest mandisfam
Have you sold your house and what do you do for jobs?




Hi John, I assume you were asking me these questions. Anyway, the house is not sold, will are just going on the market now, agents coming round this week. Got a few more jobs to do to make it more marketable, then the for sale sign is going up. I have said I want the house up for sale by my birthday, 14th Feb.


Hubby is in IT so according to Seek.com.au still plenty of jobs for him.


We are going out on a 175 visa, hubby's job is on the critical list, so fingerscrossed we will have a co in the next few months.


Are you having second thoughts then??? Did not start another thread with doubts???


All the best

Mary x

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Guest bowbrum03


Hubby is in IT so according to Seek.com.au still plenty of jobs for him.




Seek.com and other agencies advertise jobs that don’t exist. All they want too do is get a list of resumes.

Have you phoned them to see what response you get? I bet they just tell you to send your resume.

I am a contracts manager in construction, and all I get is that there is no work and building sites are laying off workers by at least 15 per week, which is so true.

This is set too last 12 months.

All because banks are not lending money.

Jobs are very hard to find unless you are a nurse or a Doctor

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Guest mandisfam
Seek.com and other agencies advertise jobs that don’t exist. All they want too do is get a list of resumes.

Have you phoned them to see what response you get? I bet they just tell you to send your resume.


I am a contracts manager in construction, and all I get is that there is no work and building sites are laying off workers by at least 15 per week, which is so true.

This is set too last 12 months.


All because banks are not lending money.



Jobs are very hard to find unless you are a nurse or a Doctor



Thanks for your opinion. We have contacted agencies and the prospect do look good, at the moment.


Whilst I do believe agencies are over often over positive, it does not pay them to lie, especially in specialised fields such as IT, its a small world. Word gets around, and if the agency has a reputation for making jobs up then applicants will stop using them, therefore they end up out of business. Plus employers who are seeking an agents help in finding candidates will stop using them if they are not professional.


Im speaking from my own experience when I use work in recruitment agencies and Ive worked the other end using agencies to fill jobs.


I have a fairly good judgement on what is waffle and what is honestly from a recruitment consultant.


We are not planning on landing in oz until spring/summer 2010, so of course who knows what the job situation will be like then.....


Good Luck in your area of work, Im sure when it picks up people like you will have the pick of jobs.....australia, UK, all got people arriving wanting somewhere to live, something will have to give eventually.


I completely agree, about the banks not lending are causing a lot of problems.


Lets hope things look brighter in 12 mths.



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Guest PommieLady

I've never known people change their mind once they start the process, and could imagine financial problems only slowing people down, not actually stopping them.


The only one's I've known not make it are the ones who have the opportunity taken away from them. Friends of ours worked really really hard at their very complex application but sadly when they were granted the visa their sponsor went under. I also knew of a lady who had sold the house, got a job and flights were booked awaiting the visa which was not granted due to her son's learning disability. I can't begin to imagine what that must be like.


Mr Luvpants as your wife is a nurse you could even come over here for a taster, you could get sponsorship and relocation expenses, and in some area's free (or cheap) accommodation is offered. I know that if we didn't have the dogs we'd be travelling around Australia doing just that.


Anyone want four dogs :biglaugh:

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Errr, yes.


Once or twice due to finance. I am sure I will reflect other peoples situations in this response to your question...


The one main reason in life that has a knock on effect to everything else MONEY. My husbands wages have been reduced (due to lack of work coming in) by approx. 500.00 GBP a month. May not sound much to some, but it is to us - that was going to be our money for emigrating. One person working and three children.


Then of course all UK bills have risen, don't even get me started on gas and electric (just paid it!). The only other corner we can cut is our food bill, this I have done with some very tight budgeting (total squeeze really!) the whole family is in shock. And no, the kids are not been starved to death, or sent out to work!!!


However, on the bright side, all these negatives eventually give me fire. The fire kicked in two weeks ago and we are on course.


Where there is a will, there is a way. Best wishes to all and follow your dreams. xxx

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Guest Perth Princess

I think that you get to a point in the process when you just decide there is no turning back from your decision. We had doubts as does everyone, but after years of planning we knew we needed to give it a go. We reached a point of thinking that even if it's disasterous we still need to know that we have tried. Even when you are here you wonder about your decision, but I think for us it will work out to be the best move we ever made:smile:

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Guest sandy25

Hi there, I'm having lots of doubts at the moment. I think it's because I'm having a difficult time at work and it's all a bit of a bumpy ride at the moment. But would you believe it, I arrive home and have a call from the estate agents with a viewer on Wednesday who can proceed. Just what I've been waiting 4 months for and now I'm thinking OMG what if they wanna buy it. This could be it, who knows. The journey might really start to begin then. I'm feeling insecure at the moment and thinking what are we doing? :unsure:

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Seek.com and other agencies advertise jobs that don’t exist. All they want too do is get a list of resumes.

Have you phoned them to see what response you get? I bet they just tell you to send your resume.


I am a contracts manager in construction, and all I get is that there is no work and building sites are laying off workers by at least 15 per week, which is so true.

This is set too last 12 months.


All because banks are not lending money.



Jobs are very hard to find unless you are a nurse or a Doctor


Unfortunately we have found this to be the case too, my husband (I.T) was even told by some agencies that companies will advertise a job at a lower rate whilst there is already a contractor in the role just to see or get a feel for the market and if they get much response will then go back to the existing person and basically tell them that they can get someone at a cheaper rate so if they are willing to drop then fine but if not...of course this is for contracting not permanent.

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We've not changed our minds but as someone else has said it could be circumstances that decide if we go or not. We can go on a student visa in June 09, but its the fact that there are little if no chances of us getting part time work that will support us sufficiently whilst we are there that frightens the life out of us.

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We've not changed our minds but as someone else has said it could be circumstances that decide if we go or not. We can go on a student visa in June 09, but its the fact that there are little if no chances of us getting part time work that will support us sufficiently whilst we are there that frightens the life out of us.

Hope things work out okay for you, it is a worry at the moment

Best of luck

Tania X

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Guest bowbrum03
Thanks for your opinion. We have contacted agencies and the prospect do look good, at the moment.


Whilst I do believe agencies are over often over positive, it does not pay them to lie, especially in specialised fields such as IT, its a small world. Word gets around, and if the agency has a reputation for making jobs up then applicants will stop using them, therefore they end up out of business. Plus employers who are seeking an agents help in finding candidates will stop using them if they are not professional.


Im speaking from my own experience when I use work in recruitment agencies and Ive worked the other end using agencies to fill jobs.


I have a fairly good judgement on what is waffle and what is honestly from a recruitment consultant.


We are not planning on landing in oz until spring/summer 2010, so of course who knows what the job situation will be like then.....


Good Luck in your area of work, Im sure when it picks up people like you will have the pick of jobs.....australia, UK, all got people arriving wanting somewhere to live, something will have to give eventually.


I completely agree, about the banks not lending are causing a lot of problems.


Lets hope things look brighter in 12 mths.




Whilst I do believe agencies are over often over positive, it does not pay them to lie,



Hi Mandisfam,

Just wanted to make this clear, agencies DO lie, and DO post jobs that don’t exist. I have a friend who works at St Georges Terrace Perth, for a well known agency.

So please don’t believe that every job you see advertised is up for grabs.

When you have sent your resume off to 30+ agencies/companies you will soon know what i mean.:arghh:

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Guest mandisfam
Hi Mandisfam,


Just wanted to make this clear, agencies DO lie, and DO post jobs that don’t exist. I have a friend who works at St Georges Terrace Perth, for a well known agency.

So please don’t believe that every job you see advertised is up for grabs.

When you have sent your resume off to 30+ agencies/companies you will soon know what i mean.:arghh:


Thanks for your post.


Like I said before, we not planning on coming to oz for another year so who knows what will happen between now and then.


I hope I continue to same positive experience with jobs when last work out there.


Good Luck

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Just a quick update.


i have just had a Physio session (skiing injury, don't ask!) and the Physio was an Aussie. Stuck here (his words not mine) because he married a Pom.His sister and brother live near where we are looking to go. He said to me that not to even think about it, just do it. He would be there tomorrow but he is still working on his wife!



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I've been in Melbourne for a month now with my aussie partner and i'll be honest in saying that I have found it difficult over the last few weeks adjusting and have almost booked a flight home twice. However, the country is stunning, the weather beautiful and at the moment jobs are not too hard to come by and I'm getting more money than I would in the UK.


It has been hard not knowing which shops are good, where things are or how much things cost. But in the long term it is going to be the right decision. There is lots about oz that i am finding out for myself as my partner probably doesnt realise many things are new to me as they are normal to him which has probably made things a bit harder for me than it might do it you are both experiencing these things as new.


Definitley I'd say come and give it a go. I've experienced things already that i would never have done in the UK - got woken up by parrots and cockatoos, gone to the beach at 10.30 at night, eaten the best food I've ever eaten, walked through a rain forest, and to feel the sunshine almost everyday is divine. I have to remember that i've done these things to cheer myself up and then know i have done the right thing.


Thnings here are different - sometimes strange, sometimes annoyingly so, but as i am learning. this is a nation for positive people and if you learn to think positive, which is not easy to do sometimes, life will be good.

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