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Have you now changed your mind?

mr luvpants

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Guest Rachel&Stu

Just had to reply to this post:laugh:


We changed our minds, and here is our little story, the condensed version.


My hubby & I first had a taste of Australia in 2006, as we had a fantastic 3 week holiday in Perth. Oh we loved it so, thought it was absolutely wonderful, we still do in fact. We came home in April 2006 and immediately thought about going back the following year for another holiday. We returned to Perth in March 2007 and by the time we came back, we were utterly convinced that we would emigrate. We hated living in the UK, hated the weather, the crime, everything else that people on here will relate to.


So we started a lot of research, joined a website called Poms In Oz and got stuck in, real big time in our quest to get a better life. Slightly came unstuck as we realised that neither of us had Skills in Demand, but we talked to an agent, and we decided that we could go on a Student Visa. We found a course for my hubby in Melbourne, and spent what seemed like every waking hour going through all the red tape. My hubby was due to start his course in July 2008. My daughter was coming with us, she is 19 yrs old.


Then things started to go wrong. I had terrible terrible family problems which I will not go into, closely followed by an illness requiring medication and follow up appointments with my hospital. My hubby's family rallied round me, and helped me to recover. My friends did too, and for the first time I began to wonder how I would have managed without them. I had several heart-to-hearts with my hubby and I voiced the concerns that I had. We would be going across to Melbourne with me recuperating, no jobs to go to, knowing no-one, with just the equity from our house sale to support us. It just started to feel very wrong, very insecure. I would also be leaving behind my son who is settled here, he is 20yrs old.


So......we changed our mind. We cancelled my hubby's course, and because I could prove my illness we got our fees reimbursed. Our house had sold at exactly the same time as I got cold feet and changed our mind, so we downsized a little and moved into a smaller house in the same town. Our friends and family were delighted that we were staying. My daughter commenced a college course here in the UK.


That was a year ago. We have absolutely made the right decision in staying here in the UK. We continue in our, yes a little boring and humdrum, but safe & secure jobs. We see our family & friends regularly. My hubby has had 2 family funerals, that we wouldn't have been able to attend had we emigrated. We have been a part of 60th birthday celebrations, Ruby Weddings etc. Our mortgage is now much smaller since we downsized and lucky us, we're on a tracker mortgage paying 2% interest. Although my job as a Health Care Assistant is secure & well-paid, I have decided to give myself a new challenge and start Nurse Training in September.


We still love Australia, we now have friends that have emigrated and who are settling, and we plan to go back for another holiday, but I know that we will not be leaving our friends and family, not for all the tea in China, nor all the sun in Perth. Even at the moment, whilst we are freezing here in the UK, I still would not prefer to be in 40deg heat as Melbourne has been.


So, yes in answer to the original post, we did change our mind. We have no regrets. Whilst we will never ever know for sure, I think we have saved ourselves a lot of money, and a lot of heartache. Good luck to anyone making the decision!




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Hi John

We did change our mind for a while as I was pregnant with our son i couldn't think about moving to the other side of the world. But when Matthew was about 4 months old he started sleeping more, I felt more human and it all started up again. I just wanted to see if we could get our visa - we had been waiting forever! We have both tried really hard to settle but can't and last May we got our visa and went out to validate in August to see if we still wanted to go. I kept thinking is it cruel to take our child away from his family and he is the first grandchild on both sides. But no matter how hard I try I can't get Oz out of my mind I love it out there. Have visited 3 times all in winter and its fantastic. Don't think I'll rest till we get there.:jiggy:

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Guest sandy25

Hi Rachel and Stu, I really enjoyed reading your journey. I'm wondering this too, you know saving alot of money and heartache. We've had a few family gatherings (being a big family with lots of cousins etc) and we have had so much fun, my heart tugs. Yet still that feeling of not knowing for sure pulls me in the Australian direction. I'm giving my head a bit of a rest at the moment from thinking about it all. Still coming on here though!!hee hee.:v_SPIN:

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Guest *KAY TEE*
If you plan to go...... you must go.... or you will be forever thinking “what if” if you do not go arguments will increase between you and your partner for years to come as one blames the other for not really making the positive decision to go…. I Honestly think if you are so committed to going to Australia and have committed to a visa you would be mental not to go and try it.


Spot on Earlwood, couldnt agree more. Give it a shot, if you are given the opportunity. :yes:If you try it and dont like it, come back lick your wounds and start where you left off.

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