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Nurses !! - interveiw advice pls


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Hello, I know im being really cheeky in asking this but I have an interveiw on tuesday night for Healthscope in Melbourne and just wanted some tips for the telephone interveiw. Is there a typical run of questions? Ive been advised to prepare at least three things of what i like about Oz, what i think it can offer me and what i can bring.


any thing else??


Thanks in advance!!



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Guest guest17301

Hi Ratchet,


I would say don't worry, I think most interviews are quite informal and a chance for you to find out a bit about the hospital/area too. Make sure you have a few questions prepared (not about pay/conditions!) I was asked about 6 questions/clinical scenarios relating to my area of practice. If I didn't know the answer it wasn't a problem they said it just highlighted what I would need extra training on etc.

Good luck!

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I've had a couple of interviews and both times it was more like an informal chat. we talked about the weather, my family and the hospital that i would be working, the shift pattterns the work environment nurse patient ration ect they asked no questions of me whatsoever.


got the jobs


best ever interviews ever

(however i am wondering now whether they would accept beverly allit as they are so short)

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I did a telephone interview for WA Health and there was a lot on cultural differences but if you go to WA Health they have a nurses pack and all the answers were in there might be worth a look.Is healthscope a private company?

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I've had a couple of interviews and both times it was more like an informal chat. we talked about the weather, my family and the hospital that i would be working, the shift pattterns the work environment nurse patient ration ect they asked no questions of me whatsoever.


got the jobs


best ever interviews ever

(however i am wondering now whether they would accept beverly allit as they are so short)


Wow! hahaha. I do love those interviews.


Here i am reading 10 yr government strategies!!:err:

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I did a telephone interview for WA Health and there was a lot on cultural differences but if you go to WA Health they have a nurses pack and all the answers were in there might be worth a look.Is healthscope a private company?


Yes Healthscope is private.


Will have a look at that, thanks:smile:

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Guest heligan2005

had my 1st phone interview last week, prety laid back and very informal. wanted to know what clinical experience i had and how long i'd been nursing, a secenario regarding a post op patient and what clinical intervention i would do. pretty basic stuff really. i was like you panicing over if they'd ask me about gov strategies. have to say it was one of the most comfortable interviews i've ever had, and i did it in my jim-jams and had a cup of tea. i did have some questions for them but different ones arose after talking with the interviewer, so just briefly outline some questions.

good luck.

linds x

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Guest PommieLady

Sorry I think I'm going to be saying what you might not want to hear.


I've had quiet a few formal telephone interviews, although there have always been informal friendly chats prior to this.


There is likely to be a formal scoring for your answers, and whilst you will be allowed not to know to much about the Australian/state acts etc they will expect you to have an good understanding of the UK stuff, although I would recommend a squizz at the ANMC website for overall nurse related stuff, it depends what other acts they mentioned in the selection criteria as to what else you should have a quick look at. There should also be guidance regarding the interview process in the HR package, and is likely to have links to relevant acts/government websites etc.


You are usually given about 15 mins to prepare you answers to specific questions, as you are on the telephone you can sit in you jimjams and be surrounded by relevant paperwork etc they will not know, you could also have varioius websites up and ready on your computer.


I personally hate telephone interviews as there is no non verbal communication so you can not tell if you are going down the right track or not. Don't panic, ask them to clarify, or ask if you've given them enough information or ask if there is something they are particularly looking for etc.


Good Luck

You'll be fine




What's the type of job you are going for? Are you going RN or CN?

Let us know how it went.


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