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Ladies HPV vaccine

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is there anybody out there who has a 12/13 year old daughter who has been offered this vaccine?

my daughter brought a letter home from school yesterday offering it and i really don't know what to do,,, we have a meeting to go to next week...just wondered if any of you knew much about and what are your views


Also it is being given over a period of 6months so IF a miracle happened and we went to Aus before the final jab is it available over in Aus


thank girls



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Hi Lisa


My daughter is 12 and is having hers tonight. I have read the leaflet and spoken to a friend who's a nurse and going to be delivering it in schools - my daughters is at the GP's.


Its a course of 3 injections, theres one month between jab one and two and then six months between jab one and three. Apparantly it stings - according to my friend. Her view was if it was my daughter I would say 'absolutely, no doubt that she should have it' and she is very frank and honest and would say if she thought it wasn't a good idea.


To be honest I didn't really have any doubts. Have read the side effects and there are hardly any.


I have a friend who has cervical cancer, I know the heartache she and her family go through, she's had surgergy and currently 'ok', but its like a timebomb inside her. I know as her friend how devastated we were and that is why I have no doubts that its the right thing for my daughter.


Hope this helps, will post later when she has had it!!!



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Guest mutikonka

The UK vaccine (Cervarix) isn't as good as the Australian one (Gardasil) in that it doesn't cover as many HPV virus types. It is possible to get the vaccine here through your GP if you miss the school vaccine - but only [free] until next year.

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We're back, arm tingles, injection didn't hurt. We were there with numerous other nervous 12 year olds.


On the information board it did say that this vaccine has been used in Aus and that it covers against 70% of HPV's.



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You probably need to check out whether (if as previous poster says they are different types of jabs) whether the last one can be done in Oz or whether you are worth waiting till you go Oz to get it done if not. Even if you have to pay when in Oz would say its worth it (nurse I spoke to said privately you would pay £400 for the jab).





PS daughter is whinging about her arm really hurting now! LOL

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Guest cantwait



I have a 13 year old daughter and would definately let her have it done as soon as she is offered it. My mom had cervical cancer at 37 years old and it led to another cancer which killed her at 53, so anything that can help, I would take it.



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Really? I don't think we have that here. The only thing our 12yo girls have is a rubella vacc. How can you vaccinate against cervical cancer? My daughter is 10 so better learn about it before we get there.

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is there anybody out there who has a 12/13 year old daughter who has been offered this vaccine?

my daughter brought a letter home from school yesterday offering it and i really don't know what to do,,, we have a meeting to go to next week...just wondered if any of you knew much about and what are your views


Also it is being given over a period of 6months so IF a miracle happened and we went to Aus before the final jab is it available over in Aus


thank girls




Hi my daughter Robyn who lives in Oz had hers over there when she was 15, 2 years ago. My daughter Jamie 14 who lives here has not been offered it yet but I am seriuosly thinking about going private and paying for her to have it done. I think its a fantastic idea. My friend went through cervical cancer when she was in her early 30's and had to have a hysterectomy. They media says that cervical cancer is brought on by sexual activity, that may be so but my friend has only ever slept with her Husband so to try and make it a moral issue is frankly ridiculous, I so wish it had been available to me!:yes:

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How can you vaccinate against cervical cancer?


Dont know the science involved but it apparently works so its well worth the effort..

And the gooder thing is they are working on other vaccines for other cancers too..

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They media says that cervical cancer is brought on by sexual activity, that may be so but my friend has only ever slept with her Husband so to try and make it a moral issue is frankly ridiculous


I think youll find that its actually semen that causes it, not the number of partners.

Its not a moral issue just a fact.

Semen Can Worsen Cervical Cancer


See I am a SNAG........:cute:

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I think youll find that its actually semen that causes it, not the number of partners.

Its not a moral issue just a fact.

Semen Can Worsen Cervical Cancer


See I am a SNAG........:cute:


I agree with you! but a number of do gooders over here have questioned the moral implications saying that it would encourage teenage girls to have unprotected sex because they have had the jab. I know its so ridiculous it doesnt bear even commenting on but you know the type of people!:wacko:

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I agree with you! but a number of do gooders over here have questioned the moral implications saying that it would encourage teenage girls to have unprotected sex because they have had the jab. I know its so ridiculous it doesnt bear even commenting on but you know the type of people!:wacko:


Do gooders will be do gooders and teenage girls will be teenage girls and nar the twain shall meet.


What a load of bollocks, not you, the do gooders, they would rather see young women die from a preventable illness than give them a jab.....? because they MAY be promiscuous....with a man no less.......

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Why would to do gooders think that having a jab for cc would make kids have unprotected sex. Kids have had unprotected sex for centuries, they have unprotected sex because they think it won't happen to them. My friend also had few partners. The problem with C is thats its indescriminate, there seems no rhyme or reason for who it strikes.


If you are in the UK and have kids over the current vaccination age Year 8, then they will be vaccinated after the roll out to the current Y8 has been completed.

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I know I think perhaps these people have forgot what being a teenager is like. Kids know about pregnancy they know about HIV and other sexually preventable deseases but they are going to say at the height of passion, lets have unprotected sex because I can't get cervical cancer later in life!:wacko:

The kids that have unprotected sex, regardless of what they are taught, will carry on and a very sensible jab will neither encourage or discourage them but may just save a lot of lives.

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If you are in the UK and have kids over the current vaccination age Year 8, then they will be vaccinated after the roll out to the current Y8 has been completed.


Good, and the way it should be...:yes:


Remember Small Pox? Of course you dont because they wiped it out with a jab too, God bless em..:cool:

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I know I think perhaps these people have forgot what being a teenager is like. Kids know about pregnancy they know about HIV and other sexually preventable deseases but they are going to say at the height of passion, lets have unprotected sex because I can't get cervical cancer later in life!:wacko:

The kids that have unprotected sex, regardless of what they are taught, will carry on and a very sensible jab will neither encourage or discourage them but may just save a lot of lives.


I have a hard time getting my head around stuff like this, you can prevent something from happening, but dont because it may encourage it?


A bit like seat belts, or crash barriers of Freeways, tihs, dont use them it will only encourage speeding......what the F......? :wacko:

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BBC NEWS | Health | Cervical cancer jab 'in a year'


See I kid you not there are looneys out there! Looneys I tell you!:wacko:


Thats great news about the older girls being offered it. If by some miricle my Visa comes before this happens I may see whether to have my daughter jabbed here or in Australia. I think it was mentioned previuosly that the Oz one covers more.:yes:

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Can you imagine the uproar if they discovered a vaccine for Prostrate Cancer but didnt administer it because they thought it would make men more promiscuous? :no:

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