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Part 2 moan moan moan:)))


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Just an update on the first moan moan moan.

My daughter finally got in touch after a few months to now tell her dad that she is going to marry the knob head BF. They are getting married in May next year bubbleing as I write this as she has broken her mums heart once again. I have to sit back and let her marry a person who has treated her like crap, and he asked her to stay with him incase it didn't work out with his X, needless to say it didn't and my daughter is going to marry him:cry::cry: And I can't do a thing about it guttered:((((((((

I have sent her a letter telling her I will always love her and be there for her when she is ready, can't do much more.

She is also making it impossible for every one to go to the wedding as they are getting married in spain and peeps cant afford it seems like we dont matter in her heart any more, dads are supposed to give their daughters away but she isnt bothered.

Thanks for listening to my moans:)))Just thought I would update you all.


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I really feel for you ... we try our best to protect our children, but there comes a time when they make their own choices ... good or bad. As you say, you can only tell her how much you love her unconditionally and that you will always be there for her when and if she needs you.




Ali x

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Guest JoanneHattersley

Moan, shout, scream, cry as much as you like! Thats what PIO is for! We`re all here to listen!


You can never tell kids whats best for them! You can advise and be there for them which you are doing for your daughter!


Id say , chin up, smile, see her off on her wedding and if she does make a mistake be there for her.

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Briggy i know what it like my partner friend doesn't like me and can't admit it to my face every time they come over I make my self busy no matter what i say to her it me who in the wrong cause i not be socialable with them but i cant win having to go over there today ya for me. I just have my family interest at heart but it seems im wrong in judging them even through they judge me

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Thank for the kind messages, cant see the screen for the tears.

He cheated on my daughter three times and she came back to us swearing never to go back to him but she has. She want kids he dosen't. She was comming to oz with us then she wasn't then she was I'm in a spin, and left to pick up the pieces again and again. Now she wont go to oz and she is staying with him. I know it's her life but as a mum you see some one hurting your daughter like that, and she is fine with it. Her dad asked her tonight if she could trust him 100% and she said yes. So there is apsalutley nothing we can do.

Many thanks Briggy:(((

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Guest JoanneHattersley

All you can do is be there and not say "we told you so" if things go pear shaped.


You sound like a great mum to me who wants the best for her daughter. I have a great Mum too!

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All you can do is be there and not say "we told you so" if things go pear shaped.


You sound like a great mum to me who wants the best for her daughter. I have a great Mum too!

Thanks pud, had a crap child hood so did the best I could for mine, but no thanks for it, aw well thats life cant choose her OH for her.

Should be in my bed now but can't sleep nearly 2am here, too many nice peeps on here:)))


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Guest The Pom Queen

Be there for her as you know from previous experience this is not going to be a marriage made in heaven and one day she will come back to you, her mum who has always loved her!!

Big Virtual Hugs are sent your way.

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Guest jewels1356

at least your still thier for her and if she knows that then shell come running you just have to wait and bid your time with plenty tissues for later it will happen as you know good luck and if you want keep moaning wrighting sometimes helps



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Guest moonraker1961

I know how you must be feeling pet and I am so sorry you are very sad at the moment.I have cried buckets over my daughter believe me!Firstly May is a fair way off in the distance and anything can happen between now and then?When it comes closer to you moving to Oz she may well change her mind?She has the blinkers on at the moment but sooner or later they will come off and she will need you again.You have to believe this,she still loves you very much I am sure.I'm not sure why some people take that road of heartache,its part of life's lessons I guess.Take time to look after yourself honey,and know in your mind right that some day she will see the light and come back to you.Its so difficult with kids is'nt it?You only want the best for them,but they can't see it at the time.I think writing her the letter was a fab idea.I know this will sound cold but when my daughter went through something similar,I did get to the point I thought I was heading for a breakdown.One day i woke up and just thought "I've had enough"and I had to switch myself off from it.I told myself all would be well,and not to worry about her anymore (she had lost contact at that point).I felt much better,and figured right she must be ok otherwise I would of heard something.Sure enough months later she contacted and all was well.So in effect I had worried sick over nothing in reality!!!!We're all here for you,I know things must be really difficult right now,but it will get better in time.Take care xxxxxxx (big hug too!!!)

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Oh Briggy I really feel for you. As others have said, all you can do is keep the channels of communication open so that she knows she can come back when the time comes for her to return to the people who truly love her without the worry of "We told you so" ringing in her ears.


If she thinks she can do that, then she's more likely to return to you sooner rather than staying with him to "prove everyone wrong".


Moonraker is right, alot could happen between now and May and he might just have chance to show his true colours again before then, leaving you free to take your darling daughter to Oz with you to begin a new life.




Sue x

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Guest cantwait

Hi Briggy


All I can say is every one has a breaking point - when they will take no more. Eventually your daughter will reach hers and realise she has made a mistake. Hang in there. Things will come right in the end.




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Thank you everyone for you support, it's nice to know you can talk on hear and peeps care. My OH says just let her do what she needs to it will probably come crashing down arround her ears. And like you's have said May is a long way off. I do feel a broken person at the mo probs in a couple of days pick myself up and think about my future. Like they say what goes arround comes back arround.

Thanks peeps I value your oppinions and support.

Hugs Briggyxxx:(((

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Let it run its course you know it won't work long term, So then you will be ready to sponser her over and you will really have to bite your tongue to stop yourself saying I told you so! My mum didnt like my first husband nor my brothers. They were proved right too!!!

Fingers crossed for you that it fizzles ourt sooner rather than later!.:wubclub:

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Let it run its course you know it won't work long term, So then you will be ready to sponser her over and you will really have to bite your tongue to stop yourself saying I told you so! My mum didnt like my first husband nor my brothers. They were proved right too!!!

Fingers crossed for you that it fizzles ourt sooner rather than later!.:wubclub:

Thanks hun so much support on here i'ts lovely:)))

I do know 100% she dosn't love him she is only with him to make her life easier money wise, silly girl but what can I do hopefully one day she will see the light, and I will be there for her, even after all the heart ache she has caused:)))

Thanks to every one for their help and support for me.

Me and my OH need to live our lifes now, oz here we come:yes:xxx Briggy:)))

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Guest lelloem

Hi briggy,


Thats more like it... Look forward to your own future and stop worring, its amazing how things can turn out... you never know your daughter may be in oz with you before you know it.


cheer up & keep smiling :)



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