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your childrens reactions

The willy s

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what reaction did you get from your children when you told them you were thinking about moving to oz? for ages we decided not to tell our boys as we did nt want to worry them if it did nt come off. we then decided that we have to give them some warning. it feels wrong talking about this behind their backs, and we would like to take them to meet ups etc. we ve now told them we are going to go for it. the younger two boys (7 and 4) are ok. my 10 year old however has taken it very badley, crying and shouting, im not going, leave me at nan s etc!!! very worrying :unsure: xx

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Guest Angie*mark

oh no im sorry your 10 yr old has taken it bad, i've been quite lucky with mine i think i told you about my 6 yr old, Melissa who's 12 was abit apprehensive at first but she went into her room and wrote a pro's and con list and now she's really xcited. I wasnt too sure about telling them as i think we're getting them all xcited when it could all go terribly wrong. I shown them websites of oz and let them see some of the houses weve been looking at and that seemed to make them happy. We went to the thinking australia seminar a couple of weeks ago, we didnt take them and i dont think i would, it was a bit long winded even my bum was going numb plus he did swear an awful lot which to be fair my kids always get at me for swearing but some parents might not like it.

Hope your boy comes round soon, it's so hard isnt it? I dont think they would ever understand properly that we'll doing it for the best and to make a better life for them.

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Guest lee winspear


oh no im sorry your 10 yr old has taken it bad, i've been quite lucky with mine i think i told you about my 6 yr old, Melissa who's 12 was abit apprehensive at first but she went into her room and wrote a pro's and con list and now she's really xcited. I wasnt too sure about telling them as i think we're getting them all xcited when it could all go terribly wrong. I shown them websites of oz and let them see some of the houses weve been looking at and that seemed to make them happy. We went to the thinking australia seminar a couple of weeks ago, we didnt take them and i dont think i would, it was a bit long winded even my bum was going numb plus he did swear an awful lot which to be fair my kids always get at me for swearing but some parents might not like it.

Hope your boy comes round soon, it's so hard isnt it? I dont think they would ever understand properly that we'll doing it for the best and to make a better life for them.

i guess we are lucky too, our boys are 9 and 14 they were impressed by the houses and pools, they have already checked out the skate/bmx parks, and where they can buy new bmx parts from, things will work out for you. x

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thanks angie. your right he does nt understand the reasons we are doing it. he is mainly worried about having to quit his football team, leave his mates etc, and miss nan. im going to give it some time to sink in andthen show him some bits and bobs on the net. i just was nt expecting this reaction x

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Guest Angie*mark

It is hard esp at that age,parents can never do anything right!!!!! I also had alook around the area like lee mentioned and shown them the parks, a what to do for the kids in the area website etc.

Hey i just had a thought hopefully if we meet up prehaps melissa and your boy could have a chat it might be worth giving it a try.

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Guest diesellisle

Sorry to hear that your 10 yr old has taken the news badly, fingers crossed he will come round soon. We are lucky in that our eldest is the only one who really understands what is going on and is really excited about making the move. He keeps asking me 'Can we go to Australia tomorrow, Mum?' - bless him!


Have tried showing him pictures of Oz on Google Earth or things like that...it really does look amazing. I notice that there are quite a few younger ones who post on that part of the forum...he might like catching up with other kids in a similar situation.


Wishing you all the best with everything, I am sure that he will come round soon.


Take care,


Lisa X

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thanks all

he now wants to join here so he can chat to other kids on here!!! im sure he ll be ok in time, just a bit of a shock for him.


yes angie that would be a good idea, i ve explained to him lots of other children move there all the time and we may get to meet some beforehand. he is a sensitive worrier so i should nt be so surprised by his reaction really. x

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Guest Angie*mark
thanks all

he now wants to join here so he can chat to other kids on here!!! im sure he ll be ok in time, just a bit of a shock for him.


yes angie that would be a good idea, i ve explained to him lots of other children move there all the time and we may get to meet some beforehand. he is a sensitive worrier so i should nt be so surprised by his reaction really. x


ahh bless him, ive been told boys are more sensitive but i wouldnt know having 3 girls lol.

Melissa's joined on here although i must admit she doesnt go on that often she prefers msn and bebo, I have been trying to get her on.

I think it makes it worse as we're all xcited and we just assume the kids will be too ( i know that was what i felt like) so when there initial reaction is crap it makes us feel like ****. Which dont help.

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Guest Karen K

I have been really lucky. My three aged 17, 15 and 12 can not wait to go to OZ. My 12 year old will actually be going to the same school as her best friend. My 17 has only one friend !!!! and no job. The 15 year old has loads of friends but wants to swim with sharks.....so his friends are dumped LOLswimming-with-sharks.pngXX

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Guest KP Nuts

Hi there, we are in a similar boat.... we told our three children after we had passed the TRA's last July time, just in case we didn't pass them. Our two boys after the initial shock are all for it, and kept asking when are we going, but our daughter is changing her mind like the weather, only a few weeks ago she said she will stay here and live with anyone in the family that will have her......... but a few nights ago in the chat room she told a few people she was ok about it, girls!!!!!!


But letting your son come on here and make friends that are also a bit worried may help him, it's helped my daughter, also we know people already over in Oz that are going to get their daughter to contact mine to let her know what to expect. Anything like this can only help them.


Good luck, it's not easy, trying to do the best for them.


If you would like your son to contact any of mine just pm me.


KP Nuts

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How have they reacted? Badly very badly I am the mother from hell. 7 year old just does not want to go and leave his friends and is convinced a spider will kill him. My 14 year old just thinks I have ruined her life this despite the fact her sister and her father already live there!:err:

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Guest stockies

We have told our kids right from the start what is happening (rightly or wongly ) My youngest who is nearly 11 cant wait , but its a different story with my 14 yr old he runs hot and cold, and on several occasions tells me as soon as he is 18 he is coming back to the uk.

But then when things are going ok for him he asks when we get to oz can we have a big garden so that I can have a quad bike or motor bike so he can ride round on it......... I suppose this is how kids work........its bad enough for adults to accept let alone kids........As a parent i havent a clue at times what is right or what is wrong, all ya can do is research as much as ya can and try and keep your kids informed as and when they want to know . XXXXXXX


Claire. XX


Claire. XX

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My 12 year old is a younger member on PIO, he will be happy to chat to any kids in a similar situation (his username is Mophead) he is looking forward to the move but worries that his family will miss him lots.


My daughter is 10 and veers between wanting to move to Oz and moving to her nan's holiday caravan on the East Coast! :biglaugh:


Mrs Tyke xx

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Guest Karen K

My friends 15 year old girl has just been to visit us from Perth (they moved two years ago) she wanted to come back to see her friends. She had a great time but on the way back to the airport my OH asked her which is prefered OZ or UK, within a second she said OZ is best, she misses her friends in the UK but she has now realised that she has grown up and so have her friends XX I know its hard to be firm and easy for me to say but sometimes you have to say "i am the adult you are the child, therefore you do as i tell you because i am doing it for the best reasons". Promise them they can return when they are 18 and i bet they dont XX Good luck

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We have told our kids right from the start what is happening (rightly or wongly ) My youngest who is nearly 11 cant wait , but its a different story with my 14 yr old he runs hot and cold, and on several occasions tells me as soon as he is 18 he is coming back to the uk.

But then when things are going ok for him he asks when we get to oz can we have a big garden so that I can have a quad bike or motor bike so he can ride round on it......... I suppose this is how kids work........its bad enough for adults to accept let alone kids........As a parent i havent a clue at times what is right or what is wrong, all ya can do is research as much as ya can and try and keep your kids informed as and when they want to know . XXXXXXX


Claire. XX


Claire. XX


Yup my 14 year old daughter says if she can have her own en suite bathroom she may think about it! Yeh right I don't think so! I could go with the quad though!:biglaugh:

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi, our son was also 10years old when we decided to move over, we had hysterics and he said he didn't want to leave England, he cried for weeks. Now looking back he laughs and says he is so glad he came, he is so happy in his work and loves school.

Like yourself the young ones don't mind. I think it must be a phase they go through when they reach 10 ha,ha

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Hi Angie


My son Danny is exactly the same ( he's 12 in Sept). His life revolves around his football team and his mates and whenever we mention the move, he sulks and says "do we have to go?"

I know he is the kind of boy who will make friends easily if he just gives it a go, but I am starting to get worried that with that attitude, nobody will want to be his friend!!

I've just helped him create his own useraccount on here (danny96) so I'm trying to encourage him to chat to other kids his age already in Perth or planning to move over there around the same time as us. Hopefully, this might help him with the idea of the move and make his attitude a little more positive!!

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Hi, our son was also 10years old when we decided to move over, we had hysterics and he said he didn't want to leave England, he cried for weeks. Now looking back he laughs and says he is so glad he came, he is so happy in his work and loves school.

Like yourself the young ones don't mind. I think it must be a phase they go through when they reach 10 ha,ha


Dont tell me that youngest turns 10 in January!!


My kids are very excited about going. They have had the odd wobble, both are members on here, and have asked questions when worried and people have been great and answered. Although like another poster they prefer MSN to chat, but have exchanged MSN addresses with some members.

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Guest leeob77

when we told our daughter she just looked at us vacantly and then began to dribble - but she is only five months old so cant really expect much more!!:cute:


little nephew was a whole different kettle of ball games! he kept asking why we didnt want to see him any more. bloody heartbreaking.:sad:

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We have 2 children girl 10 and boy 7. We were lucky they decided they wanted to go before i did. i was the one with the doubts. Now we have submitted the vetassess skills application and i'm posting the paperwork off today. My daughter has started saying doesn't want to leave her rabbits and grandparents and we did have a few tears. We've told her we will buy everyone scope (i think thats what its called) and that if after 2 years we're not happy we'll come back.. I know she will have settled way before then as i know people over there and their children love it so much. Show them photos of the beach and koala sanctuary etc this helped

good luck


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thanks for all the replys

well he s joind pio and has been having a nosy. he seems ok about it today. i ve told them that its going to be a 2 year adventure and if we don t like it we ll come back. i think like a lot of you have found he is going to blow hot and cold about it.

lorraine x

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Guest ddwild

Sorry to hear that your 10 year old is finding it all a bit too much!


My 13 year old was told from the very begining about our intentions, she was very impressed by the houses, pools and cool creatures out there and is up for it. The only thing she is whittling about is the school uniform as she says she doesn't like what they wear on Home and Away and Neighbours!!! :biglaugh: I am sure she will settle in ok as she usually makes friends pretty easily and is fairly sporty!!!

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Guest annemarie and brian

hi there when i told my girls i was shocked as at first i thought it would be my 10yr old but it

was not it was my 5yr old she cryed and said she didnot want to leave her friends but now

a year later and she cant wait to go,so they do come round after a while,good luck.



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See it might sound cruel but I have decide we are going whether they like it or not because my situation I have already been thinking one step ahead. My 14 year old has both her Father and her Sister alread living in Australia so the likelyhood is she will want to visit at some time in the future and the likelyhood is if she does there is a good chance she will stay. Then my 7 year old will get older and think to himself ooh I have got two sisters in Australia I think I will go and visit so he may then decide to stay!


So basically myself an Matt will be sat here in England while our children are in Australia thinking why didnt we go for it. Because by then I will be too old!

So tough they are going!:twitcy:

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See it might sound cruel but I have decide we are going whether they like it or not because my situation I have already been thinking one step ahead. My 14 year old has both her Father and her Sister alread living in Australia so the likelyhood is she will want to visit at some time in the future and the likelyhood is if she does there is a good chance she will stay. Then my 7 year old will get older and think to himself ooh I have got two sisters in Australia I think I will go and visit so he may then decide to stay!


So basically myself an Matt will be sat here in England while our children are in Australia thinking why didnt we go for it. Because by then I will be too old!

So tough they are going!:twitcy:

You are one organised lady Cath. Good thinking x


Mrs Tyke x

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