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Age 42 and 50 - are we mad?

Cheery Thistle

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3 hours ago, Nemesis said:

I would think that with a daughter of that age you would need to spend a certain amount of the trip doing touristy-type stuff. She's not going to be too enamoured with the place if you spend the whole time checking out supermarkets and estate agents, is she! 

Haha indeed not! She is only 10 just now but likely to be 12 when we move so I’m really conscious she needs access to things - she is a great swimmer and is the youngest by far in her rookie lifeguard class. She’s a bit of a daredevil and has done paragliding, aerial assault/zip line and inflatable assault courses (land and water based). So definitely need to keep her busy and out of trouble lol. 
We do intend to maybe do Airbnb or self catering as we get a bit more space and we do want to check out the food shop situation. We will probably also try to maybe meet recruiters or people who work in our fields and hopefully some other families who have made the move. So it will be a bit of both. She’ll definitely enjoy the theme parks. 

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3 hours ago, Cheery Thistle said:

Haha indeed not! She is only 10 just now but likely to be 12 when we move so I’m really conscious she needs access to things - she is a great swimmer and is the youngest by far in her rookie lifeguard class. She’s a bit of a daredevil and has done paragliding, aerial assault/zip line and inflatable assault courses (land and water based). So definitely need to keep her busy and out of trouble lol. 
We do intend to maybe do Airbnb or self catering as we get a bit more space and we do want to check out the food shop situation. We will probably also try to maybe meet recruiters or people who work in our fields and hopefully some other families who have made the move. So it will be a bit of both. She’ll definitely enjoy the theme parks. 

It'll not take you long to check out the food shop situation, lol! It's either Coles or Woolworths (affectionately known as Woolies), and if you're luck enough to live in a state/area that has one, Aldi. There's not much to choose between Coles and Woolies as they reassure you that they price-match most products (a nice way of saying they're a duopoly), and it will probably come to the individual store and it's location as to which one you prefer. The more modern stores are definitely a nicer shopping experience and obviously the larger ones have a better selection. Aldi is generally cheaper on price than the big two but has a smaller selection, so unless you're a particularly utilitarian shopper then you're unlikely to want to do a full shop in Aldi.

If you live in a regional town then you might be at the mercy of an IGA or 'local shop', many of which still resemble British stores of the 1970s, including the staff. The more modern IGAs, usually found in larger towns and cities, tend to have nice selection of European meats, cheeses etc - so good for the occasional treat. It depends how much of a foodie you are, but most expats I know say they miss the variety of British supermarkets - myself being one. On a positive note, nearly all of our fresh produce originates in Australia and isn't encased in plastic, so it's really nice to walk into our supermarkets and not see bananas in plastic bags etc.


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Do remember that prices for fruit and veg is much more seasonal here than in UK. Out of season or shortages equal higher prices but in season it will be much cheaper, markets almost give away stuff in a glut.  Embrace the seasons and enjoy fresh local produce. 

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On 02/04/2023 at 07:50, rammygirl said:

Do remember that prices for fruit and veg is much more seasonal here than in UK. Out of season or shortages equal higher prices but in season it will be much cheaper, markets almost give away stuff in a glut.  Embrace the seasons and enjoy fresh local produce. 

Yes that does take some getting used to, especially if you have a child who will only eat a tub of fruit if it has strawberries in it...

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On 02/04/2023 at 09:50, rammygirl said:

Do remember that prices for fruit and veg is much more seasonal here than in UK. Out of season or shortages equal higher prices but in season it will be much cheaper, markets almost give away stuff in a glut.  Embrace the seasons and enjoy fresh local produce. 

We buy most of our fresh produce in Rusty's Market which is something of an institution here in Cairns. Although we're in the tropics, a lot of temperate produce can be grown up in the Atherton Tablelands due to the elevation. That said, nothing is significantly cheaper than in the supermarkets, but at least everything is fresh and we're supporting the local economy.

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On 02/04/2023 at 00:50, rammygirl said:

Do remember that prices for fruit and veg is much more seasonal here than in UK. Out of season or shortages equal higher prices but in season it will be much cheaper, markets almost give away stuff in a glut.  Embrace the seasons and enjoy fresh local produce. 

Well we have had major shortages here this winter…..fruit and veg shelves have been bare. So I suppose anything is better than nothing! 

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We've had a few bad years recently due to a combination of drought and then floods, but we're doing all right this year. Last year the fast food chains used cabbage in their burgers for a while due the lettuce shortage. My wife and I had a running completion to see who could spot the most expensive ones - $12 a pop at one point! 😄


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  • 1 month later...

An update on the original post - our agent put in our EOI for a 190 for SA and for a 189 last Friday. Invite to apply for a 189 received on Wednesday. I literally cannot believe how quickly it has all happened. I am taking a few days to actually get my head round it before I get the ball rolling on medicals etc. Thought we’d be waiting months after the EOI. 

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1 hour ago, Cheery Thistle said:

An update on the original post - our agent put in our EOI for a 190 for SA and for a 189 last Friday. Invite to apply for a 189 received on Wednesday. I literally cannot believe how quickly it has all happened. I am taking a few days to actually get my head round it before I get the ball rolling on medicals etc. Thought we’d be waiting months after the EOI. 

That's fantastic news! Finger crossed for that 189 🤞

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