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Effects on permanent residency. Advise?

Laxmi ammu

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Hello everyone, 

Hope anyone can throw some light on my dilemma here.. May be there are few here who is facing the same issue.

We are planning our long delayed move to Australia earIy next year when borders open for other visa holders. Since due to border closure which is not our fault do you think the government will provide some concessions while we lodge 887 visa. 

FYI, we got our 489 in Oct 2019 and was supposed to land in aus in March. Since there are visa conditions to be met for being eligible for PR. We will be falling short on those now. 

We are still going forward with our move but worried what will happen if government does not announce any concessions. 

Anyone here on the samelines? What are your thoughts and any alternate solutions we can look forward to after Oct 2023.

Many thanks, 


Edited by Laxmi ammu
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You have around 22 months left of your 489 so there is a slight chance you can still be eligible for the 887.

  1. Move to Australia ASAP.
  2. Build up 18 months of living and 9 months working.
  3. Apply for your 887 offshore (not ideal I know!) under the current concession. - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-regional-887#Eligibility

However this is dependant on:

  • Getting over the border. (maybe you could if your a family of a citizen or PR). If not there is around 3-4 months for the government to let everyone else in.
  • The government not changing the goal posts on the current concessions. 
Edited by JetBlast
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