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Best Regional Area

Billie Jean

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This is a really personal question so hard to call it. If you like Scottish weather then you would undoubtedly prefer not to live in the North, for example.


I personally love the hot and sweaty tropical areas, far north Queensland (Cairns for example) and Darwin, Tasmania is far too cold but it is beautiful. Horses for courses

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On 16/02/2021 at 09:05, Billie Jean said:

Assuming that job opportunities are the same for your discipline in all of the designated regional areas (SC491 visa), where would you chose to live and why?

The question would be, what kind of lifestyle do you like?  I know I'm used to having the amenities of a decent-sized city, so that would narrow down my choice immediately.  

For instance, WA's largest regional city has less than 50,000 people. Same with South Australia and NT. Too small for me, so they would be off the list.

Queensland has the Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Gold Coast, but I don't handle humid heat well, so it's off the list.

That would leave Victoria and NSW and I'd probably head for Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo or Newcastle.


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1 hour ago, Graham Fletcher said:

This is a really personal question so hard to call it. If you like Scottish weather then you would undoubtedly prefer not to live in the North, for example.


I personally love the hot and sweaty tropical areas, far north Queensland (Cairns for example) and Darwin, Tasmania is far too cold but it is beautiful. Horses for courses

I'm Scottish and the weather where I live in Tasmania is a lot better than the weather in Scotland.    Yes, during winter some parts of Tassie get ice and snow and bitter cold but not where I live. I dislike heat and humidity so Tassie (for me) is the best part of Australia to live in.  Biggest drawback here   ........................  lack of employment prospects - not that it affects us as we are retired.

Lots of tourists from all over the mainland  .......................  Covid is but a memory now.


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46 minutes ago, Toots said:

I'm Scottish and the weather where I live in Tasmania is a lot better than the weather in Scotland.    Yes, during winter some parts of Tassie get ice and snow and bitter cold but not where I live. I dislike heat and humidity so Tassie (for me) is the best part of Australia to live in.  Biggest drawback here   ........................  lack of employment prospects - not that it affects us as we are retired.

Lots of tourists from all over the mainland  .......................  Covid is but a memory now.


wasn't picking on Scots Toots! as I said, it's all about what you personally prefer, Australia has every option!

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On 16/02/2021 at 09:05, Billie Jean said:

Assuming that job opportunities are the same for your discipline in all of the designated regional areas (SC491 visa), where would you chose to live and why?


Because  climates vary dramatically across Australia you first need to think  about what sort of climate you would feel comfortable living and working in (which may be different from the climate in which you'd love to holiday).

Then, as Marisa mentioned, what sort of amenities are important to you?

Do you  have a partner who will need to consider employment opportunities and/or do you have children with educational needs?

How close do you want to be to a large metropolitan city (given that distances and the cost of travelling in some regional areas can be huge)?

Answering these questions would help narrow down your options.

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Qld .. I actually live in a Regional area (according to the visa postcode list),i  have done since we arrived in 2006 and although the area has developed loads and the population has probably  tripled in that time, im yet to find somewhere id rather be. Less than an hour to the Gold Coast beaches and less than an hour to Brisbane city with everything you need on a daily basis on the doorstep.

 Cal x

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On 26/02/2021 at 20:38, calNgary said:

Qld .. I actually live in a Regional area (according to the visa postcode list),i  have done since we arrived in 2006 and although the area has developed loads and the population has probably  tripled in that time, im yet to find somewhere id rather be. Less than an hour to the Gold Coast beaches and less than an hour to Brisbane city with everything you need on a daily basis on the doorstep.

 Cal x

I'm a few hours further out from you and there is NOTHING here! lots of farmland and emptiness. but that's what happens when you chase the big money! hahaha

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6 hours ago, Graham Fletcher said:

I'm a few hours further out from you and there is NOTHING here! lots of farmland and emptiness. but that's what happens when you chase the big money! hahaha

Would that be ''out the back of Beauy?' as the locals would say? If so watch for the influx heading your way then,lol, lots of locals prefer the acreage homes with not much around and are not very keen on all the development that's happened over the last few years. On the flip side trying to get property here is a nightmare lately and places are renting and selling the same day so the area is continually growing. 

  Cal x

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