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Any insight about renting houses in Tasmania (most likely near outside Hobart areas)

Rosie R

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My family and I lived in Tasmania for around 8 years before moving back to the UK. We moved a lot during that time and I cannot remember how often we rented or bought the houses we lived in, I only know that we owned (and later sold) a house in Cygnet for a while.

We are thinking of moving back to Tassie (possibly mainland but more likely Taz) and I wanted to know a bit about renting houses. My mum's friend in Taz mentioned that finding places to rent has gotten harder as more people are turning their places into Airbnb's and stuff or prices have increased - I can't quite remember.

We will most likely be getting some help from our friend in Taz but I would appreciate it if anyone here living/renting in Tassie can give some insight about the renting situation, what areas are best for renting etc. and some tips.

(FYI - there will be 3 of us and most likely 1 cat and 1 dog (we have 2 cats and 2 dogs however one of our cats and dogs are quite old and becoming slightly unwell so we are unsure whether or not they will be coming with us). 

I do believe that this will make finding somewhere to live harder as we will have pets, but we will try our best!

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thankyou!

PS. If you happen to know anything about Australian education I would appreciate it if you checked out my other topic)

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Around the Hobart area has become quite expensive to rent.  Hobart has pipped Sydney to claim the unenviable title of Australia's most unaffordable capital for tenants with the gap widening between incomes and the amount needed for rent.  This was mainly caused by a big surge in tourism and many rentals being used as Airbnbs.  I think this will have changed due to no tourists entering Tassie because of Covid-19.  

Cygnet is a lovely wee place but has become quite expensive for housing.  The median house price there is now over $400,00.

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1 hour ago, Toots said:

Around the Hobart area has become quite expensive to rent.  Hobart has pipped Sydney to claim the unenviable title of Australia's most unaffordable capital for tenants ...

However that is in proportion to income.  And that's distorted, because so many renters in Tasmania are in lower socio-economic groups.   On a simple dollar basis, weekly rent in Tassie, even Hobart, is still cheap compared to any other capital city.

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39 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

However that is in proportion to income.  And that's distorted, because so many renters in Tasmania are in lower socio-economic groups.   On a simple dollar basis, weekly rent in Tassie, even Hobart, is still cheap compared to any other capital city.

Yes it has made quite a few people homeless here.

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@Toots@Marisawright Thanks for the info! Not surprised Hobart has increased in renting prices - it's a wonderful city!

Is this the case for the outskirts of the city too? We aren't entirely sure where about we would want to live (not Cygnet as it is a bit too small for us now) and not the main city of Hobart either. 

Is it mainly city areas that have increased In renting prices, or is it big towns as well? My mum thinks somewhere accessible to large towns and cities but still partially secluded and not too crowded would be good, but of course, we are open to loads of places (that aren't up North).

Thankyou, have a good day!

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4 hours ago, Rosie R said:

@Toots@Marisawright Thanks for the info! Not surprised Hobart has increased in renting prices - it's a wonderful city!

Is this the case for the outskirts of the city too? We aren't entirely sure where about we would want to live (not Cygnet as it is a bit too small for us now) and not the main city of Hobart either. 

Is it mainly city areas that have increased In renting prices, or is it big towns as well? My mum thinks somewhere accessible to large towns and cities but still partially secluded and not too crowded would be good, but of course, we are open to loads of places (that aren't up North).

Thankyou, have a good day!

Skani a member of this forum lives in Hobart so she would be able to give you a lot more information.  She hasn't posted in a while though.  I'm up on the north west coast so not familiar at all with the Hobart area.  New Norfolk is a nice place not too far from Hobart and I'm sure there are rentals in more secluded areas close to that town.

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On 10/05/2020 at 19:02, Rosie R said:

We are thinking of moving back to Tassie (possibly mainland but more likely Taz) and I wanted to know a bit about renting houses. My mum's friend in Taz mentioned that finding places to rent has gotten harder as more people are turning their places into Airbnb's and stuff or prices have increased - I can't quite remember.

We will most likely be getting some help from our friend in Taz but I would appreciate it if anyone here living/renting in Tassie can give some insight about the renting situation, what areas are best for renting etc. and some tips.

Hey guys! Just a note to add - any info about renting and good places to live in Mainland Australia (more so in the southern areas)? Although Tasmania would be good to live in, we are still open to the possibility of living on the mainland as well.

Which towns in more southern areas of Oz are the best to live in for two 'older' teenagers and an adult  (I'll be a bit over 16, My sis will be a bit over 18 and my mum is above 40 ) that have a nice quality of life, nice landscape and preferably relatively good accessibility to main cities etc. Basically just a nice place to live haha.

Again, looking for areas with more affordable renting but with decent quality housing. What areas are good for renting and which should we stay away from?

Thanks a lot, have a good day 🙂


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Usual way is to think about where you (your mum/sister) will be working and go from there.  Some of the smaller regional towns can be hard to get work but it rather depends on what skill set is up for offer. "Nice" is a fairly subjective term and what might be nice for a family whose kids are into bush activities, hunting and fishing might be anathema to a family whose kids are into gigs, the ballet or top level sports.  You will need to be more specific - start with work, what work, what skills, how much disposable income, what interests, etc etc.  I could tell you that Bendigo is the best place in the world (according to the chap who runs the local bookshop who is heavily into cricket - because of its central location) but personally I think my boys as teens would have found it beyond dull. Similarly any rural Victorian town would fit the bill for some but not for others.  My niece likes the Launceston area in Tas - not because she had any burning desire to go there but because it was where she got offered a good job.  No point being happy as Larry in a place where you cant get work.

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@Rosie R, the mainland question is unanswerable, to be honest.   It depends what your goals and preferences are.  

One problem is that finding towns with "relatively good access to main cities"  is hard.  An hour or two out of Sydney or Melbourne and you're still in the outer suburbs, then it's a fair drive to get to the first township.    Ballarat or Bendigo would be your best bet in Victoria, but as Quoll says, I'd be worried about teenagers being bored (unless they are into dance eistedfods,, in which case Ballarat would be heaven).  

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5 hours ago, Marisawright said:

@Rosie R, the mainland question is unanswerable, to be honest.   It depends what your goals and preferences are.  

One problem is that finding towns with "relatively good access to main cities"  is hard.  An hour or two out of Sydney or Melbourne and you're still in the outer suburbs, then it's a fair drive to get to the first township.    Ballarat or Bendigo would be your best bet in Victoria, but as Quoll says, I'd be worried about teenagers being bored (unless they are into dance eistedfods,, in which case Ballarat would be heaven).  

And begonias, don't forget the begonias! 

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If you look at this website for the "Hobart - greater region"  it  will give you an idea of rental prices at the moment:


This "greater Hobart"  website covers roughly the area from Margate in the south  to Brighton in the north, east across to Richmond and Sorell and what is now called " the southern beaches" - Dodges Ferry, Carlton, Primrose Sands - and back down to South Arm and Opossum Bay.

You will get cheaper prices away from central Hobart but you will have to factor in transport to places of employment or education as public transport is not great to the outer areas.

Rental prices have increased markedly over the last few years in the Hobart area.

There are two main reasons for this.  The University adopted an aggressive plan to encourage thousands of new international students without providing any additional accommodation for them and, at the same time,   the huge boom in tourism encouraged many landlords to turn their rental properties into Airbnb's.   It remains to be seen whether the present situation with Covid19  restrictions will affect rental prices longer term.


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