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Hi all our PR 190 entry by date is 6th Dec 2018. We have activated it and been to WA twice each time for a month to travel around and explore our options of places to live.


I am a primary school teacher and have applied for lots of jobs and been lucky enough to get interviewed via the phone (tricky with the time delay! ) and got into 3 teaching pools of different schools. I have been offered 4 jobs in those schools, varying start dates and days working, all offer which were starting before we were planning to arrive in WA so had to turn them down which was really difficult as I have to give a term's notice for both my job and my girls' places at school as they are both at my school which is private.


If it was just me I would leave without giving a term's notice but they will sting me for the fees!


I have 2 daughters aged 7 and 10 so my 10 year old has important exams in sept for secondary school, which I want her to take, in case we do move and it doesn't work out.


Then we were planning on coming over at the start of Dec. My husband has suffered with manic depression for a long time and even though he desperately wants to make the move, as we all do, he isn't is a fit state to deal with all the planning that a move would entail at the moment, and it's a real gamble for me to hand my notice as well as the girls' in at the start of September, hoping that he recovers enough to move in December. Then I would be in a new country with an ill husband, on my own.


I just want some advice with ref to the RRV. If we do not enter before Dec 6th, can we still enter after but we wont be entitled to live in Australia? I think I should apply for a RRV in case he isn't well enough to leave in Dec and then at least we have another year? Would I explain the circumstances as I have done on here?


I think I read somewhere that the 5 years is only the travel facility on the visa, so we would still have a PR visa but not be able to leave the country without a RRV after Dec 6th?


I just need to know out options as the pressure is mounting and I'm so afraid we will lose our chance at moving to such a fantastic place forever and regret is something I dont want to deal with, i eould rather try and come back than never try at all.


If anyone could lay out the differences between us going before Dec 6th and after Dec 6th that would be so amazingly helpful!




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You are taking a risk by not coming before your RRV runs out. You will not have lived in Australia for 2 out of the past 5 years so will not qualify for a 5 year RRV. You may be granted a 12 month RRV but you will need to show evidence of substantial ties to Australia and provide supporting documents.

We found ourselves in this position  - my husband had a job offer in Australia but it didn't start until 5 months after our RRV ran out and we couldn't move in time. We got help from Go Matilda who were fantastic but that was several years ago so things may have changed

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2 hours ago, mrsr1976 said:

Hi all our PR 190 entry by date is 6th Dec 2018....

...I just want some advice with ref to the RRV. If we do not enter before Dec 6th, can we still enter after but we wont be entitled to live in Australia?...

I think I read somewhere that the 5 years is only the travel facility on the visa, so we would still have a PR visa but not be able to leave the country without a RRV after Dec 6th?

Your travel facility is what gives you the right to ENTER Australia.  If you don't enter by 6th December 2018, you won't be allowed to enter at all.

Since you have never lived in Australia, you have no automatic right to a RRV.   You can't really blame the Australian government for that - their view would be, if you haven't managed to make a move in five whole years, then you're not really serious about it.  

It's possible you might get a one-year RRV but you would need to demonstrate strong ties to Australia and it doesn't sound as though you have any.  I'd suggest you need to get an opinion from a reputable agent like @wrussell or @Raul Senise and if they say you've got a chance, then pay one of them to do the application for you.  You've only got one chance to get it right.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It sounds like you kept putting off the move because you were hoping to get offered a job first - but in reality, it was very unlikely you'd ever find an Australian school willing to wait a whole term for you.  


Edited by Marisawright
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Mant thanks for the replies. I'm afraid you misunderstand. Its not that we haven't wanted to come but mental illness is very difficult to deal with as I'm sure you can understand, especially with having young children too, it's inconsistent and debilitating so we haven't been able to make the move before now, despite travelling over to look around schools, make connections for employment and explore different areas.

We had arranged to move at the end of the summer term July...but it just hasn't been possible due to my husband's illness and now my father in law being diagnosed with leukemia.

I had no illusion of getting a job before I came, I wanted to apply for a job for September, when we would be over there and was incredibly lucky (with a lot of hard work too) to have been offered several positions, despite the schools being aware I was not on the ground yet. One school did offer to wait for me to arrive and I had discussions with my head but it just wasn't possible to end my contract without ramifications.

Had my husband been well , we would have grabbed those opportunities with both hands. It's not really to do with hindsight, just circumstances.

I appreciate what you are telling me and we will ask an agent's opinion, we just need to know what our options are so we can plan for our family and I was hoping someone could offer some clear advice.

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42 minutes ago, mrsr1976 said:

Mant thanks for the replies. I'm afraid you misunderstand. Its not that we haven't wanted to come but mental illness is very difficult to deal with as I'm sure you can understand, especially with having young children too, it's inconsistent and debilitating so we haven't been able to make the move before now, despite travelling over to look around schools, make connections for employment and explore different areas.

We had arranged to move at the end of the summer term July...but it just hasn't been possible due to my husband's illness and now my father in law being diagnosed with leukemia.

I had no illusion of getting a job before I came, I wanted to apply for a job for September, when we would be over there and was incredibly lucky (with a lot of hard work too) to have been offered several positions, despite the schools being aware I was not on the ground yet. One school did offer to wait for me to arrive and I had discussions with my head but it just wasn't possible to end my contract without ramifications.

Had my husband been well , we would have grabbed those opportunities with both hands. It's not really to do with hindsight, just circumstances.

I appreciate what you are telling me and we will ask an agent's opinion, we just need to know what our options are so we can plan for our family and I was hoping someone could offer some clear advice.

I think the advice is really to enter before your visa expires or apply for an RRV which you may not meet the criteria for and a chance that it won't be granted (no one can tell you with any certainty if you would be granted this or not).

I do appreciate that your husband is not well enough to travel and migration is a very stressful time for most people and this may exacerbate his illness further..

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52 minutes ago, mrsr1976 said:

Mant thanks for the replies. I'm afraid you misunderstand. Its not that we haven't wanted to come but mental illness is very difficult to deal with as I'm sure you can understand, 

My apologies if I misunderstood, your first post mentioned his illness is the problem this time, but not on previous occasions.

I think the advice is very clear.  If you do not move before 6 December, you will be denied entry to Australia.

If it's impossible for you to move before then, your only hope is a one-year RRV, which will give you a final twelve month window, during which you can move to Australia. After that, you're out of luck.

I would rate your chances of getting that one-year RRV as slim, but then I don't know your full circumstances.  An agent will be able to give an accurate assessment, but even they can't give any guarantees.

Edited by Marisawright
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