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Port Stephens?

Chasing a dream

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Brilliant news, looks like hubby may have secured a job on the Port Stephens side of New Castle......just waiting on the paperwork, salary finalisation etc!!

I love the look of Port Stephens......looks like a dream place to live, however I know that things are not always as good as they look in the pictures. Any advice about Port Stephens and/or best places to live between New Castle and Port Stephens? (With 2 "almost teengers"). Oh and we are def not city/nightlife type people.

Any advice gratefully received!

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We live in soldiers Point. Heaps of nice beaches here pretty quiet except in summer apparently heaps of people visit.

We see dolphins and a koala in tree across the road from our apartment.

Really nice place to live though been in this area 4 months now.

I would recommend living in soldiers Point rather than Nelson Bay as tourists head to Nelson Bay.

Good luck with the move .

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Port Stephens is really nice and has year round holiday trade due to proximity to Newy and Sydney, so doesn’t suffer from too much seasonality

Traffic over the bridge at Hexham is crap - backed up to Heatherbrae going south and from the end of the M1 going north regularly. But the road through Tomago is OK

Raymond Terrace is a bit ordinary, anywhere else pretty good I think

beautiful part of the world!


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If it's a temporary visa then just a heads up I'm sure you know to include the cost of school fees for the kids in the salary package - $11k pa for the two give or take. 

Port Stephens is where one of my mates went to retire to and she quite liked it but they eventually moved down to Tasmania for some reason I never quite fathomed

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14 minutes ago, Quoll said:

If it's a temporary visa then just a heads up I'm sure you know to include the cost of school fees for the kids in the salary package - $11k pa for the two give or take. 

Port Stephens is where one of my mates went to retire to and she quite liked it but they eventually moved down to Tasmania for some reason I never quite fathomed

Thanks for the info....luckily we have a PR visa!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it is now official!! Hubby has been offered the job and we fly to Oz second week of Feb!!! We have been extremely lucky and have been offered a lovely looking house near Anna Bay in Port Stephens to rent at "mates rates" ......fully furnished! That will make it so much easier to settle and find our feet, allowing us to focus on everything else and give us time to slowly accumulate everything we are selling and tossing this side (decided not to ship very much at all). 

I cannot believe it is all happening now......and in such a beautiful place!! 

Thanks for all the advice so far, am sure I will have a million more questions as I go.

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