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My first post on here - so forgive me if this is in the wrong forum. 

I'm in the process of a skills assessment for a pastry cook and recently received a request for video evidence. The thing is I have no such video and there is no way I can get it, as my employers would never allow a camera onto the bakery floor. 

My agent says it is highly unusual that they would ask for video evidence as that is one of the more obscure options. What I'm wondering is,  has anyone else had a similar experience?  How did it pan out? I'm just wondering if they're building up to a rejection?

Thanks for reading! 



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Vetassess do ask for it in their guidelines, although in reality it's very rarely asked for by an assessment officer. The TRA officer obviously wants this evidence. They are within their rights to ask whatever additional evidence they feel they need to make an informed decision.







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My OH had this request last week. He spoke to his manager and asked if he could go in voluntary to record himself prepping food/cooking food etc (his going under cook). His manager was fine with that but not during his shift. Good luck 

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 They want a general video of all the core competencies. I did ask if a home video would be acceptable,  but they've written back saying no. They said i could get them an even more detailed reference from my former employers, so I'll just have to talk to them and find out if they'll give me one.

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I did my vetassess assessment for chef stage 1 , 4 months back. I did a video on iPhone working in hotel kitchen showcasing basic dish of grilled prawns. youtube link was attached while attaching other documents. they did not ask for anything else. got a positive assessment result 5 days back.




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