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Job offer in Melbourne on 457 with relocation assistance...what to consider??

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11 hours ago, ScottishMatilda said:

Hi folks, 

I really appreciate everyones post, and the reassurance provided by come of the most recent ones. 

Thanks for heads up on the abolition of the 457's.  My occupation is still on the list and looks unlikely to be affected for the moment...

Which list though as that makes a massive difference now. 

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On 18 April 2017 at 5:06 AM, ItchyFeet76 said:


* You can't buy a one-way ticket until you have your 457 visa to show the travel agent...we bought ours <12 hours before flying out, as our visa only came through the day before! (we had hoped to buy in advance and get a flexi-fare).


Your travel agent was wrong. You can buy a one way ticket online ( or with an agent if you prefer) without holding a visa of any kind. Many people buy in advance, not always a good idea as the visa may not be granted, but there is no rule which says you must have the visa first. If an agent insists, go elsewhere. 

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5 minutes ago, ItchyFeet76 said:

Really? That's surprising as three different travel agents told us this, as otherwise how could we prove that we we were going to leave afterwards (without a valid reason to stay).

maybe they're just covering themselves then??

It's complete nonsense. People are arriving here on one-way tickets all the time. Half the WHV holders arrive on a one-way ticket. Visitors might not have fixed plans on how long they're staying or they might want to arrive by air but leave by ship. There are dozens of scenarios where arriving on a one-way ticket is perfectly legitimate.

If you only have a temp visa on arrival then Australian immigration may expect to see a return ticket or evidence of the funds to buy one - but it's definitely not the UK travel agent's job to police it.


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4 minutes ago, NickyNook said:

It's complete nonsense. People are arriving here on one-way tickets all the time. Half the WHV holders arrive on a one-way ticket. Visitors might not have fixed plans on how long they're staying or they might want to arrive by air but leave by ship. There are dozens of scenarios where arriving on a one-way ticket is perfectly legitimate.

If you only have a temp visa on arrival then Australian immigration may expect to see a return ticket or evidence of the funds to buy one - but it's definitely not the UK travel agent's job to police it.


yup agree.  And go to any airline website, and it will not prevent you from purchasing a one-way ticket to anywhere in Australia that they fly to. 

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457 - a Clayton’s visa - the visa you have when you don't have a visa.

If a permanent residence application is possible it is very much to be preferred, especially if children are involved.

If there is a failure of business conditions, or employment ceases for any reason, 457 holders have limited options.

If you decide to proceed, carefully check the ongoing costs and pathways to permanent residence.

I have lost count of the number of 457 visa holders who have waited until their 457s blew up in their faces before seeking advice about proceeding to PR, by which time it was usually too late for an elegant solution.  


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