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Melbourne V Dubai


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Hi everyone,

I'm in a bit of a pickle and would love to hear from.anyone who has visited or better still worked in these two places. I'm unsure whether to relocate to Australia or Dubai! I have started the visa process for PR to Aus and i got a positive skills assessment but, there has been alot of jobs advertised for teaching posts in the UAE this week and its very appealing with tax free salary etc..

The fact is i would be going to Australia with no job and thats quite daunting. I'm an art teacher. However, i have lots of friends in Australia & i have lived there before for 2 years but that was in 2009. Any info. Or advice would be appreciated. I know i'm tge only one who can make the decision but, its nice to get feedback. Thanks


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I would look at this from the long term perspective. Australia is somewhere to settle down for the rest of your life and build a foundation. Dubai would strictly be temporary. If I had to choose and I really wanted to ultimately be in Australia, I'd go that route personally.

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I haven't worked in either of these two places but I have two sons and this is advice is what I have given them as both have had to consider on working outside the uk. I have never been a big fan of Dubai other than a short holiday. I agree with Wooba, think about it from a long term perspective. Whilst the idea of walking in to a job is attractive and the money may be good, if it is only for the short term, it is an option.

However, for a more permanent change or the possibility of it, Australia may be scary in the beginning but could provide you with a better future. Also, you have lived there before so whilst you don't a job having lived there should give you confidence.

My son was just out of uni and had never left home. He flew out without hardly knowing anyone, just one aquaintance. The airline was being a real pain and counted his laptop bag as luggage so we had to empty his suitcase of all toiletries to reduce weight. That was nearly five years ago but it was the right decision.

Hope it helps.


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Guest The Pom Queen

My brother works and lives in UAE it took him a while to get use to their culture but he does seem to like it. It seems a lot of British work there on a tourist visa which personally I wouldn't want to risk. Have you looked at the visa side for Dubai?

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Guest The Pom Queen
Thank- you all for your responses. I appreciate it. When you get a teaching job in Dubai apparently the school helps you orgainise visa's, provides you with an appartment etc...




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Would you be travelling alone

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Yes, i would be travelling alone to both places but i have good friends in Melbourne. However, i don't want to rely on people. No friends in Dubai but, i thought it would be ok as i believe there is a large ex pat community and its that little bit closer to home.


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Whilst Dubai isn't for everyone, it can offer an awesome and addictive expat lifestyle, albeit temporary. We lived in Muscat, Oman which is about 4 hours drive from Dubai and had an amazing time there before we moved to Australia. We had plenty of friends in Dubai and would drive there for weekends away and everyone seemed to get sucked into the glitz and glamour.

I'd agree with earlier advice about getting your Australian visa and activating it, then you have both options open to you and can work in Dubai for a few year before moving on to Australia. Life is too short to have regrets, so better to live it!

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Yes, i agree life is too short & i try to follow my heart. I guess time will tell. I'm doing my PTE exam tomorrow for my visa so, i'll see how that goes.

It's Great to have options but, can be tricky/confusing sometimes. I'm 34 soon so i'm not sure i want to keep jumping from country to country however, Dubai is very appealing!!!

Thanks for your feedback & yes, i love the sun. One of the big reasons i'm making the move.


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I have a good friend living and working in Dubai, about 5 years now. Have stayed with them a few times. They really enjoy it.


Pro/Cons/Observations of Dubai:

Good money tax free.

Big expat town (1.5m expats/immigrants out of 1.7m people, people from everywhere with a large Indian & Pakistan population)

City is basically 25 years old, so everything is new, athough lacking in culture

Great winters, stiffling summers (40+ everyday, hence why the emiratis are in Europe for the summer))

Need a car, everybody drives everywhere (although reasonably priced taxis and petrol is very cheap - terrible drivers though)

Little/no crime (my friend rarely locks his house), the consequences are severe.

Hub town, easy to jump on a plane to pretty much anywhere from Dubai or Abu Dhabi (45 min drive away- my friend commutes from Dubai to Abu Dhabi)

Migratory town, constantly people coming and going, difficult to get a PR visa, always on a temporary working visa. Means your social circle is constantly changing.

Good food options at reasonable prices.

Alcohol is very expensive.

Some non western laws/customs (public drunkeness, displays of affection not tolerated).


Dubai is a place people go to make a lot of money and then move to somewhere else to settle. I'd echo above and suggest do a year, maybe 2 in Dubai en route to Melbourne (which you know). Save so you can really set yourself up nicely in Melbourne.

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I'm living and working in Dubai, been here for over 8 yrs, and coincidentally there was a discussion on the radio 2 weeks ago about a survey of teachers here and many surveyed would want to go back, due to various reasons like salary, increments, accommodation etc.


Dubai is a fantastic place to live in, great lifestyle, extremely safe and convenient, but make sure you do your homework (pun intended) on the cost of living, because it is high.


And there is no such thing as a PR here, you are on a residence visa sponsored by your employer.


Hope this helps.




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I am in a minority here but I can't stand Dubai. Too hot, money and power and glitz is everything =bulurgggjh

My parents used to hate Dubai for the same reasons, they didn't mind Oman where we lived, but when we took them up to Dubai for the weekend they couldn't see what we loved about the place.

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