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We are in the process of arranging shipping and have been told i have to fill in TOR01 form on the UK. gov website print it off then post it to UK before my stuff can leave Australia.


Has anyone else had to do this ?

lots of the questions are ridiculous and unanswerable unless you have already left got a house and a job to go back to.


The house i have, the job i am going to get when i arrive , got a few things lined up just haven't decided what to do yet.


any advice from you lovely people who have encountered this form will be appreciated.

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I had a look at this the other day, and thought similar. We were intending to go into a holiday let for a month or so first, so that we can look around for a more permanent rental, so we won't have an address as such. Add to that we probably won't have employment until we get there and look for it, so we can't fill that in either. I'm not really sure how we can even begin to complete it! I might see if there is a contact on there and send an email or something to find out what we're supposed to do if we don't have the information. The online form won't even let you proceed to the next page if you don't fill fields in, so I'm not sure how you could even leave those parts you don't have information for blank.

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It sure does seem that way! I just found an email contact form for HMRC so I might send a question about what we should do if we can't fill the form in. I might ask if it is okay to put down a relatives address, although we don't plan to stay with relatives when we move back.

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thank you LKC its so annoying they sure dont make anything easy.



The following documents should be enclosed with your application:• a copy of your passport, including your visa if necessary

• proof of registrationthis document should show you've taken up residence in the UK or another country of the European Union (EU), and thedateon which you did so. You may also send some other, comparable document which provides reasonable evidence forthis purpose

• two signed lists of goodsState the goods you wish to import on this list

• invoices, proofs of guarantee etc. for the goods you wish to import (commercial documents)

Enclose copies of any documents which show you're going to live in the EU, for example:

• your employment contract• your employer’s statement• your work permit

• your tenancy or purchase agreement for the home you plan to live in.


i have'nt got any invoices ect , this is going to be fun.

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Wow! I'd no idea we'd need to find those documents! What on earth is a 'Proof of registration'? I don't habitually keep invoices/receipts for things other than electrical items (in case they break down), which we won't be bringing anyway, and I've no idea how I'd find receipts for furniture, books etc that were purchased years ago. We don't need a work permit, we won't have an employment contract and we won't have a tenancy or purchase agreement. I am wondering if this can be filled in at any point from when the shipping is sent to when it arrives, therefore being easier to sort out (since we should hopefully have jobs/somewhere to live by then)?

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Transfer of Residence form. DON'T PANIC. We have done this and included a motorbike and dog!! We used my parents address as we don't have a house yet. On the "your new situation in the U.K." tick "other" and then add in the box "gain employment before or on arrival in U.K." We had information from when we bought our block of land and also the building licence from the Shire that we lodged as proof purchase. I guess you could get copies from the Shire if you don't have that type of stuff or something from your bank? I attached photographs of our UK passports. If you have had a moving company come out to do a quote they should send you an inventory that they use to do their quote. I simply used this and explained as our goods aren't packed yet we don't have signed packing copies. Then we attached copies of the bike registration and ownership info and emailed it. You don't have to post it and it has to be done before your goods are packed as they will give you a reference number to quote to your shippers for import/customs purposes. The email address is nchcap@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk

We lodged ours and got an automated confirmation and within a couple of days it went through and we got our reference number with no further questions.

I further explained our situation about employment and housing in the body of the email .

Any questions give me a shout and I will try to help! J [emoji4]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thank you for that info! I was starting to worry that they'd not let us back in lol! I'll copy/paste this info into my 'Relocation' file so that I can find it when I need it. I will no doubt contact you with more questions as they come to me!

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Hi Martin,


We submitted our form online 8 days ago but haven't heard anything back yet (except an automated reply). We were given the email address nch@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk by our shippers which is different to your address. Do you think we should re-send? Shippers don't seem to know much about it as I understand it is very new. Our belongings have already been collected by the shippers and they are waiting for a ref number.

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Hi Martin,


We submitted our form online 8 days ago but haven't heard anything back yet (except an automated reply). We were given the email address nch@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk by our shippers which is different to your address. Do you think we should re-send? Shippers don't seem to know much about it as I understand it is very new. Our belongings have already been collected by the shippers and they are waiting for a ref number.


Hi there, it wouldn't hurt to forward your previous email to the address that we used. We also had this

telephone number:-tel:03000 588454. It is engaged a lot but keep trying! Just a note though, if you are a family and have completed 2 forms (i.e husband and wife) you will only get one reference number. The number is for the shipment not the individual. That is why I called them just to check as we only got one reference. Good luck!

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It sure does seem like it is going to be hard work. We have both said that going back we will be smarter with the packing as when we came out we packed everything. This time we will go through our stuff and only bring what we want to keep. We have a car to bring back and other goods. We (like a few others) will not have the receipts for a fair amount of goods that we have, so not sure how they can insist on invoices. Who keeps receipts for everything they have. The majority of people keep only ones for electrical goods (like LKC). We will be putting down our parents address and as for job, unless we are really luck and able to secure a job before we get there, we will have to leave that one blank. Sounds like it is going to be fun getting things back.

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I've started sorting through our stuff already. It has been quite a nice feeling of freedom to get rid of some of the clutter. I've given loads of things to charity. I felt bad at first, but as OH pointed out if we'd got rid of those things when we'd done with them (like the kids pushchairs - they are 9 and 10, so we've not needed them for years!), bit by bit, we'd never have noticed how much stuff we'd been getting rid of! I've also sold a bit of the furniture (only IKEA things so not worth shipping), and will be selling/donating more as we go. We came here with a 20 foot container, and I intend to send a 20 foot container back.


I've also been packing some of the books and things that we want to keep away, and we've hired a small storage unit at the recommendation of the real estate agent, so as to make the house less cluttered with books and personal items. I've been using a fabulous app called Sortly to photograph and record details of what is in each box so that I can easily provide details to the shipper/customs and so that I can find things if/when I need them. You can produce QR labels which link up with the list so you can label the boxes easily. It backs up automatically to Evernote, which I use for my household management stuff too.

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The sorting and decluttering is the hardest or most time consuming job (for me anyway). We've been in our house 17yrs and only 2 of us in a big 4 bedroom house. It's a great feeling but don't under estimate how long this takes. We were having garage sale late last year and I spent 6 weeks of week nights and weekends getting ready. Didn't sell it all and then trying to find a home again was a nightmare. But we've probably accumulated too much. Sorting out shed items like parts and spare bits and bobs was (is) a never ending task at present. We now need to go back through all our clothes, kitchen cupboards, storeroom, shed, garage and try to really narrow it down. Wish we had 3 weeks (paid) from work to do this, would be preferable option.


But it's definitely worth doing as you don't want to ship stuff only to realise you don't need - but having the time after work is nearly impossible and being really strict on whether to keep or throw is quite hard when your stuff is in good order. Hopefully new house owner will want some of these items.


Don't like the sounds of trying to produce invoices / receipts for items - no chance and seems a bit onerous. Thanks @Martinbjulieb for giving some direction on this part.


Like the idea about that app and will be looking for this. Thanks @LKC

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,

I gave HMRC  a call yesterday, had to wait on the phone for over one hour for someone to answer me, only to be told that they have trained more people and are trying to get through the emails and post as quickly as possible, so far they have cleared up to the 31st March 2017, they stopped the use of the C3 form on the 27th March 2017, so they have only got through four days of forms, and they have got over 3,000 emails waiting to be answered, plus all the ones being posted to them, they are all in date order of when they received them, but  as soon as they get to check your TOR01 form if everything is correct on it they will  give you a number and  email it straight away to you.

Also the lady said that no one was prepared for the amount of traffic coming through, and it is a complete shambles, and she could not say how long it would take.

My container arrived into Felixstowe UK on the 10th of April, the shippers got in touch with me on the 19th April saying that I needed to fill out the TOR01 form and post it to HMRC to get my NCU number, they did not know anything about the new form and the old C3 not being used anymore, not very pleased about that.

So it looks like a long wait for me to get my household goods delivered so at the moment we are sitting in an empty house with a borrowed garden table and two garden chairs.:(:(








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4 hours ago, Susie said:

Hi everyone,

I gave HMRC  a call yesterday, had to wait on the phone for over one hour for someone to answer me, only to be told that they have trained more people and are trying to get through the emails and post as quickly as possible, so far they have cleared up to the 31st March 2017, they stopped the use of the C3 form on the 27th March 2017, so they have only got through four days of forms, and they have got over 3,000 emails waiting to be answered, plus all the ones being posted to them, they are all in date order of when they received them, but  as soon as they get to check your TOR01 form if everything is correct on it they will  give you a number and  email it straight away to you.

Also the lady said that no one was prepared for the amount of traffic coming through, and it is a complete shambles, and she could not say how long it would take.

My container arrived into Felixstowe UK on the 10th of April, the shippers got in touch with me on the 19th April saying that I needed to fill out the TOR01 form and post it to HMRC to get my NCU number, they did not know anything about the new form and the old C3 not being used anymore, not very pleased about that.

So it looks like a long wait for me to get my household goods delivered so at the moment we are sitting in an empty house with a borrowed garden table and two garden chairs.:(:(



4 hours ago, Susie said:

I can't understand this! We moved on 7th March and our container was packed on 24th of Feb. Our removals people told us about the new form and said we were the first customers of theirs to use it and that it was now a legal requirement before goods were shipped. I would be seeking some compensation from them! We literally got our reference number after 3 days.







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16 hours ago, Martinbjulieb said:



Maybe you were lucky, as HMRC still accepted the C3 form up to the 27th March, but you stated that you filled in the TOR01 form and got a number in 3 days, maybe not many people applying for the number at that time, I know it is annoying, but it seems like most shipping /moving companies for some unknown reason did not know about this new form, I checked with my packing company in Turkey and he said that he had shipped 7 more containers after mine and they all had the C3 form, he is going to check with the shipping companies that they used to see what they did regarding this and get back to me.

Yes I do feel like putting a claim into the company but will wait until I get my container here at my house before I rock the boat.


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I applied for my ToR number 9th March, it took 18 days to get it. I was told by my shippers Chess that I needed to do it, i was also told by my animal transport company Jetpets that I  needed to  do it. Jetpets initially sent me the old forms then rang me up a couple of days later to tell me about the change. 

Pretty  sure that Pickfords who I got a quote from told me about it as well.I got my quotes in mid Feb, the move was Sydney to London.

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Had an online chat with HMRC yesterday, and they have been told to inform people that there is a four week wait after they receive your TOR01 form, so if anyone is applying for a number for their shipment be prepared for a long wait.




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