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Family assistance/financial help


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I am learning so much from this forum! Just discovered on

one of the other forums that if you have children you may be eligible for family assistance when you arrive, especially if you are not earning straight away or have only one income for a while. Most of my worries are about burning through our money really quickly so to know that we may get a little help is so reassuring. Has anybody done any research on this or have any recommended websites or threads about it?

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Can I just add that I am not going over at all with the intention of wanting to claim benefits! We don't intend to move until at least one of us has a job so hopefully we'll be fine but when I saw it mentioned elsewhere on here, I thought it was worth investigating in case we are ever in dire straits!

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Depending on the job market for you both you may be waiting a long time if you are applying from the UK and waiting to move. Many employers want local and could perhaps not really have much interest in someone applying from overseas. Many migrants simply have to take the plunge and make the move and find jobs after arriving. Some secure a job before moving but its not the norm that I am aware of.


As to what you could claim, have you checked on Centrelink? You could possibly get the childcare rebate but you'd need to be here living to qualify and until you are, I wouldn't know if you'd be eligible or not.

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I am learning so much from this forum! Just discovered on

one of the other forums that if you have children you may be eligible for family assistance when you arrive, especially if you are not earning straight away or have only one income for a while. Most of my worries are about burning through our money really quickly so to know that we may get a little help is so reassuring. Has anybody done any research on this or have any recommended websites or threads about it?

What visa are you going on?There is no assistance if you are on a temp visa like a 457. If you are on a permanent visa like a 189 or 190 you may get some help but it will be means tested, and is also based on your estimated income for the year so you may end up paying a lot back next July. . Have a look at the website for Centrelink

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What visa are you going on?There is no assistance if you are on a temp visa like a 457. If you are on a permanent visa like a 189 or 190 you may get some help but it will be means tested, and is also based on your estimated income for the year so you may end up paying a lot back next July. . Have a look at the website for Centrelink

And just to add, many benefits have a 2 year residence requirement before applying.

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You could be eligible for family fax benefit a and b plus rent assistance. I believe those are the only ones. Rent assistance will depend on how much your rent is and how many children you have. The family tax benefit go off estimated income for the Aussie financial year which is 1st July to the end of June.

Bring whatever payslips you have which fall into that financial year when you arrive. Some people we asked for them, others aren't. You are better off over estimating how much you think you will earn over the year. Then when you've done your tax return you will get the difference paid rather than a bill if you've been over paid.

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Hi, thanks for the replies. Like I said, it was purely as a worst case scenario for those nights when I lie awake and suddenly fear that we will be jobless and homeless. If anything I will just store it as some sort of security blanket in the back of my mind, ha! We both want to be working and getting involved as soon as we can.


Snifter, we aren't applying from the UK, we are in S.E.Asia and both working. My husband has some contacts already due to having suppliers in Australia and he can fly over for interviews etc. I am a teacher who would hope to at least get some supply work until something permanent comes along. We won't make the move unless we have one job lined up and we are giving ourselves a year to try and achieve that. After a year if we have no luck then we will have to take the plunge but that would be another year at least that we will get to save.


I had thought it was 2 years to be honest before we would be entitled to anything and by then I would not be expecting to need it, same as when we were in the UK.

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Hi, thanks for the replies. Like I said, it was purely as a worst case scenario for those nights when I lie awake and suddenly fear that we will be jobless and homeless. If anything I will just store it as some sort of security blanket in the back of my mind, ha! We both want to be working and getting involved as soon as we can.


Snifter, we aren't applying from the UK, we are in S.E.Asia and both working. My husband has some contacts already due to having suppliers in Australia and he can fly over for interviews etc. I am a teacher who would hope to at least get some supply work until something permanent comes along. We won't make the move unless we have one job lined up and we are giving ourselves a year to try and achieve that. After a year if we have no luck then we will have to take the plunge but that would be another year at least that we will get to save.


I had thought it was 2 years to be honest before we would be entitled to anything and by then I would not be expecting to need it, same as when we were in the UK.

Wouldn't bank on a permanent teaching role - unless, you are secondary maths/science. Permanent roles in places that people actually want to live are something like gold dust and casual relief can be erratic and takes time to get known. People have been known to change careers at this point. It all depends on the state you are heading for as well as some states require a commitment to rural/remote before they will even look at you permanently

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Hi, thanks for the replies. Like I said, it was purely as a worst case scenario for those nights when I lie awake and suddenly fear that we will be jobless and homeless. If anything I will just store it as some sort of security blanket in the back of my mind, ha! We both want to be working and getting involved as soon as we can.


Snifter, we aren't applying from the UK, we are in S.E.Asia and both working. My husband has some contacts already due to having suppliers in Australia and he can fly over for interviews etc. I am a teacher who would hope to at least get some supply work until something permanent comes along. We won't make the move unless we have one job lined up and we are giving ourselves a year to try and achieve that. After a year if we have no luck then we will have to take the plunge but that would be another year at least that we will get to save.


I had thought it was 2 years to be honest before we would be entitled to anything and by then I would not be expecting to need it, same as when we were in the UK.


You may be entitled to claim but don't bank on it being a liveable amount. I had to claim last year after a separation and it was poverty levels amounts I was entitled to. Personally I wouldn't be moving here to WA at the moment, the situation isn't great.

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I guess we'll just have to see how it goes on the job front. I've had a few friends who have spent the first year or so on maternity and sickness cover and then managed to find something long-term. All I can do is try. Thanks again for all the info.

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And just to add, many benefits have a 2 year residence requirement before applying.


Family Tax Benefit A, Family Tax Benefit B and Rent Allowance are not subject to the 2 year residence requirement (although you do need to be a permanent resident). The amount you are eligible for will depend on your income. The value of your assets does not effect your benefits (although it you own a house in Australia you aren't eligible for the Rent Allowance).

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