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stressed and anxious at work, sponsored and feeling trapped- seeking advice please


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Hello to anyone who is reading this and thanks for taking the time.

My name is Eddie i'm currently on a 457 visa (expires apr 2018) I am a chef working in Brisbane, my sponsor changed hands a year ago and work has been going downhill for me from then, to the point where I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of going in the next morning.

I have a partner who I have applied for a partner visa with (oct 2016) but I feel like I can't keep going to work for much longer, its extremely difficult to find another sponsor in my industry especially as I have young family and just upping and moving isn't much of an option with leases and such.

I am seeking advice on what to do? should I just leave? should I be seeking a medical professional to provide me with medical certificates? what would be any ramifications if I left and my 457 was cancelled i.e bridging visas and the pending partner visa?

many thanks for taking the time to read this

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Unless you fancy going back to the UK ,i think the only thing you can do is contact or door knock every kitchen around Brisbane. If your NS stretch to sunny coast, SS stretch to Gold Coast. A slightly longer commute until lease etc expire would be better than going to a job close by you are becoming to hate ,surely?


I know a painter who was in the same boat and he lived near the city, he found another sponser on the Gold coast, only through door knocking and took the chance to jump ship. 2 years later himself and family are all now settled on the Gold Coast, so it is do able.


Good Luck with everything and i hope you find something


Cal x


p.s,, Dont leave where you are or your on very limited time, try to line up another sponser before you say anything to your current employer.

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Hello to anyone who is reading this and thanks for taking the time.

My name is Eddie i'm currently on a 457 visa (expires apr 2018) I am a chef working in Brisbane, my sponsor changed hands a year ago and work has been going downhill for me from then, to the point where I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of going in the next morning.

I have a partner who I have applied for a partner visa with (oct 2016) but I feel like I can't keep going to work for much longer, its extremely difficult to find another sponsor in my industry especially as I have young family and just upping and moving isn't much of an option with leases and such.

I am seeking advice on what to do? should I just leave? should I be seeking a medical professional to provide me with medical certificates? what would be any ramifications if I left and my 457 was cancelled i.e bridging visas and the pending partner visa?

many thanks for taking the time to read this



The Bridging Visa will only kick in if/when the 457 expires. If it is cancelled,no Bridging Visa.

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The Bridging Visa will only kick in if/when the 457 expires. If it is cancelled,no Bridging Visa.

Could I ask a question, I have read multiple times that a 457 visa holder has 3 options: find a new sponsor, lodge for another substantial visa or leave the county? As I have already lodged for another visa would I not be on a bridging if I lost my job and didn't find a new sponsor in the allotted time? Thanks

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Thanks cal, I am definitely going to look for a new sponsor, the last time I did took 2 months, I am going to seek medical help to and see if there is anyway the dr can help me out. I won't leave if my only option will be to return the the uk it's just not possible.

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Hope that isn't your real name Eddie. If it is suggest asking a moderator if you can change it to a pseudonym.


I have no particular advice other than what you have already have but wish you well. Many of us have been trapped in a job we hate at some period (usually financial reasons) but the visa issue makes it feel even worse I am sure.

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Hope that isn't your real name Eddie. If it is suggest asking a moderator if you can change it to a pseudonym.


I have no particular advice other than what you have already have but wish you well. Many of us have been trapped in a job we hate at some period (usually financial reasons) but the visa issue makes it feel even worse I am sure.



this is my real name it might seem a bit silly I know but its nothing that isn't known at my work anyway I have however requested for a change anyway.

thanks for your best wishes :)

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Hello to anyone who is reading this and thanks for taking the time.

My name is Eddie i'm currently on a 457 visa (expires apr 2018) I am a chef working in Brisbane, my sponsor changed hands a year ago and work has been going downhill for me from then, to the point where I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of going in the next morning.

I have a partner who I have applied for a partner visa with (oct 2016) but I feel like I can't keep going to work for much longer, its extremely difficult to find another sponsor in my industry especially as I have young family and just upping and moving isn't much of an option with leases and such.

I am seeking advice on what to do? should I just leave? should I be seeking a medical professional to provide me with medical certificates? what would be any ramifications if I left and my 457 was cancelled i.e bridging visas and the pending partner visa?

many thanks for taking the time to read this

The kitchen game around Brisbane is pretty rough, my son was out on a 457 with a Brisbane restaurant and then got forced out, he did manage to get another sponsoring high class restaurant but he got so much hassle off other chefs and staff that he was run ragged and then there was a move to make people redundant except for a few, the head chef and front of house manager and a few real rough staff , they then replaced people on self employed status so you have my sympathy.

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Hello to anyone who is reading this and thanks for taking the time.

My name is Eddie i'm currently on a 457 visa (expires apr 2018) I am a chef working in Brisbane, my sponsor changed hands a year ago and work has been going downhill for me from then, to the point where I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of going in the next morning.

I have a partner who I have applied for a partner visa with (oct 2016) but I feel like I can't keep going to work for much longer, its extremely difficult to find another sponsor in my industry especially as I have young family and just upping and moving isn't much of an option with leases and such.

I am seeking advice on what to do? should I just leave? should I be seeking a medical professional to provide me with medical certificates? what would be any ramifications if I left and my 457 was cancelled i.e bridging visas and the pending partner visa?

many thanks for taking the time to read this





ive never worked in kitchens and have never worked in Australia on a visa. I have, however, worked in a job where I was bullied by a colleague for a very long time, and felt forced to stay because I was on a contract outside my own country and it would have not only been financially disastrous to leave but would have disrupted my daughters education.


I am writing to offer my sympathy because I remember the 'sick to the stomach' feeling so well. The only advice I can offer is to try very hard not to walk out and do everything you can to find another place. While I was stuck I conentrated on relieving the stress when I was not working. swimming was good. Psychotherapy is not for everyone but it helped me.


My OH worked in hotels and I know that kitchens can be the pits at the best of times, so really try to stay calm and focussed on getting another job and getting through this. One day it will be just a very bad memory, I promise.

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Thanks for the advice anyone, I'm just hoping me partner visa is one of the lucky ones that gets approved a bit quicker than most, I submitted in October 2016 and was asked to attend a medical a week later so hoping that was a good sign although I have had surgery on a broken wrist in 2016 so maybe that is what they were checking

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Hi Mate,


I was in the same boat as you, a couple of times in fact, where the job doesn't suit and you feel like you are trapped. These situations were caused by management change also. There are a number of options for you. What I would do though, is wait the short while until your partner is added to your 457 visa, and then you both have options. Luckily for you, as a chef, there are hundreds of jobs going out there, a

nd for another company to transfer your 457 as oppose to renewing a 457, is an awful lot cheaper. Obviously if your partner is on this at that time, than that enables you to move to your next job as a family unit, so it is worth waiting for. Also, once you leave your job, you have 90 days to find another sponsor willing to employ you, not the 28 days that it used to be.


The other option, is to look at applying for a PR visa (186), direct entry. You do not have to complete the 2 years with your employer, and you could go for GSM.



If I was you, and you had the funds available (around $11000 all up with migration agent fees, around $6800 without), I would wait for you partner to get onto your 457, look for a transfer of your visa to another company, and then apply for the 186/187 visa while you are with your new employer- direct entry (should take around 9 months currently). And then get on with your life.


It is pretty tough mate, and sometimes it can be an unbearable situation, but all the best with it, and just remember, you are only as trapped as you feel. Even if you have to move back home and apply for a more appropriate visa, that gives you the freedom of choice and movement. All the best mate, and I hope something comes up soon. I'm a head chef myself, and feel empathy towards your situation.


Also, if you are really stuck, I know a few people around Oz, who are looking to hire good chefs on a more permanent visa, if you want some details, just send me a PM, and ill help you where I can.

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Hi Mate,


I was in the same boat as you, a couple of times in fact, where the job doesn't suit and you feel like you are trapped. These situations were caused by management change also. There are a number of options for you. What I would do though, is wait the short while until your partner is added to your 457 visa, and then you both have options. Luckily for you, as a chef, there are hundreds of jobs going out there, a

nd for another company to transfer your 457 as oppose to renewing a 457, is an awful lot cheaper. Obviously if your partner is on this at that time, than that enables you to move to your next job as a family unit, so it is worth waiting for. Also, once you leave your job, you have 90 days to find another sponsor willing to employ you, not the 28 days that it used to be.


The other option, is to look at applying for a PR visa (186), direct entry. You do not have to complete the 2 years with your employer, and you could go for GSM.



If I was you, and you had the funds available (around $11000 all up with migration agent fees, around $6800 without), I would wait for you partner to get onto your 457, look for a transfer of your visa to another company, and then apply for the 186/187 visa while you are with your new employer- direct entry (should take around 9 months currently). And then get on with your life.


It is pretty tough mate, and sometimes it can be an unbearable situation, but all the best with it, and just remember, you are only as trapped as you feel. Even if you have to move back home and apply for a more appropriate visa, that gives you the freedom of choice and movement. All the best mate, and I hope something comes up soon. I'm a head chef myself, and feel empathy towards your situation.


Also, if you are really stuck, I know a few people around Oz, who are looking to hire good chefs on a more permanent visa, if you want some details, just send me a PM, and ill help you where I can.


Thanks bud appreciate that, i am on the hunt for something new workwise as I couldn't last another year there.

I do currently have a visa application in that's a 820 partner visa as my partner is an Australian resident and we've been together 3 years with an 18 month old daughter, that's only 2 months ago so could be another 12 months. We are looking into if I would be on a bridging visa if I left and the 90 days runs out then I'd be a stay at home dad while my partner worked until there was a decision made about the 820 visa.

thanks once again :)

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ah, I see, your partner is an Aussie. Well that sounds like it might work. If the 90 days runs out, then surely you would go on a bridging visa pending your application grant. That's a long time without work....sounds nice. :-) I guess you could apply for the job that you think would feel right, and request them to transfer your 457, and if nothing comes of it, then you have something to fall back on. It sounds like you will be alright chef. Cheers

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Hi. Sorry you're going through this. It's bloody hard when you're feeling so anxious and stressed at work, so many would totally understand where you're at.


Some good advice above.


I can't add to anything except to say this will pass. It's just a bump in the road for now and just know the situation you're in won't be like this for the rest of your life.


Take a deep breath (I know, sounds daft!) but it does help. Write down all your options and then just start ticking things off the list. Explore each and every avenue in front of you and seek out paths you make not have considered.


I'm sure whatever the outcome it'll work out for you. Good idea to speak to your GP too, even just speaking to a professional person can help - getting it off your chest.


I'm also sure you and your family will be ok in the long run. This is just a situation for now - it will definitely pass.


All the very best.

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ah, I see, your partner is an Aussie. Well that sounds like it might work. If the 90 days runs out, then surely you would go on a bridging visa pending your application grant. That's a long time without work....sounds nice. :-) I guess you could apply for the job that you think would feel right, and request them to transfer your 457, and if nothing comes of it, then you have something to fall back on. It sounds like you will be alright chef. Cheers


I spent 6 months off work last year after having surgery on a broken wrist, id be a little more useful this time round being able to help my partner and daughter more :)

its frustrating looking for jobs seeing heaps that are ideal but not being able to apply because of the visa.

thanks bud

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Hi. Sorry you're going through this. It's bloody hard when you're feeling so anxious and stressed at work, so many would totally understand where you're at.


Some good advice above.


I can't add to anything except to say this will pass. It's just a bump in the road for now and just know the situation you're in won't be like this for the rest of your life.


Take a deep breath (I know, sounds daft!) but it does help. Write down all your options and then just start ticking things off the list. Explore each and every avenue in front of you and seek out paths you make not have considered.


I'm sure whatever the outcome it'll work out for you. Good idea to speak to your GP too, even just speaking to a professional person can help - getting it off your chest.


I'm also sure you and your family will be ok in the long run. This is just a situation for now - it will definitely pass.


All the very best.


thanks i appreciate everyones advice and wise words good idea i think to write a list then see what avenues i haven't explored yet

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