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Noobie wanting to gain PR !


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Hey guys,

I just stumbled across the forum and it seems fantastic.


Im Henry, 25 from Belfast, N.Ireland.

I was in Australia last year on WHV and fell in love with the place.


My plan now is to get back there under a tourist visa and try find sponsorship through an employer then eventually get PR!

Has anyone here done this and can give any advice ? Im open to go to anywhere in Australia but I am most familar with Melbourne


My work experience is mainly all sales and admin. I dont have a degree unfortunately.


Any help or advice would be great !!

Hope to hear from you guys soon


Thank you



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Hey guys,

I just stumbled across the forum and it seems fantastic.


Im Henry, 25 from Belfast, N.Ireland.

I was in Australia last year on WHV and fell in love with the place.


My plan now is to get back there under a tourist visa and try find sponsorship through an employer then eventually get PR!

Has anyone here done this and can give any advice ? Im open to go to anywhere in Australia but I am most familar with Melbourne


My work experience is mainly all sales and admin. I dont have a degree unfortunately.


Any help or advice would be great !!

Hope to hear from you guys soon


Thank you





Your chances of securing a visa do not look particularly promising based on what you have said so far.


It is not possible to get sponsorship for an admin role. There are some sales roles are on the skilled occupation lists but you would need a few planets to line up to progress this through to a permanent visa. When you were in Australia on the WHV did you have any luck finding sales roles? That might have been the time to sort out a sponsorship, after getting your foot in the door.


It might be that you need to look at this as a medium to long term plan, skill up first and then look into migration options in the future.

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Yes I worked in a few sales roles when I was there but unfortunately none offered sponsorship.


There is bound to be more options available for someone in my shoes surely ??


Depending what type of sales you do, your best bet might be to try and get into a multi national company and try to see if you can get an internal transfer down the line. But again this is all relative to the area of products you are selling.

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Yes I worked in a few sales roles when I was there but unfortunately none offered sponsorship.


There is bound to be more options available for someone in my shoes surely ??


Why would you think that? the whole idea of the visa system is to allow only people with qualifications or with skills that are in short supply, it already has enough unqualified locals.

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Yes I worked in a few sales roles when I was there but unfortunately none offered sponsorship.


There is bound to be more options available for someone in my shoes surely ??



Well I am only commenting on what you have said. You said you'd dint have a degree and have had roles in sales, admin and now that you could not secure a sponsorship when you were in Australia recently. Why do you think there are surely options? I would maintain your options look very slim at the moment.


The good news is that you are young and time is on your side. Whilst there may not be options now, if you focus on building a career for yourself, options may open up later.

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Your chances of getting sponsorship while on a tourist visa are somewhere between slim and none (that's not what tourist visas are for.)


If your skill set is not on the list of required occupations then look at your skill set and work on how you may make it relevant - training, degrees, further qualifications, experience etc. Make a 5-10 year plan and see how you go.

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Yes I worked in a few sales roles when I was there but unfortunately none offered sponsorship.


There is bound to be more options available for someone in my shoes surely ??


Nope, Australia has plenty of its own young, hardworking, ambitious people and many are graduates to boot. To sponsor someone the role has to be on the CSOL and the employer has to prove they could not recruit someone who is already an Australian resisdent.


If I was you I would be looking at occupations on the SOL and working towards gaining the qualifications and experience needed. A word of warning though the SOL is not fixed and you could get two years into a degree course and find your skill is no longer a pathway to migration.


If you have no responsibilities, a fair bit of money and you want to take a risk then studying in Australia may be an option. Who knows what could happen whilst you were there and an answer may appear in the form of a partner visa ;) Sounds cynical but a young person at university in Australia is likely to have relationships!


At the end of the student visa you would need to be prepared to move back though & the fees would need to be paid - you can work 20 hours a week and in vacations though. Depending on the course it would cost $20-30k per year. Another option is to look at UK courses with foreign exchange years.


Have a look into the 'work ready program' not sure if it would apply to you but may suggest a career path change to you without a degree.


Oh and a tip, drop the sense of entitlement, it doesn't go down well in Australia especially in migrants!

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Cheers for the replies, as I mentioned before. The companies I worked for previously simply didn't offer sponsorship to anyone not that I wasn't good enough or the likes.


I will look into the study option and Im pretty familiar already with the SOL list and it changes quite often, (that's the risk)


Ill also check out the "work ready program"

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Very good points above.


There's not much scope at present, but you should avail yourself with the current SOL and CSOL lists and look at moving your career and skillset towards one of the listed occupations. This will take time, years even, but you should be looking at making this a long term goal for the future, not a quick solution - you've done the quick route already on a WHV.





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