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Can I take knitting wool into Australia?


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Yes. Untreated fleece would be a different story because it may contain grass seeds etc. but knitting yarn has been through so many manufacturing processes that it won't contain any nasties.


(I was once sent a little woollen sheep heat pack from New Zealand. Quarantine confiscated its wheat innards but let the woollen shell through. :rolleyes:)

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Thanks, that's really helpful! Didn't know about the heat packs either so my sons heat owl will have to go :no:


Personally I'd be surprised if a pre used, pre loved one, arriving in your shipped belongings, would be noticed or a problem. Surely all that heating and reheating would kill off any bugs? Mine was new, arrived through the post...and, IIRC, the sender declared it on the packaging.... which I guess was asking for trouble. :rolleyes:

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Sure you can. I do all the time. It's processsed. I also take knitting needles on the plane (not my best ones just in case but bamboo or Symphonies are fine). In a similar vein - mum made DS1 a beanbag toy but it got stopped at the border as filled with wheat.

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Isn't that like taking ice on a holiday to Iceland?

No, decent wool is not that easy to come by - you can usually source bog standard Cleckheaton or Patons but UK is miles ahead when it comes to variety. Bendigo Woollen Mills or Wangaratta Woollen Mills are not bad and Morris & sons have a reasonable range but there's nothing like the UK yarn shows. There are a few more indie dyers in Australia now which is great but most of the Australian knitters I know rely on on line supplies usually from USA. Same goes for knitting tools - if you want good needles they're hard to find.

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No, decent wool is not that easy to come by - you can usually source bog standard Cleckheaton or Patons but UK is miles ahead when it comes to variety. Bendigo Woollen Mills or Wangaratta Woollen Mills are not bad and Morris & sons have a reasonable range but there's nothing like the UK yarn shows. There are a few more indie dyers in Australia now which is great but most of the Australian knitters I know rely on on line supplies usually from USA. Same goes for knitting tools - if you want good needles they're hard to find.
just assumed with all the sheep...actually my sister buts her jumpers from a company called woollovers not far from me. she can buy jumpers and get them shipped to oz cheaper than I can when they are just around the corner. good jumpers to.
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Ah but knitters don't make their own jumpers because they're cheaper - it's a love of yarn kinda thing!


When I return to Australia my wool stash will probably need a container of its own LOL


Sorry, should have been woolovers, and yes I agree.

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