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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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And then there are parts ignored by the majority of the press, have a watch of this :-




There is a massive culture gap, that can't carry on. And it shouldn't be the West moving towards them, we should continue to move further away and it's up to them to catch up.

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........a good read thankyou parley...!


We cannot avert our eyes or turn our backs. To slam the door in the face of these families would betray our deepest values. It would deny our own heritage as nations, including the United States of America, that have been built by immigrants and refugees. And just as failure to act in the past - for example, by turning away Jews fleeing Nazi Germany - is a stain on our collective conscience, I believe history will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment."

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Half of all Australians support a ban on Muslim immigration, a new poll has found.


Two thirds agree that Pauline Hanson is not scared to tackle issues that other politicians are too afraid to.




Well as Hanson is a populist, with little perceived chance of real power, she can sound of on a number of things. With real power comes responsibility. Few holding the reigns can speak so openly, but in other ways usually manage to blunt her advance. Note Howard in 96 and later.

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I'm not sure there are many other dogma's, and most things can be countered with facts and evidence.


"Because my god said so" is a massive hurdle to get over for the hard of thinking.


Morality is a social construct, and differs to where you are. Your sister posting on instagram - it's your moral obligation to kill her in some backwards places, again because of a book.



I'd suggest that the west has a good handle on morality and humanity. Okay, there can always be improvements, but we are at least moving (and in the right direction).

The west's grip on morality and humanity only looks impressive on a comparative basis not on a absolute basis, the west where the USA holds people without charge and holds prisoners in solitary confinement for years, sells firearms to anyone with money to buy, Israel holds children in adult prisons and indulges in community punishments, the UK holds refugees without charges and without clear knowledge of their future, Australia holds refugees in concentration camps indefinitely, all examples of how the west's human rights record only looks good in comparison to the barbarities of other groups.

The USA is a country with a very strong fundamentalist Christian ethos, the UK has a very strong Christian ethos, Israel is the Jewish homeland and Australia has a very strong Christian bedrock and yet all have and are involved in behaviours that hardly look moral or humane when examined in isolation.

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The west's grip on morality and humanity only looks impressive on a comparative basis not on a absolute basis, the west where the USA holds people without charge and holds prisoners in solitary confinement for years, sells firearms to anyone with money to buy, Israel holds children in adult prisons and indulges in community punishments, the UK holds refugees without charges and without clear knowledge of their future, Australia holds refugees in concentration camps indefinitely, all examples of how the west's human rights record only looks good in comparison to the barbarities of other groups.

The USA is a country with a very strong fundamentalist Christian ethos, the UK has a very strong Christian ethos, Israel is the Jewish homeland and Australia has a very strong Christian bedrock and yet all have and are involved in behaviours that hardly look moral or humane when examined in isolation.


True, and you haven't even mentioned conflicts in places like Vietnam and Iraq. And a long history of supporting or propping up some of the foulest despots across the globe solely for supporting strategic interests.

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You're one who doesn't want any action taken against despots.


I think we need much stronger action. Obama has been very weak.

Which despot are you going to put in your sights, Assad, Putin, Erdogan, Sisi, Netanyahu, Duterte, the so called Saudi royal family, god knows how many in central Africa, Mugabi, Pakistans leaders.

I suspect that Obama has little faith in his military, they have hardly covered themselves in glory since WW2, Grenada, Vietnam, Laos, how many times have they fired on their allies, I share your frustration about the Syria debacle but I think he sees a war with Russia poor return for taking on another failed state to sort out and it's not like it's in his backyard.

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Presumably you are not referring to the likes of Saudi Arabia - as they are our despots.


Ruled by one, if not the most dangerous and corrupt families on earth. A major threat to Middle East and international peace, whose richness and anti communist rhetoric has bought then rich and powerful friends in the West, even though a major sponsor of terrorism.

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Don't you ?

Putin is actually incredibly popular in Russia and wins easily.


Mugabe just won last time.


I don't know much about Assad.


Mugabe won through terrorising the opposition in Zimbo. Thankfully he can't have long to run, at his advanced age.


Putin is a completely different kettle of fish. Russians have always appreciated string leadership. He is a potential danger partly due to this.


Assad is popular within his faction.

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The Asian invasion is still happening. You post yourself on how many Chinese buyers are pushing up house prices, especially at the top end. Look at the worry about Chinese interests buying up land, businesses and giving out favours for influence on politicians and businessmen. Was only a couple of weeks ago that Sam Dastiari had to resign.

Joe Hockey was trying to stop a lot of Chinese buying up top properties in Aus, mostly in Sydney.

I think she had a point then and she does now.


By Chinese buyers I am speaking about overseas investors not living in Australia. Nor forgetting the abuse of temporally residents on student visa's and the like, flaunting rather generous regulations around short term stayers.


Joe Hockey did too little to correct the outrage and too late. Far too many politicians and former politicians lobbying as part of the China Gravy Train, in my book. In that sense Hanson can certainly be of use, as long as she doesn't allow herself to be side tracked by some very ugly forces to the right of Australian politics. The hate Muslim lobby is clouding extremely a far more important issue.

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The west's grip on morality and humanity only looks impressive on a comparative basis not on a absolute basis, the west where the USA holds people without charge and holds prisoners in solitary confinement for years, sells firearms to anyone with money to buy, Israel holds children in adult prisons and indulges in community punishments, the UK holds refugees without charges and without clear knowledge of their future, Australia holds refugees in concentration camps indefinitely, all examples of how the west's human rights record only looks good in comparison to the barbarities of other groups.

The USA is a country with a very strong fundamentalist Christian ethos, the UK has a very strong Christian ethos, Israel is the Jewish homeland and Australia has a very strong Christian bedrock and yet all have and are involved in behaviours that hardly look moral or humane when examined in isolation.


The US is awful for what it does. For the "Land of the Free", it has more people in prison per-capita than any other "Free" country. But it's not throwing gays off buildings, or beheading unbelievers.


Israel I'd not class as Western. It's in the middle east, with all the religious problems that brings. Only propped up because of the US. Really needs it's funding stopped, and to stand on it's own. Same with Saudi, another awful country that's too big for it's boots because of the US.


Australia, we don't have any concentration camps. We are not Nazi Germany. We are not gassing minorities.


And your idea of Christian values are a bit rose tinted. The Bible is full of awful things to justify what ever atrocities you want.


"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”

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Ruled by one, if not the most dangerous and corrupt families on earth. A major threat to Middle East and international peace, whose richness and anti communist rhetoric has bought then rich and powerful friends in the West, even though a major sponsor of terrorism.


I would honestly love to see it fail. Economically it seems to be happening.

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I would honestly love to see it fail. Economically it seems to be happening.


The Saudi regime is one I have long rallied against. Learnt about its evils decades ago from dissents in London, along with the double standards of its ' royalty' in behaviour on the London scene. The death of a princess back in the eighties may stir the memories of some. Long before the Saudi's took an active interest in even more sinister developments of course.


I do hope you are right. And if the regime falls, the replacement is of the order the people deserve. Quite a few Saudi students coming to Australia these days. A few do stay on here also. Have come across two now that obtained PR personally.

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The US is awful for what it does. For the "Land of the Free", it has more people in prison per-capita than any other "Free" country. But it's not throwing gays off buildings, or beheading unbelievers.


Israel I'd not class as Western. It's in the middle east, with all the religious problems that brings. Only propped up because of the US. Really needs it's funding stopped, and to stand on it's own. Same with Saudi, another awful country that's too big for it's boots because of the US.


Australia, we don't have any concentration camps. We are not Nazi Germany. We are not gassing minorities.


And your idea of Christian values are a bit rose tinted. The Bible is full of awful things to justify what ever atrocities you want.


"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”


Australia doesn't have concentration camps, well not on Australian shores anyway, but we are not as ' free', as some may like to suggest. We are a nation governed by regulation with regards to what we may and may not do, some of these being rather petty. We tend to be not an outgoing nation in displaying emotion and dissent and are far too compliant and complacent with the system and the laws that are art of everyday life nibbling away at our freedoms and rights and creating in part greater angst.

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Should US let go all the rapists, murderers and drug dealers go so they can proudly call themselves the land of the free ?


What they could do of course is seek to address the imbalances within society. The fact that people that came within a whisper of collapsing the system and getting of scot free, that some sixty odd black folk have been shot this month throughout the nation, most thankfully not fatally, that most in death row are black, that certain states executes at rather alarming rates. Hardly call themselves the brave either under such circumstances.

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Don't you ?

Putin is actually incredibly popular in Russia and wins easily.


Mugabe just won last time.


I don't know much about Assad.

Putin is an unreconstructed nationalist with ambitions to create his own dynasty, as with Erdogan, Mugabe the same and with Assad, they have no interest in democracy other than realising they need it as window dressing in order to sit at the top conference table.

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