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6 month update


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Well, it is now 6 months since we arrived back in the UK after 8 years in WA.


We we lived all our time in WA in Mandurah and would highly recommend it for anyone heading to WA. Great beaches, much more affordable and plenty of attractions.


But, we are very glad to be back.


Most on here know it was mainly lack of work that resulted in the move back and while we loved our time in Australia, it wasn't until we came back that we realised being forced to come back was actually a big favour to us as we had forgotten what we liked about the UK.


I was very lucky to find a job prior to moving and that helped hugely. In fact, we couldn't have done it otherwise. We were very broke by the time our Oz adventure ended and we had to sell everything to pay for the move. So, we landed with a suit case each and the little dog.


But, six months on and we have pretty much established ourselves. There is still stuff I would like - a food processor is next. But, nothing essential. We were very lucky to have kindness of family and friends who supplied essentials and gumtree was great.


We initially moved to the South East to an Air BnB in the village of Binfield which is lovely and then a rental in Windsor which has been a great experience.


But, we quickly realised that while we like Windsor, we could never afford to buy here and even renting is painful. It is also a bit more urban for us. Although a small town we prefer a rural life.


So, I decided to job hunt again and have had a lot of positive results and we have just accepted a job in Scotland. So, as I write, my wife is up there looking at houses. We think we have found the perfect pcottage in a tiny hamlet of 40 houses but about half hour walk to a very pretty small market town. For a fraction of the South East.


We have had a very good summer and spring. We arrived to one of those magical spring days on England can do. Cold with a heavy frost and everywhere glistening white but warm in the sun with clear blue sky. Since then, we had a wash out July but the rest being a wonderful summer. If anything too hot!!!


we have spent loads of time enjoying the countryside and foraging. This week will be elderberry for sauce, plums, apples and others. That has been great fun and the Great Park is truly great for it.


We we have been able to spend lots of time with friends and family which has been important to us and we never really understood how much we missed the until now.


Not everything has been perfect, but, nothing in life ever is. My wife did miss the house we had built in WA as we had not had it long and she had poured her heart and soul into it. This is what I was most worried about before the move. But, she now is also very glad to be back and likes the fact she no longer has a stupidly big place to clean for 2 of us. In fact, she is going a bit too much the other way and keeps pointing at places I think are too small.


So, all I can say is we have enjoyed our experience but are very glad to be home.


The only genuine addition I can make ...and it is genuine ....everyone I know is rammed out with work ..contractors naming their price again ....its going north of £180 a day again

Rammed....i also met a bloke today who sells and supplies land rover parts ...since brexit he's rammed out as well...much demand from the continent

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God they ruin scotland lol hate them. I thought i could feel a few the other day but no bites yet. I dont r remember getting too many bites though. Definitely a few but i got absolutely attacked by mosquitos on the east coast to the point that i was almost crying :laugh:


Shame we cant get rid of midges and mosquitos in the world lol

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God they ruin scotland lol hate them. I thought i could feel a few the other day but no bites yet. I dont r remember getting too many bites though. Definitely a few but i got absolutely attacked by mosquitos on the east coast to the point that i was almost crying :laugh:


Shame we cant get rid of midges and mosquitos in the world lol

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if you've lived in Mandurah (Western Australia) or anywhere is Australia, flies and midgies are not an issue. Glad to hear you've settled VERYSTORMY, if you had house in Mandurah (I'm in Port Kennedy, Rockingham) unfortunately the house prices did take a bit of hit. Perth in general with the down turn in work. We had it good for some years and shame about the mining / oil & gas - perhaps you work in oil and gas heading off to Scotland - best of luck.

Hoping to get job in Farmborough myself if they put more out early next year, fingers crossed.

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