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Static Caravans for rent or for sale


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Hi, Does anyone know of any static caravan sites anywhere between Sydney & Newcastle that have caravans for sale and that would allow my wife and I to stay in Australia for extended periods to see our grand-daughter grow up? A link to their www would be most appreciated.

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Hi, Does anyone know of any static caravan sites anywhere between Sydney & Newcastle that have caravans for sale and that would allow my wife and I to stay in Australia for extended periods to see our grand-daughter grow up? A link to their www would be most appreciated.


Hi johnboy 100. This was an idea my husband and I had a few years ago, for similar reasons, but when we googled ( and googled and googled) caravans, static, we found that caravans in Oz seem to be nothing like the ones here. For a start the ones we found were horrendously expensive compared to the UK, while being nothing like the beautiful vans you can get over here. The only decent places we saw were called 'relocatable homes' which were better, but cost a hundred thousand dollars plus in the Sydney area. The only vans that seem to offer anything like the luxury you can get here from £20.000 were camper vans, which were smaller and expensive because they had engines!


I finished my search feeling totally disillusioned, but would be absolutely delighted to hear that I was mistaken and that decent caravans at reasonable prices do exist in au.

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"static caravans" is an English expression which is why it is hard to Google in an Australian context. Try "on site caravans" and look for cabins in caravan parks. Many caravan parks have moved to install cabins for rental rather than caravans. On ebay you can often find caravans permanently in place in caravan parks that you buy from the owner and pay a site rental to keep it there. Many retirees own these as cheaper alternatives to holiday homes.


Good luck!

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There still is/ used to be a site in burns beach in Perth, (haven't been there for a while, so may have gone), so I imagine there is similar on the east coast. I can't imagine staying in one in summer though. It would be like sleeping in an oven.

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Don't even think about it. Static Caravan Parks in Australia are bad news, full Of Undesirables.Nothing At All Like The Ones In the UK. Buy A Touring Caravan is a Different Story.


Another gross generalisation from the expert on all things Aussie. I've stayed at many and never once had a problem. "Static" means that the caravans stay on site and there's literally hundreds of static sites where the vans are rented out to short lets for tourists and they don't allow permanent tenants. Most sites that I've visited that do have permanent residents consist of mostly retirees who've downsized to "live near the water" or they are used as weekenders. "Trailer trash" sites are few and far between.

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Caravan parks are great! Stayed at Prevelly Park south of the Margret River area some years ago, hardly any food in stock, but the best darn bottle shop I've ever seen! Slept in something a bit like a wooden garden shed, with plastic patio furniture inside, cold tap and a baby belling. Bliss......

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