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Nurses moving back to the UK


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I am a registered nurse and have recently moved back to the UK, it took about four months to get my registration sorted out only because some of the original forms were wrongly filled out. You need your current manager and a referee to fill in parts of the forms too. Just login to the NMC website and follow the details for re registration. Think the NMC give you a time frame once the forms are in of 6-12 weeks so it depends how busy they are at the time. Good luck with your return to the NHS, I'm not enjoying it at all for a number of reasons.

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I was wondering if anybody can assist me with a contact for a NMC registered nurse to complete my reflective discussion form. I am an RN in Aust but have kept up my UK registration. As we have to revalidate this year, I have completed everything except I cannot find a UK registered nurse to discuss my reflective accounts with and sign the form and time is running out now

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There are no nmc nurses where I am, I work in a remote area in western Australia. The nmc says it must be a UK nurse to complete one of the forms or I will lose my registration, its only one page

Does it have to be a nurse working with you?Is there any way of using one from back home? Can you hold this discussion by phone?

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It does not have to be a nurse you work with as long as they have a current nmc number and you have discussed your five written reflective accounts with them, they just sign the form. They prefer a face to face discussion or video link but I have an email stating I can do it by phone. If there is anyone that could help and can send me your email I can give you a call. Mine is due by next week and I don't want to lose my registration because of this last form. I have spent months preparing it and attending courses at my own expense. I can also help someone if they need the same as I am currently registered with the nmc. Thanks

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It does not have to be a nurse you work with as long as they have a current nmc number and you have discussed your five written reflective accounts with them, they just sign the form. They prefer a face to face discussion or video link but I have an email stating I can do it by phone. If there is anyone that could help and can send me your email I can give you a call. Mine is due by next week and I don't want to lose my registration because of this last form. I have spent months preparing it and attending courses at my own expense. I can also help someone if they need the same as I am currently registered with the nmc. Thanks

Not a nurse, so I can't help you I'm afraid, but presumably you could at a push talk to a nurse backin the UK and express post them the form to sign?

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Just catching up on this I am re validating and moved here in January. I did a lot of legwork before I left. Worked in gp land so lots of reflective chat and regular pdp things.. So thankfully all I needed to do was write it up to let my old boss read it and then I can re validate. You only need to say you have done it all when u go onto nmc online but they expect it uploaded ASAP if you are asked for proof. I'm sure it's nmc site you can find forms on.. I'm keeping it for next 3yrs and hopefully by then I know if we're here forever or not... But my understanding was a foreign nurse could sign us off... Current manager.. Ideally they want nmc registered...

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They definitely want an nmc registered nurse to sign the reflective form. An Australian nurse can sign the confirmation form but not the reflective one.

So do you not know anyone in the UK that can work through it with you? Any nurses you worked with back home that you are still in touch with?

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I've just seen this thread and it has got me thinking. I plan to head to Oz in Jan 2017 if not sooner- visa depending. My NMC will be due to expire in March 2017 and I am due for revalidation. But I wasn't planning on renewing my NMC mostly because I don't plan to work in the uk as I will be setting up life in Oz. Am I missing something and should I should be keeping my registration going???? I figured that if it didn't work out in Oz I could return home to England and be able to prove that I have been a nurse elsewhere in the world. Is this not right?? I never intended on having to pay for registration to AHPRA and NMC.


could someone please clear this up for me!! Thank you xx

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If it doesn't work out and you end up back in uk you will need to re register again with all paperwork and time etc that entails so I decided to keep my nmc registration just in case....if I need to go back quickly it's less hassle and I can work straight away...plus if they change rules on registering then I don't need to worry either

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I've been here in oz for 20 years and i finally let my registration go 11 years ago. Now I want to return to the UK and I'm having to go through the hassle of re-registration. It takes 2 to 6 weeks after they receive all the paperwork to assess your application - I'm on week 5. Never say never!

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