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How to break the news that we've been granted PR visa?


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Life does tend to get in the way of big decisions like this.....family or personal illness, pregnancy, economic news etc etc. Sometimes as a couple you have to take considered risks especially when opportunities such as migration are at stake. Myself and my wife only ever applied for PR in Aus in case we lost our jobs or simply as a back up plan. After a great Australian holiday the proposition became much more attractive and decided to make the move whilst everybody in UK was fit and well and would not miss us too much.


Moving will cost you some money but not moving will cost you life experiences which are much more valuable.


Personally we are happy that we moved, maybe not perminantly but certainly for the next decade or so. Be open with each other, supportive and see it as a joint adventure not just one persons dream.....believe me, a great country with many slightly different problems to UK and yes most people who move still have to get up and work each day.....same or simular cr@p just a different country!




But you made the decision as a couple, like many or most of us did on here. I am struggling to see the parallels with the OP, who just wants to browbeat somebody into it as far as I can tell.


I think I had a wonderful life experience in moving to Australia and back, but I would not underestimate or belittle the life experiences of my friends and family that have not lived overseas but have still made a fabulous life for themselves.

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I was really surprised when I read this post. From the title, I assumed you needed to break the news to family members that you would be leaving behind. When I discovered it was your partner, I couldn't believe you'd got this far without being on the same page regarding migration.


Definately time for a frank and honest discussion before you proceed any further. Good luck to you both.

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I was really surprised when I read this post. From the title, I assumed you needed to break the news to family members that you would be leaving behind. When I discovered it was your partner, I couldn't believe you'd got this far without being on the same page regarding migration.


Definately time for a frank and honest discussion before you proceed any further. Good luck to you both.


Yes, I thought the same thing too - breaking the news to family members and friends ............................... not to a partner.

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Marisa, I didn't read it that she was trying to coerce him, I just read delay. It reminded me of my ex husband who kept putting hurdles in the way of us starting a family then years later admitted he didn't want kids. Better to clear it up now.


Exactly right. It's not unusual for people to use delaying tactics rather than admit they don't want to do something.


Some people think they're being kind by avoiding the issue and letting the other person still have their dream. Then you get the people who just hate confrontation and will do or say anything rather than risk a big argument.

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You need to have both parties on board.


Wasting your time otherwise.


We have my OH's risk averse public sector sister in law ringing my OH weekly saying we're making a 'huge mistake' in moving.


I'm this close to telling her to f*ck off.




Your other half's sister in law? Wouldn't that be your sister? Lol



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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If in doubt don't ! We planned our emigration in 1981 after having a great holiday in Oz It was Maggie Thatcher times and getting tough in the UK But as we got to crunch time I had a change of heart not wanting to leave my elderly parents in the UK We talked it through as a family and made the move thinking of our teenage kids future We settled well got jobs etc straight away but the pull to hone was always there for my parents 2001 we moved back to the UK to look after Mam 2006 we moved back to Oz when Mam went into a home But the pull for the UK was always there do 2013 we moved back again Big mistake and we moved back earlier this year to have our family close I love Australia but if I am honest my heart lies in England we both feel that way If we had our time again would we emigrate No we wouldn't as in lots of ways it's torn at us so often If one partner is in doubt then I would say don't !

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