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Urgent advice needed


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Not been on here for a long time, been busy packing up.. I'm a few months late but I'm leaving on the 27th of June.. Major problem is that I forgot to get my daughter a uk passport in time and I'm Being told that Singapore airlines won't let her board the flight from Perth to London. I have applied for her uk passport but I won't get it back in time

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Does she have an Australian one?


My wife had a expired UK passport and a valid Oz one, she boarded using the Oz one and then showed the expired UK one at Heathrow. She got a bit of a telling off, but that was all.


If not, try calling the passport number and seeing if you can get an emergency one.

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Ah a first time applicant - the advice is to call the British Embassy for information, have you talked to them? She can enter UK on her Australian passport anyway so not sure why SA are saying they wouldn't let her board the leg to London. She would get a stamp at Heathrow saying a 6 month visit but if you take all documents attesting to her UK citizenship they might give you a bit of a hassle but it shouldn't be a long term problem.

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Got told that she as she has an Australian passport and she is a British national she has to fly to the uk on her British passport. It's all very confusing, spoke to the uk consulate in Perth, Sydney, Australian consuLate and Singapore airlines and it's like a hot patotoe with them all saying different things

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Stop panicking. She is fine.


She can fly on her Australian one. She will be granted a visa for 6 months on arrival in the UK. However, once her UK passport is granted, that will cancel the visa and she will just be a UK citizen.


Bristolman had to do the same thing.

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I'm just a bit worried as the uk consulate said she wouldn't be able to board the flight as she is on a one way ticket and doesn't have the correct travel documents as a British national cannot get a holiday visa on a Australian passport

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My wife flew on her Australian passport with a one way ticket - they didn't know she was a UK citizen with a expired UK passport and it was no hassle. Australian citizens are granted a visa on arrival

And that's what I thought, but I have been advised that a uk citizen who doesn't hold a uk passport cannot get a 6 month holiday visa in their Australian passport

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And that's what I thought, but I have been advised that a uk citizen who doesn't hold a uk passport cannot get a 6 month holiday visa in their Australian passport


You've been told that, but you've just had a few people tell you that in reality, it wasn't a problem for them. So if I were you I'd stop worrying.


Bottom line is that she can't be refused entry to the UK once she's there, because she can prove she's a British national. So the only hurdle is being allowed on the plane.


My husband flew to the UK on an Australian passport in May last year. He had a spouse visa but the airline never asked about it or checked it - it's none of their business.

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Both our boys boarded our flight on Australian passports with one way tickets and there was no problem at all either end. They were given 6 month visas here but that was only because the nice lady at the airport said they have to put something in the passport. I think you are being given bad info.

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We had the same thing. We didn't realise the kids needed passports until maybe 3 weeks before we were due to fly. We applied for passports from Australia. I believe they were processed in NZ. It was a very stressful time as we weren't sure if we'd get them in time but they did, thank goodness. I can't remember now how long it took I'm afraid as it was 2.5 years ago. We changed our flights to give them a little longer to get to us but I think they did actually come in time for our original flight.

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I'm really not sure why people are being given this misinformation to be honest. All it seems to do is cause stress and worry unnecessarily.

Certainly does mate.. We're on a flight on the 27th to Heathrow .. Watch this space

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