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Can you negotiate on rental prices?


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I can tell you how it works in Melbourne, the real estate usually have a open house at a set date and time, all interested potential tenants can have a look around during that time, there is nothing to stop you offering less, but if the property is in a popular area you might find someone else has offered the asking price, sometimes people even offer a bit more to try and guzump everyone else.

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You can, but it will depend how desperate the landlord is as to whether it gets accepted. I've found that my agents, at least, have an extremely good idea of what people are willing to pay and will set prices accordingly; it's not in their interest to have vacancies as they aren't getting their 8% commission while there's no rent coming in. When I've had a good bit of notice of a tenant leaving I've tried setting rent $20 or so above what the agent recommended, just to see if there were any bites; nothing, ever. As soon as I dropped it to the recommended rate, offers came in.


So if you're in an area where there's no real rental market you can try, but in general you probably won't be successful unless you can offer something above and beyond, like sign up for 2 years or something.

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High demand means lucky if you can get the place. Its like that around where I live, turn up to the open inspection with lots of others. Anything decent then high demand. Pay more seems to be the norm for good property.

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We did in Sydney when we rented, but that was over seven years ago and there wasn't such a big demand for rentals as there seems to be now. We managed to get a bit off the weekly cost and they also included pool maintenance and a gardener, and we offered six months rent up front. However, this was negotiated through a relocation agent that OH's company had paid for before, I'm not sure that we would have been as successful had we negotiated for ourselves. Probably worth a shot though, if there isn't too much demand for the property and if you could offer something like six months rent up front.

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just wondering if rental prices are set in stone or if it is acceptable to offer lower than the asked weekly rental? FYI we are moving to the Central Coast NSW.


Many thanks!


Well the worst that can happen is you are turned down, you could always try once or twice and see what happens. But I don't think it is the norm, for good properties there tends to be more people than properties and you might find you could well find you are in competition with a number of others.

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just wondering if rental prices are set in stone or if it is acceptable to offer lower than the asked weekly rental? FYI we are moving to the Central Coast NSW.


Many thanks!


Right now there are lots of vacant houses on the Central Coast, but the best ones still go straight away. So this strategy might work on a house that wasn't as attractive as others.



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