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Hi, we currently hold expired 175 skilled migration visas. We were weighing the options of applying for either a brand new skilled visa or an RRV. Obviously an RRV would be easier and cheaper but I'm uncertain about whether we would qualify. Our only potential tie back to OZ would be a job offer. We have no property, family or other substantial ties to OZ but my husbands job is in demand so was thinking a job offer would be a possibility. I have heard however that a job offer would qualify. It would have to be some kind of pre-existing and ongoing employment. Does anyone have any experience of this? From the information I've read online a job offer would seem OK.


All help very very gratefully received.

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How long do eyou live in Australia for?


A job offer is something, nobody can say if you would be successful with a RRV application, but you won't know unless you try. I think. you might as well.

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Hi thanks, less than 2 years. I think about 15 months in total. It's a questions of timing really. If it wasn't for the cost then I'd probably do the new app. As that would give us 5 years whereas an RRV would give us a year at most I think.

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Hi thanks, less than 2 years. I think about 15 months in total. It's a questions of timing really. If it wasn't for the cost then I'd probably do the new app. As that would give us 5 years whereas an RRV would give us a year at most I think.


Well a RRV is a few hundred dollars. You could apply for just one of you to test the water and you will soon have your answer and know whether you need to proceed with the brand new skilled migrant application.

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SAP consultant - I think on the skills list he's a schedule 1 ICT something or other. It's a question of timing really we don't want to go back yet but he will be 39 in May so in that sense having a 5 year window would be helpful whereas for an RRV you would need a job offer and any employer is not going to wait around.

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SAP consultant - I think on the skills list he's a schedule 1 ICT something or other. It's a question of timing really we don't want to go back yet but he will be 39 in May so in that sense having a 5 year window would be helpful whereas for an RRV you would need a job offer and any employer is not going to wait around.


Well if you are sure you won't move within the year you might as save the few hundred dollars on the RRV and just go straight for the new visa application. This seems more like a life decision you need to make in terms of what to do.

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Thanks all. My concern with the RRV was just that question of the job offer. Is an offer sufficient in itself?


As has been said, there is absolutely no way of knowing. There is no rhym or reason to the granting of RRVs, you just have to apply and see.

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If you are not going to move in a year, then I would not apply for an RRV as at the moment, I would say you have a chance of an RRV, but if you apply now and they only grant a 12 month RRV and you don't use it, they would be unlikely to grant another

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